Hiya, British newbie here :)

Hiya, I've been looking through the posts and it seems everyone here seems to be from the states or canada etc... are there any more brits? lol I'm Helen mum of 2, a daughter of 10 years and a son of 5, I love sci fi and cake!! Well trying not to love the cake too much anymore! haha feel free to add me x x x :) look forward to chatting


  • Add this woman and I, we need the motivation!
  • Brummie here - you can tell us English/Scots/Welsh/Irish - cos we have no idea what 'cups' are!
  • RobertCu
    RobertCu Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome to the Board! I visited London a few years ago, and British women have very nice legs.
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    There's a Team UK Group - a lot of Brits just post there :wink:
    Feel free to join and meet like minded people!
  • squires03071986
    squires03071986 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, my name is Jo and I am a mum to a 3 year old.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    hi from northants.
    a cup in cooking is ... 250 ml
    unless you mean cup size ..... then it depends how big the bust is.
  • Hiya, I'm new and British too! Add me :)
  • There are loads of British on here... technically I am Canadian but I've lived in the UK for 8 years...I am hoping this makes me an honorary Brit!

  • ElizaDnl
    ElizaDnl Posts: 46
    Hi, I'm married to a Brit and we used to live in UK, but now live in the Netherlands. That's sort of close, isn't it? I'll send you a FR anyway :)
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    Hahaha oooh you lovlies had made me laugh!! cups and cups LOL glad to meet you all, I'm trying to not eat my usual mountain of carbs and swapping bread and tatties for healthier stuff,, it's hell! hahahah. Saw a pic of myself last weekend and just cried and cried so I though right... get off your *kitten* and do something!
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    Hahah brilliant, love it!
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    I only know because my friend brings me back pumpkin bread mix from america and they got me a " cup" measure!
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    haha not mine dear! lol
  • kerryjudson
    kerryjudson Posts: 137 Member
    asda sell measuring cups, my daughter bought me some and they are really useful for the american recipes
  • Welcome TC!! Oh no! I've opened up the whole cup of worms thing again - can't we have our own unit of measurement - a mug?
    Not sure how it would work for the brassieres tho!
  • I'm a British newbie too. Born in London, now living in Essex, I have three grown up children, 30, 28 & 25. I blame the last one for my weight gain, I was fine until then, lol. Need to lose lots of weight, have no motivation so have joined this site in hope of being inspired by others journeys.:smile:
  • guloo
    guloo Posts: 2 Member
    Another UK newbie here from High Wycombe :-)
  • cleorh
    cleorh Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Feel free to add me. I am in the UK, From the North East but living in the Midlands.

    Always need more friends xxx
  • I'm new too and living in the UK. Have loads of weight to lose, especially as we are going away in November and I weigh the most I have ever weighed.
  • Chocolate_Queen
    Chocolate_Queen Posts: 59 Member
    Hello! I'm in Cheshire. Feel free to add me. x