Easing into workout videos

I am contemplating beginning a workout regime that includes a work out video. I've heard that P90x and Insanity are great, but I kind of want to ease into those. I am looking for a 30-day program that will get me started.

I am fairly fit, I do calisthenics 1-2 times per week and I run 4-6 times per week for 30 minutes to an hour. I also walk everywhere and have a very active job (I waitress 5 nights per week, for about 5 hours on average). I started at 145 pounds and have lost 10-15 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I currently weigh 130-135 pounds (I can never tell because of stupid water weight, so let's say 132 as an average) and am 5'7."

So, any suggestions on good workout videos to start?


  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    KInda depends on what you are looking for..

    Both if you commit will get you in great shape.. If you are looking to muscle tone up a little bit but are on a budget, get Insanity.

    If you already have the equipment and want to pack on some muscle get p90x.. or if you still want the latter and can affrod to go buy all the equipment then by all means..

    I was pretty obese when I started my first round of p90x and I had to modify a lot.. I have since done two rounds and lost a lot of weight, gained good muscle.. I kinda do my own thing now..

    Which ever one you chose, don't ease in Jump in with both feet and get busy
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I haven't tried it myself, so can't give an absolute recommendation, but a lot of people here do, and swear by the 30 Day Shred. I'm pretty sure it isn't as intense as P90X.

    BTW, I first read the title of this post as "Eating into workout videos." I had to look. :)
  • PossumPink
    PossumPink Posts: 25 Member
    30 Day Shred is a great introduction. Its only 25 minutes long and I found that I noticed a difference in my endurance quickly.
  • Thank-you, everyone. I would like to do the 30-day shred. That sounds my speed. Plus, I am not really in a position to go out and buy any equipment. I have heard the 30-day shred is good for people in my position because you only really require a yoga mat (if on a hard floor) or a towel if on a carpet, and 2 5-pound weights or full water bottles.