help! I hate exercise!

Hi all, Im just feeling really low right now because I just cant seem to find the motivation to exercise, today I tried to start 30 day shred but gave up after about 5 minutes! i just can't seem to get into working out at all. any advice on how I can somehow motivate myself to workout? any advice would be much appreciated!


  • Have you ever considered looking into a boot camp class? They sound and look very intimidating but if you get into the right kind of class with the right instructors they aren't at all. Like you, I really struggle to stay motivated to work out on my own. I might be able to get to the gym on a regular basis but I would rarely finish a planned workout. With the boot camps, I find that I have no trouble staying for the whole hour. I am pretty sure that this would be true of really any group fitness classes such as spinning, kickboxing, jazzercise or rumba and the like.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Exercise is essential for a healthy life, but for weightloss, primarily it starts in the kitchen.

    There are a few approaches to the exercise problem. One would be to find an exercise you like. Biking? walking? swimming? Gyms offer tons of different classes. Believe it or not, exercise CAN be fun! The other approach would be more along the lines of "Just do it!" Don't make excuses! If you only have 5 minutes in ya, do 5 minutes. But the next day do a little more and work you way up to 30-60minutes. You will create a habit after 3 weeks or so and it won't be so hard, really.

    Also, keep in mind to make YOUrself a priority! Why are you wanting to get fit/healthy? Keep that in the forefront. If you are anything like me, I always willing to do what has to be done for my family/kids, (runing errands, chaeffeuring etc) which I don't WANT to do, but I do it. So sure, you may not WANT to exercise, but it's important for your health and YOU are important and worthy of it!
  • Exercise is essential for a healthy life, but for weightloss, primarily it starts in the kitchen.

    There are a few approaches to the exercise problem. One would be to find an exercise you like. Biking? walking? swimming? Gyms offer tons of different classes. Believe it or not, exercise CAN be fun! The other approach would be more along the lines of "Just do it!" Don't make excuses! If you only have 5 minutes in ya, do 5 minutes. But the next day do a little more and work you way up to 30-60minutes. You will create a habit after 3 weeks or so and it won't be so hard, really.

    Also, keep in mind to make YOUrself a priority! Why are you wanting to get fit/healthy? Keep that in the forefront. If you are anything like me, I always willing to do what has to be done for my family/kids, (runing errands, chaeffeuring etc) which I don't WANT to do, but I do it. So sure, you may not WANT to exercise, but it's important for your health and YOU are important and worthy of it!

    This. Well said.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    If motivating yourself to do solo activities is hard, or you don't have the stamina, a beginner's class in something you like would be perfect. Maybe something dance-oriented. Going with a friend can work, if you can schedule it.
  • I agree with everything that has been said, 1. find something you like/enjoy, even if it doesn't feel like "exercise", just get yourself moving. 2. Finding a class can be a big help if you're having trouble motivating yourself, it can give you some accountability and company.
    I would just add that maybe you should be trying something less intense for starters. Sometimes if you start out too hard and too fast you burn out before you realize you enjoy it because you never feel good, and you don't allow yourself the opportunity to succeed. Start with going for a walk every evening, or find a simple yoga routine to do 2 or 3 times a week. If you jog, take walk breaks. Body weight exercises are great too for starters, simple and they can be done at home so you don't have to get your bum out the door. Experiment. And take it easy, work your way into the crazy stuff.
    Hope you can get yourself out of your rut, been there its tough.
    Good luck, and remember to have fun.
    If you want help finding something, let me know, I love sifting through all the material out there, just send me a message.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I hate it, too. Pick the one you hate least and set a goal for yourself. It's less horrible if you have a challenge. Example: Go bike as long as you can. If you can only do it for 10 minutes, set a goal of being able to do it for 30 minutes. Can you only do 5 pushups? Make a goal of 25. That's what works for me, trying to beat myself.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Forget "working out" and think in terms of fun activities that you enjoy, the key word being active. You don't need to pump iron or train for a marathon to start improving your fitness (even though both are good ideas in my opinion).

    Is there a particular sport that you enjoyed playing while your were in school? Chances are there's an adult recreational league that you can join.

    Can you commute to work by bike? Surprisingly in many countries people don't think of their bike ride to work as exercise - it's commuting.

    Be creative and open to new ideas, see what you friends are doing - perhaps there's a class you can join that you'd enjoy.
  • jlfred
    jlfred Posts: 65 Member
    What is it that makes you hate it and give up? Is it too hard? Do you get too hot and/or sweaty? Do you get bored?

    If you get bored, try to find something you enjoy doing. Ideally this would mean swimming, or biking, or playing some sort of game/sport. However, even if it means using treadmill time to watch a tv show, that can work to get you started. When I first started exercising I seriously hated it because I was so out of shape. I'd walk on the treadmill at like 2.5 mph and be drenched with sweat and out of breath in about 5 minutes. But I picked out tv shows that I could only watch while on the treadmill -- tv shows with seasonal arcs, so I'd want to find out what happened on the next episode and could only do that by getting on the treadmill. As my endurance and strength increased, I needed that distraction less and less. And, btw, the overheating and excessive sweating slowed down a bit, too. Sure, now when I run 5 miles I get pretty drenched. But I can deal with that -- I'm not getting out of breath just walking, so I can push myself a little more now and then.
  • The right music always helps me, and that's a personal choice. Obviously it should probably be a faster pace however. Also I know this is wrong, but sometimes I'll have a cup of coffee before I go to the gym. Yes it's dehydrating, but I always hydrate while working out. Then while I'm in it my endorfins keep me in it. Also, have you thought about taking a B supplement? It will help your body turn your food into energy, and improves your mood. Good luck!
  • llama726
    llama726 Posts: 8 Member
    Great advice already in this thread. A couple things worked for me: Set a schedule and will yourself through workouts for two weeks (enough time to set habits), and find a cardio activity that you LIKE. I have a gym membership and I go once or twice a week to do weights, some cardio, etc.. I will expand that more later, I'm sure, but I keep two "sessions" a week open for an hour of basketball with a few friends and this week I added tennis, and I've been adding strength exercises to match the sports I play recreationally (leg presses, hip exercises, etc)..

    There's a physiological and a psychological component too! If you're not sleeping well, or if you're feeling depressed or anything like that, you're going to have a harder time with your energy levels. And find the time of day when you feel MOST energetic to work out. Sports worked for me - kept me in good spirits and pushed me to work out hard, but I'm competitive and not shy even though I'm not often the best guy on the court. Not everyone can just go hit the trail and run three miles or do a workout video. The only other thing that helps is pushing out that last 15 minutes or even that workout you didn't want to do. Finishing one workout like that will give you some confidence.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I hated it too, when I first started on MFP. Now I am miserable without it :tongue:
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    find some kind of exercise or activity you enjoy. there has to be something. start with that and go from there.
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    I hate working out!! It bores the pants off of me.
    So, I cycle. I give myself a reason to cycle. Like, I cant be arsed walking to uni, so Ill move far enough away that I cant.
    Therefore I have to bike in.
    I also struggle with motivation. So, Ill take the bike to the river. Sit in the park and cycle home again.

    Find something you enjoy doing, and see if you can multi-task it with something else.

    If you dont exercise regularly, even walking will keep you limber and mentally more active.
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Self-talk can play a big role here.....if you keep telling yourself "I hate exercise" then you will.

    Try something you might like and tell yourself how much you liked it, how good it made you feel, etc.

    It might sound corny but it works. Basic principles of cognitive behaviour therapy!
  • Peteshaped
    Peteshaped Posts: 37 Member
    If this is the first time you are starting exercise, I wouldn't go for something regimented and daily. Start with a few days jogging or rowing and let your body get used to it. You'll start to enjoy the endorphenes - these eventually will get you more towards enjoying exercise like some of us do :)

    Generally, build up to something hardcore from something regular but sustainable.

    If you would like another friend, feel free to add me :)
  • jodilo88
    jodilo88 Posts: 63
    Try dancing! ...even if it's by yourself in the comfort of your own home. LOL.
    You're still burning calories and you'd be having fun even if you "can't dance." I do it all the time and I'm rather uncoordinated. =P
  • lrivera85
    lrivera85 Posts: 35 Member
    Finding what workout is for you. Figure out if walking maybe your type of workout , maybe you'll enjoy that more get a friend or find a fitness group near you. If that's not for you maybe you'll enjoy cardio kickboxing and zumba. There are so many different types of workout there has to be on that you enjoy. See for me i can't do Pilates, yoga, and zumba I just can't get into it. Just experiment with different types you'll find your workout.
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    find something you like, keep trying everything.

    walking around the block even helps.

    try swimming or water aerobics.

    are you pack animal? if so sign up for something like jazzercise or zumba so you can do it with other peeps.

    if you like to be by yourself then take walks on the beach, climb an extra flight of stairs, jump around the house with the music blaring.

    wash the windows, move boxes in and out of your garage.

    just keep moving.

    get a fitbit and keep track of your steps throughout the day.
  • coops9999
    coops9999 Posts: 11 Member
    I have never rally consciously exercised until a few months ago, and I never thought I would enjoy it, but after joining the Y and realizing that I can hop on the elliptical or the bike and 'plug in' to the attached TV, my workouts have become more and more frequent.... An episode of a good show can make me forget that I am there to work out and before I know it 30 minutes has passed and I am sweating like hell :-)

    I also use the thought of being able to treat myself to a few extra calories on the days I work out as additional motivation/reward. I am really in the mood to have a couple of beers this evening so I am on my way to the gym now to make room :-) (I know this can be taken to far, but if you are sensible about it I feel it is a great motivator).

    Good luck and I hope you find something that fits....