Thinking about quitting my trainer. Need opinions please.



  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    2 pros vs. 8 cons-I think you already have your answer...
  • MyTime1207
    MyTime1207 Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry but his priorities aren’t in order when it comes to training. Choose another trainer or training buddy that is motivated. Best of luck for you.
  • LifeChangingExp8512

    ^^^^ this!

    I tained for almost a year. I finally just did it. You shouldl pretty much know what to do., just do it. Also down fitnesstrainer app on phone.. i just did this and its great!!!
  • lope
    lope Posts: 53 Member
    I think you should let him read your post... well most of it.

    Present the pros first then the cons.

    What is in the contract as far as length of time for each session?

    I would for sure express to him your concerns over his professional ism... which is what you are paying for.

    I think you should pay something... he got you to this point... I think it should be pro rated.

    then join a CrossFit Box! :flowerforyou:

    I have paid up until the point I have been with him, Anything I would have paid him on Monday would be for the 2 weeks after. I would not be skipping out on the bill. Just cutting it short. He never had a contract, just some paperwork he kept track of payments on and even then, Id have to remind him to put them on there.

    Yep... you've done your part... move onward and upward!

    Best wishes!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Ditch him.
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    I would quit that trainer, but find another one! You don't need to do cardio with a trainer, IMO. It's a bit of a waste to have them stand there while you walk on the treadmill, you know? But they are soooo beneficial in making sure you're doing your strength training correctly and keeping you motivated. If this one isn't doing it for you, find someone who will. Good luck!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So I am considering cancelling with my trainer. I have 2 weeks left with him that I have not paid for yet and I want an outside opinion before I do.

    In 1 week of detox and 5 weeks of training Ive lost 15lbs.
    He has an infared Sauna that works wonders.

    Recently he has been cancelling appointments last minute.
    He has been cutting down the hour to 45 minutes.
    Sometimes hes asleep while I am in the Sauna or doing Cardio.
    His wife and children are more and more at the studio, his very young children are often fighting and in the area where you work out and his wife and him feel free to squabble in front of the customers.
    He tells me that I need to do my cardio on my own if I want weight loss (What the heck am I paying him for if I am doing that on my own???)
    And, it was brought to my attention that the training he is doing with us is just p90x.
    I barely notice a difference in my body in the areas I really wanted to work.

    I feel like maybe I needed him pushing me in the beginning to get back on track but now, I am determined. I have my gym membership and people who will let me borrow p90x. Opinions????

    fire him. Mostly because of the cancelled appointments and the unprofessional behavior.

    Honestly, you DO need to be doing cardio on your own. Do you really want to pay somebody to stand there and watch you run on the treadmill or do the elliptical? I know I don't. I actually want to hire the PT at my gym, and have already planned to tell him that what I do with him is in addition to my treadmill time. At $30 a session, I would rather pay him to spot me on the weights than stand there and look good while I zone out and let my mind wander on the treadmill.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    When I had a trainer, he never supervised me doing cardio. I would warm up beforehand and do cardio & stretching afterwards on my own. I think this is common. So I personally don't see the issue with that.
    However, all your other negatives are quite glaring.
    I would cancel.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I would have run away at the mention of the word detox . Depending on how he sold the idea of using an infrared sauna (ie benefits it supposedly offers) would have cemented my decision to bolt for the door.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    When I read 1 week of detox, I would've said quit. Did he actually sell you a 'detox'?
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    1 week of detox
    He gave you a liver for a week? because that is what a liver does.
    He has an infared Sauna that works wonders.
    So it made you hot and sweat a lot? cause that is what a sauna does.