coke zero

Counting calories has made me find a new addiction.....

especially coke zero, sprite zero, canned coffee, 28white, sugarfree energy drinks

as you can see ive found a lot
and i find myself drinking a couple everyday..

is this really THAT bad?


  • jebreject
    jebreject Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah probably
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I try to limit myself to 4 a day for coke zero.

    I gave up a few years ago when I got made redundant - as I couldn't justify the caffeine addiction when I didn't need to be alert at a certain time.
    Been getting often 5 or less hours sleep recently (self-employed), so back on them.

    Hasn't caused me any problems and is a big help towards weight loss etc.
  • Gemma1317
    Gemma1317 Posts: 18 Member
    It's low in calories but it does have aspartame in it which has been been linked (but not proven) to loads of health risks including cancer. Do you drink water? Can't beat it for flushing out the toxins :-)
  • kldandjad
    kldandjad Posts: 12 Member
    I too am a coke zero addict... I try, I really do but in the morning I just NEED it :)

    I do water in the afternoon though. I know when I cut out soda altogether before it helped me lose weight. I am trying to slowly cut it out again though, but it is hard!

    Maybe we should start a coke zero support group for recovering addicts!
  • sugarbomb83
    sugarbomb83 Posts: 67 Member
    I LOVE COKE ZERO! I used to drink 3-4 cans per day but am trying to drink only 1 can of diet soda per day and replacing the rest with flavored seltzer water (I love bubbles). Polar Orange Vanilla Seltzer is really good... It smells like a creamsicle.

    If you need the caffeine maybe you can try tea to replace some of your coke zero?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you're not all strung out on them you're probably ok.
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    haha its not the caffeine its the carbonation im addicted to lol.
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    What is the differene between Coke Zero & Diet Coke? I like Coke Zero better, but what is the difference?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    It's a can of chemicals.

    Coke Zero and Diet Coke are actually very similar. Both are low calorie drinks and have exactly the same ingredients – carbonated purified water, colour (caramel 150d), food acids (338 and 331), flavour, artificial sweeteners aspartame (951) and acesulphame potassium (950), preservative (211) and caffeine. The key difference between the two drinks is in the proportions of these ingredients, giving each has a slightly different flavour profile.

    And then there's this:
    The ingredients (as written in bold) are listed on Australian cans of Coke Zero. Water anyone?
    Carbonated water
    Colour (150d) - aka "Sulphite Ammonia Caramel"
    Food acid 338 - aka "Phosphoric Acid" (Also used for rust removal!)
    Food acid 331 - aka "Sodium Citrates" (Also used in photography and as an anticoagulant of blood stored for transfusion!)
    Sweetener 951 - aka "Asapartame" (According to the US FDA, "the [National Cancer Institute] currently is studying aspartame and other dietary factors as part of a larger study of adult brain cancer." You might want to wait for the results before you drink it. Also, avoid this one if you're moody!)
    Sweetener 950 - aka "Acesulfame Potassium" (Looking for reasons to avoid this sweetener? Look no further...)
    Preservative 211 - aka "Sodium Benzoate" (Undiluted this stuff isn't too bad... Just don't let it touch your skin!)

    Sounds right tasty to me.

    Here is a really good read with some links in it as well. Explains the nastiness in nice, easy to understand language.
  • hlinn01
    hlinn01 Posts: 36
    I LOVE COKE ZERO! I used to drink 3-4 cans per day but am trying to drink only 1 can of diet soda per day and replacing the rest with flavored seltzer water (I love bubbles). Polar Orange Vanilla Seltzer is really good... It smells like a creamsicle.

    If you need the caffeine maybe you can try tea to replace some of your coke zero?
  • lope
    lope Posts: 53 Member
    It's a can of chemicals.

    Coke Zero and Diet Coke are actually very similar. Both are low calorie drinks and have exactly the same ingredients – carbonated purified water, colour (caramel 150d), food acids (338 and 331), flavour, artificial sweeteners aspartame (951) and acesulphame potassium (950), preservative (211) and caffeine. The key difference between the two drinks is in the proportions of these ingredients, giving each has a slightly different flavour profile.

    And then there's this:
    The ingredients (as written in bold) are listed on Australian cans of Coke Zero. Water anyone?
    Carbonated water
    Colour (150d) - aka "Sulphite Ammonia Caramel"
    Food acid 338 - aka "Phosphoric Acid" (Also used for rust removal!)
    Food acid 331 - aka "Sodium Citrates" (Also used in photography and as an anticoagulant of blood stored for transfusion!)
    Sweetener 951 - aka "Asapartame" (According to the US FDA, "the [National Cancer Institute] currently is studying aspartame and other dietary factors as part of a larger study of adult brain cancer." You might want to wait for the results before you drink it. Also, avoid this one if you're moody!)
    Sweetener 950 - aka "Acesulfame Potassium" (Looking for reasons to avoid this sweetener? Look no further...)
    Preservative 211 - aka "Sodium Benzoate" (Undiluted this stuff isn't too bad... Just don't let it touch your skin!)

    Sounds right tasty to me.

    I was once told if you can't pronounce the ingredients or if it has more than 5 ingredients... you shouldn't put it in your mouth.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    im addicted, i drink one then a glass of water the next time. i figure its worth the weight loss, hasnt stopped my loss so far. and i could be smoking, drinking, gambling, cheating on my husband. so a few diet drinks are worth it. im done beating myself up about it. and there are chemicals in everything you eat and drink, not just this.
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    I used to drink diet pop, coke zero, energy drinks, etc all the time. I ended up developing an allergy to aspartame to the point of everytime I had anything "sugar free" I had to run for benadryl because I would break out in hives. that lasted for 2 years and slowly is dying out. Now I can have 1 or 2 a week before I break out in hives. I dont recommend regular consumption of aspartame. But if it is helping you go for it, just keep a watch out for any reactions to it.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    I drink Coke zero too, but I have heard that it can inhibit weight loss
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member

    Having done my own research on Pubmed, WebMD, and the Mayoclinic websites, I feel safe making the following claim:

    Moderate consumption of carbonated, caffeinated, diet or non-diet beverages is harmless for most people.

    Some people do react negatively to aspartame (though the evidence here is anecdotal). Some people don't do well with caffeine either.

    But the average person will be just fine.

    For those making the scary claims... it's fear-mongering. "Chemicals" are not evil. Aspartame is just two amino acids bound together. We eat amino acids every day. Splenda is just the racimer of sucrose, meaning it's a backward version that still tastes sweet but that doesn't get digested. Neither have any effect on weight gain or loss despite what others claim (read the science... its right there in Pubmed). And the nonsense about carbonated beverages being too acidic... stomach acid is pH 1 to 2. Your Coke Zero has a pH of around 3. Your stomach can handle it.

    With that out of the way, it's probably NOT a good idea to consume such beverages excessively. I have no real evidence that excessive consumption is bad... just... if you're drinking it at the expense of water... well water is probably better for you in terms of hydration.
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    hmm... maybe will stick to canned coffee then,


    how do u feel about 28white?
    it contains no taurine, artificial flavors, sweeteners colors or preservatives

    only contains acai berries, guarana, vitamin b
    low in cal
    5 per can
    contains'natural sweetners'
    it is a carbonated energy drink.

    this is my drink of choice, but not many people seem to know it.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I stay away from that stuff. I had a Red Bull one night at work (not unusual) and I got home and my heart was racing and I felt weak. That was my last Red Bull. Then, I gave up soda. For me the cravings stopped after a couple of months. A few weeks ago, I was feeling tired so I had half of a Monster Rehab (low cal) energy drink and felt so, so dizzy and sick. Like being drunk only not fun. Never again. If I drank a soda, diet or regular, I would probably die. Lol.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    I was once told if you can't pronounce the ingredients or if it has more than 5 ingredients... you shouldn't put it in your mouth.

    you probably shouldn't eat, well, much of anything, then.

    how about this list?

    water, glucose, fructose, galactose, phenolic glycosides, 6-deoxyaldohexoses (fuctose and rhamnose), saccharose, galacturonans, (1-4) linked D-galactopiranuronic acid, pectin, pectinic acids, polygalacturonic acids, pectinestarase, Citric Acid, L-Malic Acid, D-Isocitric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Succinic Acid, Malonic Acid, Quinic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid, 2-ketogluratic Acid, praline, asparagines, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid and arginine. oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases and lyases, isomerases and ligases, glucosilglucerides, Carotenoids, tetraterpenes, limonin, aslimonoic acid A-ring lactone, neohesperidosides, flavones (3-hydroxyflavanones, 3-dydroxyflavones, O-glycosyl, aglycones C-glycosylflavones, Anthocyanins, (hesperidin, naringin, poncirin, neoheriocitrin, neohesperidin, rhoifolin, rutin, diosmin, sinensetin, auranetin, tangeritin, hydroxyethylrutinosideres, nobiletin cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidina-3.5-diglucoside, peonidin-5-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, petunidin-3-glucoside, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Pholacine, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantotenic acid, Vitamin A.

    That's the "ingredients list" in an orange.
  • I also drink Coke zero and it hasnt inhibited my weight loss. I try to limit myself to one a day max but dont have it every day. sometimes i'll go 5 days without it easy, its not an addiction i just like the taste and the fact the bubbles seem to fill me up so i snack less.

    Just dont go overboard and you will be fine. I avoid the other energy drinks tho as they are not very heart friendly
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Having done my own research on Pubmed, WebMD, and the Mayoclinic websites, I feel safe making the following claim:

    Moderate consumption of carbonated, caffeinated, diet or non-diet beverages is harmless for most people.

    Some people do react negatively to aspartame (though the evidence here is anecdotal). Some people don't do well with caffeine either.

    But the average person will be just fine.

    For those making the scary claims... it's fear-mongering. "Chemicals" are not evil. Aspartame is just two amino acids bound together. We eat amino acids every day. Splenda is just the racimer of sucrose, meaning it's a backward version that still tastes sweet but that doesn't get digested. Neither have any effect on weight gain or loss despite what others claim (read the science... its right there in Pubmed). And the nonsense about carbonated beverages being too acidic... stomach acid is pH 1 to 2. Your Coke Zero has a pH of around 3. Your stomach can handle it.

    With that out of the way, it's probably NOT a good idea to consume such beverages excessively. I have no real evidence that excessive consumption is bad... just... if you're drinking it at the expense of water... well water is probably better for you in terms of hydration.

    Thank you.