Ladies please answer this. How to approach a girl

I just started college on Wednesday and there is this girl in my English class who is absolutely gorgeous, but she came into class after I had found a seat so I sit nowhere close to her. How do I get to talking to her without it being creepy/awkward


  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Work together on a project, or just say hi!
    I met a dreamy guy when I was back in college and it was that much more attractive that he just came up to me with confidence and introduced himself.

    Just be yourself and say hi!
  • kiely13
    kiely13 Posts: 185 Member
    It's college... so unless there are assigned sits for some reason in that class - move closer to her... strike up a conversation.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    Work together on a project, or just say hi!
    I met a dreamy guy when I was back in college and it was that much more attractive that he just came up to me with confidence and introduced himself.

    Just be yourself and say hi!

  • Irish_eyes75
    Slow down killer - you just started Wednesday (like, yesterday or last wedensday??) - so you will have time to get to know her. You'll see her around and at an appropriate time just say hello - don't be weird or creepy.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    If it's a class she appears to enjoy, you can always ask her a question pertaining to the class. It's a good start...
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    It's college... so unless there are assigned sits for some reason in that class - move closer to her... strike up a conversation.

    I agree. Move closer to her. Talk to her and get to know her. It is college, people are usually game for anything. Plus, it is the start of Freshman year, people do not have their "set friends" yet, usually. Don't go in with the hopes of being her boyfriend. You need to have some genuine interest in who she is as a person.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Back in the day when I was in college there was this guy that asked if he could borrow my notes bc he missed a couple classes. He asked for my # so he could get it back to me when he was finished with it. I was so naive I thought he really wanted my notes :)
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Show up early to class! If there's a class in your room before yours, you'll be waiting in the hallway. Perfect time to start a conversation if you are both in the hall together. Ask her to get coffee with her after class if you find her interesting too. :)

    Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    Ha! Really? This is your first post? She must be drop dead gorgeous.

    Uh, talk to her like any other human, "Hi, my name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I saw you in English, blah blah blah." If she likes you back, you'll know.....I can't believe I actually just typed those words.

  • ReallyConfused
    I agree with cmriverside.

    "Hi I'm Nick. I think I might actually like this English class."
    (Add a smile and make sure you look her in the eyes. It says you are confident and confidence is everything.)

    Go get her tiger.
  • vivalanick11
    It's college... so unless there are assigned sits for some reason in that class - move closer to her... strike up a conversation.
    Yeah but I feel like that would be creepy
  • vivalanick11
    Show up early to class! If there's a class in your room before yours, you'll be waiting in the hallway. Perfect time to start a conversation if you are both in the hall together. Ask her to get coffee with her after class if you find her interesting too. :)

    Good luck!
    This is actually a great idea!!!
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    It's college... so unless there are assigned sits for some reason in that class - move closer to her... strike up a conversation.
    Yeah but I feel like that would be creepy
    I think you have a weird definition of creepy. It seems like you think approaching her in any way would be creepy. Just talk to her for heaven's sake.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    Is that really you in your avatar?

    If so, dude... she's probably wondering how the heck she'll manage to get closer to YOU!

    Don't worry about it - go up to her and say "hi", you'll be fine.
  • ethansmug
    ethansmug Posts: 159 Member
    Whatever you do, do not.... DO NOT walk up to her with your penis hanging out of your pants and ask her what she is doing for lunch.

    I won't go into details, but lets just say getting slapped will be the least of your troubles.
  • vivalanick11
    Is that really you in your avatar?

    If so, dude... she's probably wondering how the heck she'll manage to get closer to YOU!

    Don't worry about it - go up to her and say "hi", you'll be fine.
    Yeah but I don't walk around shirtless at school ahhaha
  • vivalanick11
    Whatever you do, do not.... DO NOT walk up to her with your penis hanging out of your pants and ask her what she is doing for lunch.

    I won't go into details, but lets just say getting slapped will be the least of your troubles.
    That was my plan...
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Ok, lesson learned..... from now on ALWAYS be about 5 minutes late to the very first class of the semester. Guys used to tell me this all the time.... they would purposely show up late on the first day and then find a seat next to all the cute girls. Normally where you sit on the first day is just naturally where you sit the rest of the semester right? So do that from now on and you'll always be sitting next to the cute girls.

    I would say that since it's still early, there's time to move near her. Go to class late next time and then sit close to her. Then chose that seat every time.

    I don't advocate being late to class! Only do it on the first day when it's kind of okay to be late (and do it now, since you need to get close to her).

    Also, you should just take your shirt off in the middle of class.... how could she say no to that bod???? :wink:
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    Get to class later than her and try to sit next to her!
    That's what I did when I saw a cute guy from my math class last semester and he asked for my number the next week.. and he saved me a seat next to him every class after that ;D

    And if that's you in your default picture, you have nothing to worry about.
    Just start by introducing yourself.
  • jammet80
    jammet80 Posts: 96 Member
    Just say HI. Ask her what her name is. Simple.