UGHHHH I caved!

So last night I went to Uno chicago bar and grill for some drinks with friends. And I did really really bad. This is the 1st time I fell off the wagon sooo bad. I had 4 beers which I was planing on so I saved those calories and if all I had were those beers..then I would have been completley fine..but no...instead I also had to have a few fries off of my boyfrineds plate and then as the night continued and as my judgment became impaired...I ordered the nachos..THE NACHOS full of cheese and sour cream and UGHH WHYYYY. I did not eat the whole plate obviously but still..I wake up this morning feeling shame and guilt. I feel like I blew it what Ive been working for in one night. UGHHH I hope I didnt erase everything and have to start from fresh now.


  • pjthomas
    pjthomas Posts: 6 Member
    Me and wings. Delicious, but I feel really crappy this morning. Like a junk food hangover. Lets chalk it up to poor choices and start again today. I'll eat well today, take my dog for a super really long hour walk AND I'll do my pilates today. That will at least make me feel better. Don't be too hard on yourself, healthy eating is a lifestyle and you have to expect that some times in your life, you will fall off the wagon. What's important is that you get back on. Good luck.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I think it's ok to "fall off the wagon" once in a while...seriously, Friday night out on the town, who wouldn't...point is, drink tons of water today to get rid of sodium and get back on track
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    you're not alone. We all cave from time to time. I hadn't eatten fast food in over a month, but I caved yesterday and went to Sonic. Not just a burger, but onion rings to boot.
    Today you just jump right back in there.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    The amount of times i've caved is unreal - it is completely normal to cave a few times! Just last week I ate a very high calorie/fat meal and downed 6 pints of lager. At first I used to feel pure guilt the next morning, but over time I simply figured I can either shrink my portions the following day or two or simply burn it off in the gym. I usually opt for number 2 because I love my food (why I am large in the first place!)

    Don't worry about the occasional mishap, it happens to all of us! ;-)
  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    Must have been something about the day yesterday, cos I had chinese food, ice cream, and a cappuccino with bailey's in it. And today is a new day, and I know that. I've filled my water bottle, had some eggs for breakfast, and I'm going to shoot my bow - which, I never knew until I joined this site - actually burns calories! And a good chunk of them too!

    We all fall off the wagon. Don't beat yourself up. I enjoyed my night cos it was a date with my husband, you enjoyed yours out with your friends, life happens. Today is a new day!!

  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    It is OK to indulge every once in awhile.(as long as you remember that it can only happen once in awhile) If you want this to be a change of life and not a diet then you cannot deprive your self all the time because if you do you wont stick with it :bigsmile:
  • Roblalonde
    hey there!

    Maybe this just works for me but I find falling off the wagon once in a while helps me. Everybody needs a break from the routine so you need to enjoy your self sometimes first of all.

    Here is what I find...,my body adapts to a certain diet and when I eat healthy for a few weeks my body adjusts and my weight loss plateaus. one bad night can fool the body into a different calorie intake and if you eat right for 3 days afterwards you will find you are better off than before your heavy night out. That is my experience numerous times....hope it works the same for you! good luck.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Don't worry about it, it happens to everyone & I agree with Roblalonde it does seem to help sometimes. I think it helps your metabolism when you cheat once in awhile. Your body will be so used to the healthy foods that when you mess up once in awhile it can handle it. Don't look at it as falling off the wagon, you just tripped and can pick yourself right back up! Don't feel too guilty about it! You might even find that when you next weigh in you lost more weight then you planned!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    :smile: Thanks Everyone
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Dont be so hard on yourself, it was JUST 1 night.
    As long as you get back on track asap, there is nothing to worry about.
    Good luck!