Myself and 3 colleagues are taking on a challenge!!!

My colleagues and myself all work at a university in the state of NC. Three of us have a total combined weight of over 1000 lbs and the other guy is a 180. We actually make him look thinner. He has an extensive knowledge of exercise and dietary needs so we're doing it right. We are challenging ourselves to run a tough mudder next September, but most importantly, we're want to live a healthier lifestyle.

I participated in all sports in high school, lifted weights in college and yo-yo dieted since so now the weight piles on. Tuesday was day one so we have approximately 380 days left. Thanks for for being there to track our progress. It's going to be tough.

When I was in high school in Orange, Ca., there was a gym across the street that I first cleaned at night for dues and then later became a member. It was called "Sampson's." It was a big guy gym with a hometown feel. I mean come one, there were 100 pound plates. Jim, the owner, a great man who wanted the best for all who has since has passed, had T-shirts with "Sampson" on the front breaking out of chains. It read "You gotta want it." We do. Thanks, Jim.

We'll make it folks. We have a great group that is very supportive. Good luck to the guys and thanks.

"I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."


  • erichkeil
    Awesome post Johnny! I'm thrilled to be doing this with you guys. it's great for all of us! I'll play QB anytime. :)
  • jesjosep
    jesjosep Posts: 28
    I wish you the best of luck!! I am always here if you need a word of encouragement. :)