Giving constructive feedback on food diaries.....

Does anyone avoid doing this? I feel like I might insult them unintentionally, or come off as some kind of know it all. It's like, what is the right/wrong things to say? You know? Like seeing some people say great day... when it wasn't a very good day. You wonder what they are really thinking or what they really want to say.....It's bothering me! :noway:


  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    I think you should say it.. whilst everybody dont want to sound mean about it we are all on here for one reason and thats to lose weight and better ourselves.. I would want anyone to be blatenly honest with me if my diet was up to **** that day would make me want to work that bit much harder and try and do something different in my diet.. I would also tell the other person that too.. if they take offense to it its not my intention to do so but to marely point out that eating that isnt going to win you any brownie points let alone lose the weight.. hope it helps hunny xxx
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    I want constuctive feedback. I am new to this so any help I can get hallejuh.
  • nataliefamily3
    I am for trying to be helpful not just blindly saying good job but the one time I did comment that person deleted me...and I was nice about it. Interested to see other replies.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I say it and give as much effort to do it supportively as possible. I say something like, "Cookies are my downfall, too!" or "You'll do better tomorrow," or, "You had 150 great days, so one off day won't hurt too much." If it's someone I know will take it lightly, even, "What happened to all those peaches from last week?" I feel like, if you have your diary open, it's implied that you want respectful feedback. I expect it in return as well and I've gotten some wonderful, supportive kicks in the patoot. Nobody has seemed upset with me yet--at least not openly.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I have mentioned things to people by pointing out a positive entries in their diary and then suggesting how they might incorporate more food choices like that into other areas in their diet. I have also just posted suggestions for a better balanced nutritional profile or done some straight up education stuff. Sometimes I see the same type of thing in lots of people's food diaries so I will pose a challenge to my MFP friends such as, who's up for trying to hit atleast the minimum serving of fruits and veggies this week or today.. I notice way too many people don't eat near enough vegetables/fruits, and some eat none! Some people accept the challenge, others do not.
    My belief is we are here to help support and guide others. If the don't like it,they can unfriend us... Right!
  • RunningGranny
    Say what you want! If they don't want feedback they can block their food diary! Plus if they don't like what you said they are not obligated to respond. These are public forums. :wink:
  • jacqui1612
    jacqui1612 Posts: 128 Member
    I think giving contructive feedback to food diaries is good. I like it when people tell me things on mine. I know when I have had a not-so-great day and appreciate people being honest. It means that I know that they are actually looking at my diary, and that they are here to support and encourage me, as I am to them (hopefully haha). If I see someone's diary that has lots of salt I will say something along the lines o "Nice day, but just be careful of the salt". Or someone with lots of processed foods "Just be careful of the processed stuff, who knows whats in it haha". I know I don't eat the best some days and I know others have bad days as well.. In the long run, we are all here for the same reason - To get healthy. If people can't take a little bit of criticism then so be it. Let them be. I know I am for the better having people criticise me. Good criticism of course as well..
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    It is awkward, isn't it? I'm not really sure what to do. I want to encourage my friends, but I don't want to say "good job!" if they are starving themselves or technically staying under their calorie goal but eating all junk. Or overeating every day. And I know that we all sometimes have an off day(s), so I don't want to be nitpicky.
    Then again it's just time-consuming to click on everyone's diaries at the end of the day when you have so many friends to scroll through and you have to push the "load more entries" button. If you click on someone's diary and then go back, it takes you back up to the beginning again. Grrr.
    Generally, I will check if someone has a specific question. Or if there is someone who usually eats well and has interesting choices and I need some inspiration for myself. Or just random curiosity. :tongue:
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I think giving contructive feedback to food diaries is good. I like it when people tell me things on mine. I know when I have had a not-so-great day and appreciate people being honest. It means that I know that they are actually looking at my diary, and that they are here to support and encourage me, as I am to them (hopefully haha). If I see someone's diary that has lots of salt I will say something along the lines o "Nice day, but just be careful of the salt". Or someone with lots of processed foods "Just be careful of the processed stuff, who knows whats in it haha". I know I don't eat the best some days and I know others have bad days as well.. In the long run, we are all here for the same reason - To get healthy. If people can't take a little bit of criticism then so be it. Let them be. I know I am for the better having people criticise me. Good criticism of course as well..
    I've told people that had too much sodium to try to balance things out wth some extra potassium and drink lots of water... Give suggestions etc. but,ultimately people are going to do what they want to do and eat how they want to eat. Hopefully they are open to healthier ideas and suggestions and that's why they're rede, but some are not...again, they don't like it they can delete me as a friend.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Everyone has a not so great day every once in a while...but I have friends who have a pattern of fast food everyday. How do I tell them it's really hurting them in the long run? On the other hand they are at least logging it...which is a start you know?
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    I never say anything, bc I don't know if people *planned* to cheat, or go over on fat, or sugar, or whatever. Sometimes I deliberately don't eat my exercise cals back and then on the weekend will have a bit of an indulgence---being 300 cals over on pizza or a drink..And I log it honestly, but then someone will comment and be like "hmm not so good today" and I want to PM them and say..."well if you'd seen my diary all week you might have noticed that I'm still under by a net of 700 cals, so thanks bud."
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Constructive feedback is good. We all need to learn, we all need to see where our blind spots are. If I see something I think I need to point out, I try to add something positive as well, like saying their breakfast was awesome but they might want to eat more protein in general. It's up to them to take the advice and keep me as a friend. I've learned a lot in my time doing this, and I hope that by me commenting they can avoid some of my mistakes.
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    Thanks for the replies!

    I think a good idea is to give my friends ideas like healthier substitutions for things. For example, one time a friend went to Mcdonalds and got a 10 piece nugget, and a large fry. So I suggested that maybe next time she grab a 4 piece, a small fry, and maybe a side of apples. I don't want to give them crap, because I eat fast food sometimes. But I try and do it mindfully. I think that's ok. Shows that I care, without being too pushy.
  • xowyomingox
    xowyomingox Posts: 17 Member
    I want constructive criticism and I give it as nicely as I can. I'm a writer and film maker so I know how to give good criticism it's just I'm not always that positive when it comes to food since every person is different, I just suggest things I guess. Anyone who gives good feedback though, please feel free to friend me I really need it.