Vegetarian trying to bulk up, lol

Hi, I'm Laraine :) I eat healthy fresh vegetarian foods and I love it. I'm okay with the way I look, however it would be nice to gain muscle mass AND fat. I do cheat by incorporating quality meats every now and then. Friend me.


  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    All variety of nuts and seeds and nut and seed butters, hummus/tahini, olives, pea protein powder, avocado, fresh coconut, coconut milk (not water or beverage), and cook with olive oil, True bars made with nuts. If you're a lacto or lacto-ovo vegetarian then there are a lot more things you can add such as eggs and dairy products like Keiffer, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, whey protein. I am tryng to add muscle but not fat.. Definitely NOT fat, lol.... So, I try to limit the stuff I told you about.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Full fat milk to add to the above list.
  • mrshoneydew
    Hello! Welcome to MFP message boards. :)
    My name is Megan and I have been a vegetarian for 10 years (ovo-lacto). I'm adding you as a friend though I am sure that our diaries will be a bit different. I am on a weight loss journey (slow but steady). My goal is to lose 50 pounds and I'm 30 pounds down.
    Good luck with gaining the muscle mass. The good news is there are a lot of high protein foods with good fats out there for vegetarians, like avocados (which you can easily sneak into shakes, soups, wraps, etc.), nut butters, eggs (if you eat eggs), and edamame.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    What counts as a "quality" meat?
  • whiskeycharged
    whiskeycharged Posts: 400 Member
    Hey Laraine. Um if you eat meat you can't call yourself a vegetarian- hence your topic title. :laugh:

    I'm not one either so let's move on. :tongue:

    To bulk you need to be at a caloric surplus. I would start about 250 calories above your net maintenance. Considering consuming 3500 cal over maintenance equlas gaining a pound, 250 net cal over daily would add 1/2 lb on you per week. Start slow to eliminate fat gain. Based on the results you see, you could work up to 500 net cal over a day which adds 1 lb a week. Changing your MFP goal should make it pretty simple too.