water - WHY is it important to lose weight



  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Water is over rated and is mostly a myth. We don't need that much. But, y'all carry on. I'm sure I'll be bashed for saying that.

    Water is REAL! I've seen it myself!

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    While things like Crystal Light aren't great for you, the liquid in it still counts as water.
  • Thats so true. This past week since I have really been paying attention to how much water I consume, and getting 8 cups, Ive lost 5lbs. last week the scale wouldnt budge.. I do the same thing... water bottle that holds two cups, and then just refill and keep with me all day. =) Anyone on here, feel free to add me. =D -Lindsay
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    I mostly drink just water and once you develop the habit its not so hard anymore and I often prefer it over other drinks. I rather honestly drink calorie free water than waste my calories! LOL During a workout alone I drink 2-4 glasses so most days I get my 8 in!
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    I certainly didn't used to drink water... 7 months ago I was drinking 5 diet dr. peppers a day..Now the ONLY thing I drink is water...I have a Tervis Tumbler which I love and I always have it filled with water. I will add a lemon wedge for flavor..The only other thing I drink is a glass of Milo's unsweet tea in the morning...I used to hate the taste of water..but find now that I crave it and it tastes wonderful!!!
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    1. The body needs water
    2. The eight glasses of water is a myth based on a misinterprated Russian study and you should not drown yourself to meet this goal
    3. You can get water from food, coffee, tea, etc. - its a myth that coffee does not count
    4. Trust your body to tell you when you are thirsty - except if you are in a heat wave, when the messages do not get to you fast enough
    5. The urine color test is ok, but vitamin B tablets can make it dark yellow
    6. Drinking water may make you feel full
    7. Despite #3 - its very difficult to drink too much -- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication

  • Nope. It's a pretty well known fact that the 8 glasses of water a day is bunk. It's way too much and a lot of people are over hydrating.

    Well known by whom? In an actual scientific or academic setting, you'd have to cite your sources.
  • Water is over rated and is mostly a myth. We don't need that much. But, y'all carry on. I'm sure I'll be bashed for saying that.

    You and everyone else on here would not exist without water. Quite simple really.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member

    Nope. It's a pretty well known fact that the 8 glasses of water a day is bunk. It's way too much and a lot of people are over hydrating.

    Well known by whom? In an actual scientific or academic setting, you'd have to cite your sources.






    Suspect the bottled water companies
  • nc_moon_beam
    nc_moon_beam Posts: 38 Member
    Water is over rated and is mostly a myth. We don't need that much. But, y'all carry on. I'm sure I'll be bashed for saying that.


    Dr. Tim Noakes "earned Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Science degrees from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and has raced in more than 70 marathon and ultramarathon events."


    "He said all of the overhydration started with the dawn of sports drinks and guidelines that called for people to drink ahead of thirst. Since Noakes began his fight, the American College of Sports Medicine has changed some of its guidelines, but he wants more. We called Noakes to talk about his ideas for the new rules of hydration during endurance exercise, which he points out are actually old rules." (-Joe Spring)

    Bottom line... do what works for you and your body. And remember that marketing is a very, very powerful force.
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    Water is our body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60% of our body weight. Every system in our body depends on it! It flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

    Every day we lose water through our breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish it's water supply.

    I, for one, find it much easier to lose weight when drinking 10-15 cupes a day. Love, love, love my water! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • 3beans3
    3beans3 Posts: 8
    I don't think water is a "myth", but most dietary guidelines are based on either nothing or assuming that everyone is the "average" height, weight, chemical composition.

    You should drink water to keep your organs and body hydrated. I use the pee color test all the time. I just drink more water when it gets too dark. Stiff muscles, headaches, blurry vision...these things happen to me when I'm dehydrated. I say listen to your body, monitor yourself. 8 cups means nothing to me. I drink as much as I need on a daily basis to keep from feeling like crap and keep my pee clear. If you don't listen to your body or pay attention to what your aches and pains mean, then yes, 8 cups is a good basis for you.
  • connye13
    connye13 Posts: 19
    thanks so much, i will up my intake
  • Does tea count when calculating how much water is needed? I drink about 3-4 cup of tea a day, various types of tea with no sweetener. I drink plain water too

    Tea causes your body to release the water that is stored in your body because of the caffine in it.Too much tea can cause you to dehydrate. I would recommend cutting back on tea and drink more water. Water and tea are not the same.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Does tea count when calculating how much water is needed? I drink about 3-4 cup of tea a day, various types of tea with no sweetener. I drink plain water too

    Tea causes your body to release the water that is stored in your body because of the caffine in it.Too much tea can cause you to dehydrate. I would recommend cutting back on tea and drink more water. Water and tea are not the same.

    This MFP thread has so much disinformation


    The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.

    Dr Ruxton said: "Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it's got two things going for it."
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Before I could barely finish one 16.9oz bottle in a day, now I can drink 4 easily.
    Cheaper in the long run too.
  • kingpt11
    kingpt11 Posts: 27
    Taken from Scooby Forum web page, and i totally agree.

    "Drinking lots of water can help you lose weight! There are several ways this works, the main way is that the two glasses of water you drink before your meal makes your stomach feel full so you eat less. In rough numbers, it looks like drinking those two 8oz glasses of water before every meal can help you lose an additional 20lbs a year. That’s a very easy way to lost weight! The other way that drinking lots of water helps you lose weight is that it appears to reduce the energy intake (EI), that is, it reduces the number of calories energy you body extracts from the food you eat. It appears that those two 8oz glasses of water before each meal make you lose fat 44% faster! Pretty incredible! Bear in mind the 44% number in this research was obtained with older folks, it may or may not be the same for younger people. Want another reason to drink lots of water and stay well hydrated? Being dehydrated by just 3% can decease your strength by 19%! You wont be able to do your cardio or make any progress lifting weights if you are dehydrated!!!..

    Now, here’s what most of you do. You are dehydrated all day long and then you show up with your gallon jug of water at the gym and start sipping, this does no good at all. The problem is that after you are dehydrated it can take 4-5 hours for your strength to return after you are properly hydrated. The time to start hydrating is 6 hours before your workout, drinking water when you show up at the gym is not helpful!

    Lets talk about how much water to drink. A lot of people are scared because they hear those freak news reports of people dying from people drinking too much water. Yes you CAN die from drinking too much water but its VERY difficult to do. In every case I know of, the water deaths were in situations where the person was FORCED to drink too much water – either as initiation pranks or financial desperation to win a stupid radio contest.

    Here is my hydration strategy:
    1. Upon awakening, I drink at least 1 liter of water in the first hour. Really important because everyone gets dehydrated when sleeping.
    2. During the day I drink enough water so that my pee is light straw colored. Anything dark means means dehydration. If you don’t have to pee at least once every 1-2 hrs that means dehydration
    3. 6 hours before the workout I start my workout hydration. I start drinking on glass of water every half hour. When I have to pee every 30 minutes and its clear, I’m at optimal hydration and I back off on the water. Once hydrated, I drink one glass of water per hour till workout time.

    This hydration strategy is not only for lifting weights but for sports as well. If you want to perform at your peak in hot summer weather, you gotta be fully hydrated before you set foot on the soccer field!"


    Hope that helps..
    Thanks all
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Before I could barely finish one 16.9oz bottle in a day, now I can drink 4 easily.
    Cheaper in the long run too.

    ,,,,,,,by plastic water bottle companies who have made it fashionable to tote around what he says have become ubiquitous accessories.

  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    Yeah, I don't buy into the 8 glasses a day thing but I do believe we need to get plenty.

    I feel best when I drink a LOT of water. When I skip it for the day, I notice that the next day I feel bloated and really uncomfortable, but when I do drink a lot, my tummy feels flatter and I am more comfy in my skin.
  • minnielovesmickey
    minnielovesmickey Posts: 84 Member
    Does tea count when calculating how much water is needed? I drink about 3-4 cup of tea a day, various types of tea with no sweetener. I drink plain water too

    Tea causes your body to release the water that is stored in your body because of the caffine in it.Too much tea can cause you to dehydrate. I would recommend cutting back on tea and drink more water. Water and tea are not the same.

    This MFP thread has so much disinformation


    The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.

    Dr Ruxton said: "Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it's got two things going for it."

    Fab link, I love tea, makes it more enjoyable now (0: