Anyone doing the Whole Living 2012 Whole Living Action Plan?

Well I start today with probably the most challenging (temporary) nutrition plan of my life. And damn if I am not excited. I started today with the It's for 21-28 days (i'm going for 28).

My goals are NOT to lose weight as I am at my goal weight but to cleanse my system, rejuvenate my liver, get more energy and feel good! I have never given my poor liver a break since high school! Frankly I'm having my 30th Class reunion this summer. It's about time don't ya think?!?!?! And guess husband is doing it with me! He has a few pounds to lose but if he follows the program I think it will be a piece a cake for him.

The DEETS: What's Off Limits During the Plan: processed food or beverages, added sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol. What You're Eating During Week 1: fruits, vegetables, and plant-based fats, including nuts, seeds, and oils
What You're Adding Back in Week 2: seafood, beans and lentils, and organic soy
What You’re Adding Back in Week 3: gluten-free grains and eggs

They incorporate meditation, education, stretching (yoga) for elimination assistance and plenty of water! We started a week late because we were coming home from our 11 day all you can eat cruise when we first read about it. It has taken me all this week to grocery shop, purge off limit foods from kitchen, prepare a few soups and create recipes on MFP. They say I will feel, hungry, cranky, tired and possibly have a headache during the first week. I'm ready and willing. I had a great run this am because I supposedly will have little energy this week 1 program.

Please wish me luck and send cleansing thoughts! - Here I go......


  • Hello! I just started the plan myself. I noticed that you posted back in January.. I was hoping you may be able to post an update? How did it go? Did you make it the full 28 days? Also, did you exercise while doing it? I'm a pretty active student, and I found my workout yesterday to be very difficult!
  • maribethp
    maribethp Posts: 13
    I just started the plan a few days ago and I love it!
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    I haven't seen this particular plan before, but I have been working towards clean, whole foods, plant-based. I'd love to share ideas with anyone who is interested! :)