September (2012) Move Your @ss Challenge...

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
Okay *kitten* movers, here's the new thread for September's move your *kitten* challenge.....We started the first MYAC thread in November 2010 and have been going strong and growing more and more each month.....Welcome to the newbies and welcome back to the oldies

Set your goal, make your ticker or add your goal and current miles moved to the thread as often as possible and then get moving starting Saturday, Sept 1st.

Please do not post any Aug miles here..Dino will update our Aug spreadsheet when the month ends...Please add only September goals/miles to this thread.....

The goal is to set a distance goal KM or Miles and track your distance for the are challenging yourself, not competing against anyone else.....the miles can be on a treadmill, the stairmaster, the elliptical, the bike, roller blades, walking, running, biking, hiking, swimming (if you can measure).....kust set a goal and do the work...

Report to the thread often to keep Dino updated because he tracks our info on a spreadsheet so you can see how you are doing compared to the group but not to compete with them....the idea is to set your goal and reach it before the end of the month....

Welcome to all - new and old.....have a great month challenging yourself....


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Please add me to your September list.

  • GijitsMom
    I am new to this thread and anxious to become part of it. However, since I have never done it before, am unsure where to set my first goal. Do you have any recommendations for someone like me?
  • dmurphy1975
    dmurphy1975 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you for this great challenge. Last month was my first time and I didn't quite make my goal. I feel great about September and will set my goal at 60 miles.

  • GijitsMom
    I love your second ticker. How did you make it? I am a technologically challenged person.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    @GijitsMom - how much are you moving now??? there are 30 days in september - how many miles can you do at a time???

    i would figure out what you can do over a week and then multiply that by 4 and round up :)

    make sense????

    I am new to this thread and anxious to become part of it. However, since I have never done it before, am unsure where to set my first goal. Do you have any recommendations for someone like me?
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    shirley - please set a goal and post to the thread here so dino can update our spreadsheet to track us in sept...
    Please add me to your September list.

  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    I'm in for 100 miles this month. If the dog has his way, he will be along for all of it.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm lowering down to 40 this month with getting ready for my surgery on 9/21 and then being completely laid up into october....if i make more than 40 i'll be happy though :)
  • tajour
    tajour Posts: 134 Member
    September, here I come! In for round two. My goal for this month is 80 miles.

  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm in. I will try to get in 40 miles this month.
  • stonejh1
    stonejh1 Posts: 10
    newbie here but i'd like to give this a shot....let's go for 60 miles.
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Wooohooo, here we go again

    Thanks to Denise for getting us all going & Dino for keeping track of us :flowerforyou:

    I'm going for just 75 miles this month as I'm on holiday for the last week of this month and may not be able to log my miles :ohwell:
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I'm in - for real this time. I'm aiming for 40 miles for my first time - 24 walking, 12 biking, and four running. (I'm a terrible runner, but I have to start somewhere.)


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm sticking with 50 miles run. :smile:
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    I would like to join! I am in for 80 miles walking, running, biking, and on the elliptical. Let's move =)
  • awader35
    awader35 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds awesome! How do I get started?
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    Sign me up for 40 miles. I'm new to this challenge. Let's do this!

    Diana :flowerforyou:
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in for 150 miles.
  • awader35
    awader35 Posts: 7 Member
    OK, I think I see. Put me in for 45 miles.
  • LucilleHighball
    LucilleHighball Posts: 107 Member
    I would love to join. 60 miles!
