Check my diary please

So, I am really confused about how to go about lossing weight. I lost 30 pounds or so before I started MFP, but lately it has slowed. What I really want is to tone, but I don't know how. Please check out my diary and tell me your thoughts. How are my sodium/sugar/carb levels? Are my foods healthy? Any tips? Thanks in advance. I am a 5'7" 18 yr. Old female 134 pounds trying to get down to 120 pounds or so with a bit of muscle.


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    1. Not eating enough.
    2. Not enough protein.
  • MrOFM
    MrOFM Posts: 41
    1st off you are taking in way to much sugar. And almost half your crabs come from sugar that's not a great sign. Too much sugar in the blood will store fat. Try setting your goals to this 40%Carbs/ 40% protein/ 20%fat.

    Keep your sugar under control going over is going to hurt you.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    1st off you are taking in way to much sugar. And almost half your crabs come from sugar that's not a great sign. Too much sugar in the blood will store fat. Try setting your goals to this 40%Carbs/ 40% protein/ 20%fat.

    Keep your sugar under control going over is going to hurt you.

    What do you mean half of my carbs come from sugar? Its fruit...
  • MrOFM
    MrOFM Posts: 41
    1st off you are taking in way to much sugar. And almost half your crabs come from sugar that's not a great sign. Too much sugar in the blood will store fat. Try setting your goals to this 40%Carbs/ 40% protein/ 20%fat.

    Keep your sugar under control going over is going to hurt you.

    What do you mean half of my carbs come from sugar? Its fruit...

    Fruits have sugar. Look through your diary see what has the most sugar and drop some. You need more protein in there that alone would cut some of the sugar for you.

    Do not think of a moment that just because your eating fruits your doing your body good. The is a limit ti fruits also. You can gain weight on fruits alone.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    1st off you are taking in way to much sugar. And almost half your crabs come from sugar that's not a great sign. Too much sugar in the blood will store fat. Try setting your goals to this 40%Carbs/ 40% protein/ 20%fat.

    Keep your sugar under control going over is going to hurt you.

    What do you mean half of my carbs come from sugar? Its fruit...

    Fruits have sugar. Look through your diary see what has the most sugar and drop some. You need more protein in there that alone would cut some of the sugar for you.

    Do not think of a moment that just because your eating fruits your doing your body good. The is a limit ti fruits also. You can gain weight on fruits alone.

    I have been told by many people that my sugar is not too high, and that the vitamins in fruit are too good for you to drop fruit just because of the sugar level. Ususlly the only fruits I have each day are an apple, a banana or some strawberries. I know bananas are high in sugar, but I really like them... Also, Most of my friends have told me NOT to track sugar, because the sugar in fruits is naturally occuring and not AS bad for you as added sugar, that i just need to trak my added sugar.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    do you know that sugar is a carbohydrate?

    You arent eating enough. You do seem to make good choices overall like fruits, veggies, etc, but eat more. add lots of protien.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    do you know that sugar is a carbohydrate?

    So, what exactly is that... Sorry, I am super new to this... :grumble:
  • MrOFM
    MrOFM Posts: 41
    Fresh Apple - Ginger Gold , 1 medium apple 17 sugar!!!!

    Drop that and have your banana.

    Like the poster above said your not getting enough you need to eat in order to lose.

    Just cause you lost 30 pounds doesn't mean you lost them in fat. Could be a lot water weight and some fat.

    When you start getting close to your goal you have to start eating correctly.

    Your having too much sugar regardless of what your friends think they know.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Sugar in fruits and vegetables are fine for your body. You can easily handle those. Thank your pancreas. The ONLY reason you'd need to monitor your sugar level from fresh choices is if you are diabetic (Type I or II) or becoming insulin resistant.

    It can be a concern if a large majority of your diet comes solely from fruits, but that is not the case for you. And trust me, you'd definitely avoid a fruit only diet once the side effects kicked in.

    You should be eating more overall than you are now, and upping your protein to about 30% if you are exercising. Otherwise 20% to 25% will do.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I haven't looked at your diary yet but my first thought is that 120 pounds sounds way too low for a girl of your height. Of course it depends on your body type/build. I'm 5'4" and 120 would be too low for me but everyone is different. I'm just urging you to question if that's a healthy goal for you.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I looked at about a weeks worth and if you want to tone you are leaving way too many calories onthe table. You are a good 300-500 under goal every day! You need to eat more protein and be at or above your goal a little to gain muscle. Add more lean meat chicken breast or fish to dinner or a few handfuls of raw almonds a snacks...or my favorite greek yogurt (YUM) to lunch and sometime wehn I need lots of protein I throw some slivered almonds into my yogurt for some added crunch.

    Most people here say you can't add muscle while ina deficit so you need to get down tot he % body fat you want and then add tons of protein to tone or add muscle.

    Also I think 120 for 5'7" is a little too low. I just looked it up and Weight Watchers site says "Your healthy weight range is 128 to 160 lbs.". So maybe 120 isn't a healthy goal for you. Just food for thought (0 calories).
  • mrsspike30
    mrsspike30 Posts: 5 Member
    I would echo what others have said, make sure you are eating enough, and increase your protein intake, there are many days that you are not meeting your protein goal or total caloric intake goal.

    At each meal be sure you are a good quality protein source and some complex carbs from fruit or veggies. Don't be afraid to eat veggies at breakfast in omelets or on the side with eggs.

    Replace some of the processed carbohydrates, like pasta, crackers, graham crackers, breakfast cereal, with more fresh fruits and vegetables and quality proteins.

    Current breakfast:
    Processed cereal with fruit
    New breakfasts:
    Stone ground oats with fresh berries on top
    Plain greek yogurt 1/2 tsp honey, 1tbs almond or pecan pieces and berries on top
    Egg white omelet with low fat cheese, veggies etc.
    Scrambled eggs/egg whites with black beans, salsa and reduced fat jack cheese
    Egg white frittata with veggies (mix night before, cook AM)

    Current snacks:
    Processed crackers, graham crackers etc.
    New snacks:
    Handful of nuts like pecans, almonds etc. Try spiced varieties to change it up
    Greek yogurt
    Cottage cheese
    Cheese stick
    Veggie sticks and hummus

    Nobody is perfect, don't be hard on yourself, it takes a while to learn what works for your body. I know what works for mine, and I still don't always do it!