+A Newbie

Hello Everyone! I signed up today to use myfitnesspal. It's hard enough to lose weight without having to calculate your daily calorie intake. This program is going to make that task much easier.

I'm ready to lose this weight and have promised myself that I will be able to get my hips to fit comfortably on the 18" wide airplane seat. My goal is to go back to Germany within the next year. I don't want to feel squished into the plane seat.


  • howellco
    It's totally doable! This is a great calorie counter! I have all my roommates on it and my mom just got on this! I couldn't be more happy to count my calories and my workouts ever! This is so helpful and motivational! Even if it was only a 10 minute walk it counts! Gradual workouts achieve success!
  • Cinbrat
    Cinbrat Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, Howellco. I've been working out three times a week for the past two weeks. I have taken my measurements and see a difference in the numbers already. I will weigh myself in another four weeks which is at the end of a "Gut Busters" Challenge that is taking place at the gym where I work. I should see a change in the scale number by then because my body will have adapted to the muscle gain which means my weight will be down.

    I, too, find that MFP is keeping me on track. It's keeping me accountable too. I am going to succeed.:smile:
  • luvmygrandkidstx
    luvmygrandkidstx Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome to this site. I joined 6 days ago and I love it! It really helps me to stay on track and watch what I eat knowing I have to log it in. Good luck with your journey Cinbrat!