20 Lbs by Christmas!!



  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I would like to be a part of this! This is about what I have left to lose. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning to get an accurate and current weight. I want to be in San Diego for Christmas Eve looking completely different from last Christmas! This is just what I need to kick start my weight loss again. I slacked a little over the summer and gained some weight back!
  • I'm in, it's my goal by Xmas eve to be 115. I'm 130 now. Woot!
  • I am in

    SW: 285
    CW: 268
    Xmas goal:248 the best present I can give myself:happy:
    GW: 180
  • me too, it would be great to be 20lbs less by Christmas! I'm in!
  • 120111
    120111 Posts: 22 Member
    Is their still room for one more, I'm in. Will be going to the doctor tomorrow so I will have an up to date weight in...I may not be able to post right away but I won't loose track...It is hard right now to try and type this hard to see at ths time...Surgery (eye) tomorrow and once the healing is over I'll be back...durning the healing process I will be eating healthy. New to low fat cooking...any ideas for a beginner...All ideas welcome.
    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    Ok I'm in!

    CW 159 lbs

    GW. 145lbs

    But I will gladly take 139lbs

    4 days a week of ZUMBA AND SOMETHING ELSE!

    Stats will come later.

  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    New to the site and definitely need a realistic goal and lots of support.


    Don't know stats. House/dog sitting for the next week. I am in! Good luck everyone .
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    Me too! I had set myself the challenge of 30lbs by Christmas so I'll still shoot for that.

    Today: 267.8lbs
    Christmas morning (because you know it will be different by Christmas evening :):237lbs

    I guess I'd better pull my finger out & get cracking!
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    Count me in too!

    Current Weight 182

    Goal Weight 130

    I don't know my measurements, but I will log them tomorrow!

    I have been walking at least 60 minutes everyday. And I just started doing stretches and aerobics last week. I may need to ramp it up some!

    Whoo hoo!
  • BrandNewAmy
    BrandNewAmy Posts: 38 Member
    Oooh! I'm in!!

    CW: 152.4

    Weight by Christmas: 132.4

    GW: 120

    I think I can handle that! I've re-started the C25K treadmill program and will be adding Jillian Michael's Body Revolution tomorrow!!
  • I'm totally in! I'll post starting stats tomorrow, I don't have a decent scale so I have to go to a friend's house.
    Well, actually I know I'm at 194 lbs now and am aiming for 174 by Christmas.
  • whipa494
    whipa494 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in!


    CW: 161
    GW for christmas: 139 (loss of 22 lbs)
    UGW: 125 lbs

    Exercise goal for christmas: to be able to run 10km :)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    My starting weight is 154.8. My goal is 140 at Christmas (my goal weight)
    I am 5'6"
  • bob99
    bob99 Posts: 32 Member
    Okay count me in!

    Cw: .144.5 lbs
    Gw: 126 lbs

    Not quite 20lbs but think getting down there might be tough enough!
  • bradburyc
    bradburyc Posts: 5 Member
    Would like to be in but never joined a group before - start weight 189 - goal 169 - how do I jjoin
  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    Definitely going to give it my best!

    CW: 166 lbs

    GW: 146 lbs
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    ooh! ooh! I do! I do! Count me in!!

    Okay count me in!

    Cw: .207
    Gw: 187 lbs (by Christmas)
  • TashaHenry89
    TashaHenry89 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!

    Cw 287
    Gw 267
  • I'm In.

    SW - 173
    GW - 153
  • I'd love to!
    CW: 148
    GW: 130

    Christmas is my favorite time of the year and feeling great about myself would be the best present ever!