A weeks worth of calories in one weekend?



  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Someone do me a favor and find out this guy's actual name... I wanna troll the obits on Tuesday to make sure he lived through it :sick:

  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    Someone do me a favor and find out this guy's actual name... I wanna troll the obits on Tuesday to make sure he lived through it :sick:


    Damn, that was fast!
  • 3enjamin
    3enjamin Posts: 14
    Thats Me ;)

    I found out this was an online community yesterday. Before I thought this was just an iphone calorie tracker app.

    I'll also video record this so you see where /when I fail :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    :laugh: CONSUMING a week's worth of calories in one weekend is more the kind of goal I'd like to try.

    That's TOTALLY what I thought this thread was going to be about. And I was like "hmm, that's a lot but I could probably do it."
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    Sounds like a pretty good way to injure yourself and completely wreck your goals to me.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yeah, that sounds a bit crazy...
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    No thats not me. I just found this place yesterday. I'm not trying to troll or anything. Just set a high goal and want to achieve it.
    Like I said Ill see how it goes this weekend and go from there :)

    It says you joined in June....tomorrow is September....

    I would say you're not a math person are you?

    Most people don't know that there's a forum until they log on to a computer.
    I joined in February but didn't find the forums until May.
  • yukifer
    yukifer Posts: 41
    You really opened up a can of worms.

    You can do it if you want to. Let us know how it went.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Ive done weeks worth of eating in a weekend and it does sound more enticing ;)
    I've been working out pretty consistently to try and reach my goal of 60 lbs in 16 weeks. Ive kinda hit a wall and want to use this to push me over that. I also want to start training for a tough mudder event in Feb and this would be a good way to kick off that training.

    Heres what Im thinking-
    Friday night - Gym- 60 min on treadmill at 3.5 mph at 8-10% incline. 30 min HIIT. Lifting weights

    HAHA. I like the fancy math stuff! It is the only way for me to lose weight :wink:

    Saturday- 6 mile hike through some of phoenix mountains2-3 hours. Gym- 1 hr bicycling more weight lifting- swimming laps 1 hr

    Sunday- 2 mile jog. 1 hour p90x. 1-2 hours of soccer.

    That's what I'm shooting for. I think its achievable and I'm going to push really hard to hit it :)
    Friday night - Gym- 60 min on treadmill at 3.5 mph at 8-10% incline. 30 min HIIT. Lifting weights
    (1000 cal)

    Saturday- 6 mile hike through some of phoenix mountains2-3 hours. Gym- 1 hr bicycling more weight lifting- swimming laps 1 hr
    (2400 cal)

    Sunday- 2 mile jog. 1 hour p90x. 1-2 hours of soccer.
    (2000 *assuming 2 hrs of soccer, playing midfield, constant running)

    Total: 5400 cal

    Those are my *generous* estimates, based on my own stats- I don't know how big you are, etc. So don't take the numbers at face value- just as a sanity check. I think 11,000 cals over a weekend is kind of insane, unless you are a serious athlete and your body is conditioned for it.

    Hey! This thread is *no* place for your fancy math stuff.

  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    3500 calories equals a lb
    1800 (for smaller female)calories a day to maintain weight x 7 days = 12600
    12600/3500= a 3.6 weight loss over the weekend
    12600/3 days in the weekend = you most net negative 4200 calories per day
    I can burn about 600 calories at the gym doing cardio over the course of 60 minutes.

    For me this would equate to eating 1000 calories and spending a little over 5 hours at the gym doing cardio.
    Possible but I am not up for the killer weekend... and my gym has shortened hours on the weekends.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Someone do me a favor and find out this guy's actual name... I wanna troll the obits on Tuesday to make sure he lived through it :sick:
    HAHA (It is only funny if he lives):laugh: