Charlotte Folks

Hey! I know this coming weekend is a holiday weekend, and if you're like me, that means more eating! Wanted to see if anyone who lives around Charlotte would be interested in getting together for a walk one day? (or any day really lol) :)


  • klegendre20
    I would love to! I can Friday night, Saturday morning, anytime Sunday or Monday morning :)
  • NCFitnessGirl
    Yay! Any of those will probably work for me! My friend and I were going to grab dinner Friday night...would you wana all workout then go eat?
  • christina_doubleU
    I'll be out of town this weekend.. but I'm always up for a walking buddy! How about hiking? About once a month I like to go on long hiking adventures, pack a lunch and do about 7 miles... make it an all day thing. If anyone is interested in going let me know! I go near Harper's Creek (near Blue Ridge) so we have to get an early start. (Burns about 3500 calories in one day!!!...So we can eat whatever we want that day!)

    I need a new partner, mine moved away. :(
  • NCFitnessGirl
    That sounds awesome!! I will do that anytime! :)
  • christina_doubleU
    great! I just emailed you :)
  • MaryBooAtCU
    I would love to, but will be out of town. Raincheck!? Anytime you (anyone here!) would like to get together and walk/run/whatever - I'm all for it! We could start our own local fitness group and have some fun, too!
  • NCFitnessGirl
    Hey! You read my mind! I am a Beachbody coach & wanted to start doing a Fit Club once or twice a week! We could do Beachbody workouts like TurboFire and Les Mills Pump! Would you girls be interested in that? If so, what day/time of the week?
  • MaryBooAtCU
    I was a college athlete back in the day =) so I consider myself pretty knowledgeable on certain things - it might be fun, too, for each gal we get to join us to take turns choosing/designing our workout (if they want)! It would definitely keep things interesting and we could all try new/different things together.

    I play on a co-ed soccer league on Monday's - so that day is least preferential for me - but the other days of the week are usually fine. I work in Ballantyne, but live closer to uptown/Park Road area. My hours are 8-5:30pm, but depending on my case load I may get home between 5:45 and 8pm... :( I'm probably the least flexible because of my job! Sorry! Weekends are good too, though!
  • NCFitnessGirl
    That is so awesome! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that idea!! You are so smart! :) I live close to Ballantyne, so if we wanted to work out during the week, you could change at my place rather than going uptown!

    I'm betwen jobs right now, so I'm not 100% on my schedule, but what about Sunday nights? I am usually lazy on Sundays, anyway, so it would get my butt in gear before the week started! :)

    Anyone interested in getting together on Sunday nights?? If so, Facebook me (Kelsie Thomas) so we can start a group and connect easily on there!
  • christina_doubleU
    I'm in for Sunday nights!
  • bryanlawdawg
    bryanlawdawg Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, all please don't take this the wrong way. I know you are all adults here but I feel compeled to say this. Please stop giving so much personal info on any web site. There are alot of preditators out there that would just love to set up a time to meet you for an evening stroll. It may turn into the run for your life!! Anyone can post a picture of a sweet young girl and really be a 50 year old perve. I and everyone else know your name, have your picture and can look up your address. dont tell people when your out of town you may come home to an empty place. Please be careful and dont be a victim. I'm sorry but its the facts. protect yourself. :smile: