Labor Day weekend

shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
TGIF! It's Labor Day weekend and I get Monday off from work!

What are you guys doing for Labor Day? Staying in? Going Out? Vacation?


  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    Boys Soccer Tournament
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    Boys Soccer Tournament

    How fun!
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    Working......UGH! My coworker got suspended. So I'm forced to work. Had plans to go away. All of the love of cake :(
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Traveling to visit in-laws. I was worried we would be driving through the remnants of Isaac, but from the looks of things there is no worry. The hubby took Tuesday off as well, so we have a 4 day.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    High school football game tonight (I am a band dad so we help with the equipment)
    Working as a magician at the Kiwanis Pancake fundraiser on Saturday morning.
    Working as a magician at a fundraiser for homeless - I made one of 36 minigolf holes. Mine is on the theme of magic - cards.
    Working in the garden; working out; working on laundry and housecleaning.
    And on Monday I will do absolutely nothing. Maybe take a hike and picnic.
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    we wont be doing much of anything. just hanging out at the house.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Staycationing at a local hotel tomorrow night with our youngest and some friends! :)
  • fueledbychange
    fueledbychange Posts: 132 Member
    Staying in!! And I'm really looking forward to it, haha.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    going to Puerto Backyardica and doing nothing - wandering garage sales with mom tomorrow then quiet for the rest of the weekend
  • K_Smith86
    K_Smith86 Posts: 123
    Going to a local orchard tomorrow and picking a TON of peaches before they are all gone. Going to make dozens of jars of homemade jam (peaches are my favorite fruit EVER). Then going camping on Sunday and Monday with my boyfriend and his family. Should be a relaxing 3day weekend :)
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    I wish I could say going to the races and camping out at the lake while drinking beer around the campfire, but I will be waiting for my Mother to arrive from Phoenix and running out to Dallas to drop my brother at the Airport.

    But I can drink beer around the fire pit in the back yard!!
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    We arent doing anything, maybe having a bonfire at the house or taking the kids to the park
  • maybe a fish fry, maybe the WEBN fireworks - depending on the weather... and a cook out with my family at my aunt's house
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    I am wishing everyone a good one ... the last hurrah of summer
  • Boys Soccer Tournament

    Me too. U18 son at Disney and U16 son in Panama City Beach.
  • Sleeping late at least one day, going to see the movie Lawless, eating barbecue and cutting my daughter's watermelon that is really big and ready to be cut and iced down.

    Everyone have a happy & healthy Labor Day! No drinking and driving.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    Working... :( well, Saturday night. Sunday and Monday I have off but my boyfriend is away so I'm home alone. Blah. Oh and Sunday am biking 33km for my weekly long ride :)
  • Staying in!! And I'm really looking forward to it, haha.

    Same here!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I'm sure I'd be doing something if I had any RL friends, but as it is, I'll be here, cleaning house, hanging with dogs and cats. Good times. :)
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    Going to parties and trying not to eat my own weight in hotdogs, brats and hamburgers.
  • Home with my kids and hubby,,,Watching football and nascar,,,,