Family member on a "diet" I dont agree with :(



  • ordinarybeauty
    It depends on your relationship to this family member and how much you care about them. If you have a good relationship or a close one and you are coming from a place of caring about them, then saying something gently to them in private and only once is a good idea. If you don't care for them or have a distant relationship, then staying quiet is a good idea.

    Anther way to look at is to ask yourself which choice will make you feel the best about you. That is the choice to make.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    I had a friend who was thinking about HCG. I asked her to read ALL viewpoints, not just the good ones. You tend to look for and find what you want. She actually listened and decided not to go that direction.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Tell her that is great news, and encourage her to come on this site to keep it off. Losing is never hard, it is keeping it off.

    Maybe she can learn the right way
  • seattlelite
    If this is someone you care about more than you simply disagree with her choice, you could try coming at it from a different angle than the weight loss. Ask her how she's feeling and what is she doing for fun these days. Talk about how much energy you have and the things about your appearance (other than just weight loss) that you notice changing and are proud of. At some point she will realize for herself that she doesn't feel good, that her face is looking tired and old, that she can't seem to think clearly, and isn't enjoying life as much as she could.
    If she talks to you about these feelings, then you can ask what she is doing differently that might account for it all. Hopefully, she'll figure it out for herself somewhere along the line and it won't be you being judgemental.
    If she's not able to see it, then you've done all you can. She's fortunate to have someone who cares. You're a good friend.