Running/Walking and leg cramps.... HELP!!!

I started C25k about 6 weeks ago. In addition to that, I also lift weights 3 days a week, and just recently started walking for 30 minutes on my lunch break. Starting about a week ago, my legs, and more specifically, my calves, are KILLING me!!! And I'm not talking normal, I did squats yesterday so my quads are sore, kind of cramps. I mean BOTH of my calves feel like they have a charlie horse all the time!!! (LOL - I hope I'm not the only one that knows that term). It has gotten so bad that I have been unable to complete Week 5. My breathing is fine, but I can't run that long without feeling like my muscles are going to rip in half. They hurt all the time - I was almost limping through the grocery store last night.

I have tried to do everything I have learned. I take a daily vitamin to make sure I am getting enough potassium. I drink a TON of water every day. I always to a light warm up, and do static stretches AFTER working out. I even got one of those foam rollers and started on the myofacial stuff...

Anybody have any other ideas? I have a race in 4 weeks... and I am afraid I am not going to be able to finish my training if I can't get this figured out!!! :grumble:


  • liezelcha
    liezelcha Posts: 150 Member
    I have the same problem--I'm curious to see what type of response you get about it.... ^_^
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I've had difficulties with cramping in my calves my whole life (regardless of what shape I'm in) and I've only found 2 things that work for me: 1) overloading on potassium (bananas, yogurt, etc.) and 2) drinking 32+ ounces of an electrolyte enhanced sports drink (my preference is Powerade Zero) every day consistently.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    I will have to try those. I just don't know what else to do.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I know how annoyed you are by this and I wish I had some advice to help. I've never had issues before *knock on wood* but a ton of the guys in my office run and more than half of them wear compression socks while they're running-it might be worth a shot, it couldn't hurt at least.
  • After working out I take Advocare's Nighttime recovery. I also take post-workout recovery sports drink. The post-workout recovery helps minimize soreness and the nighttime recovery improves your body's natural ability to recover, repair and rejuvenate muscles while you sleep. If you want more info or the link email or leave me your email address.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    I know how annoyed you are by this and I wish I had some advice to help. I've never had issues before *knock on wood* but a ton of the guys in my office run and more than half of them wear compression socks while they're running-it might be worth a shot, it couldn't hurt at least.

    LOL - Matt told me to go to one of the Dr. Scholls Foot Mapping things you see at like, Walmart or Walgreens, and see if maybe an orthotic would help.

    It's really starting to piss me off. LOL
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    sounds like you're overdoing it.

    have a few days off and take it gently when you get back to it.

    Should you really be mixing up C25K with weights? I would have thought C25K would be enough for your legs.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    While I'm certainly no expert on running (I've been running for 9 months now), 2 things come to mind:
    1) shoes - are you sure you have good running shoes that fit your foot? Wouldn't lack of arch support strain your calves?
    2) running on a crowned road - this one is a killer for me - very rough on the feet, calves and hips. If you're running on a crowned shoulder, try to get as close to the white line as possible (without getting squished by passing motorists, that is!), where the angle isn't as extreme.
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    I have bad leg cramps after my long, fast walks. Sometimes even thee top muscles of my foot hurt. About 5 weeks ago I have severe charlie horses on my shin (which is very weird).
    I started drinking more water or gatorade. I also take a 800 mg of Ibuprofen (mine is prescription, but I imagine the 200 mg from over the counter would work too).
    I also use bengay (or Salonpas, or Hot and Icy) on my feet and legs before I hit the treadmill.

    Having said all that, I imagine it would be better to ask your doctor about what you should do for the cramps if you can afford to. Not everyone can go see a doctor anytime (I know that is my case).

    Good luck :)
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Are you actually cramping i.e a grabbing pain where the muscles are contracting savagely or is it a more chronic burning type of pain?

    If you are cramping then I would suggest look at increasing your hydration, ensuring that you stretch properly before your run/walk, maybe add some potassium into your diet.

    If it is the burning type of pain then you most probably have shin splints. A quick google search will yeild thousands of ways to avoid these but for me it was as simple as getting a pair of sorbothane inner soles for my shoes and increasing the calf stretches I did before and after exercise.
  • A calcium/magnesium supplement should help almost immediately.
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    Did you make sure that your vitamin has potassium in it? I had to get a separate potassium supplement. I have recently learned that tomato juice has a lot of potassium in it ( some have up to 700mg). Hope that helps!!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    Ibuprofen (if you take 800mg take with food or milk and only take 3 times a day/8 hours apart), hydration, and Tonic Water. The Quinine in tonic water helps charlie horses. I used to get charlie horses at night and tonic water really helped. You are definitely talking about your calfs, right? Not the front of your legs or shins. Shin splints can be a b*tch. And then you need to rest. As is, you may be overdoing it. Rest a couple of days and see if that helps.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    I run thinking toes up. When I would push off my toes would cause me to cramp. Also, insanity has helped me make amazing progress in leg strength. Did a 7.2 mile run last night.
  • A calcium/magnesium supplement should help almost immediately.

    I wondered why no one mentioned magnesium before. It does help me a lot - I'm still feeling muscle soreness, but nothing like I did before I started taking the magnesium (I take it during/right after workouts, not as a constant supplement with each meal)

    I'm also a bit surprised about so many people mentioning Ibuprofen in high doses over a long time and before workouts - not only can it have severe side effects, taking a painkiller before exercising will also increase the danger of hurting yourself quite a lot. For every trainer I ever had in my life so far (no matter if in the gym or for team sports) that was a total, absolute no go - people who had taken a painkiller were out for the day, period.
  • I had the same thing and stopped walking because my legs felt so heavy and like they were going to give out with pain too. I have a low Vit D level and that seems to have helped a lot. Good luck. Dinah
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    If you're experiencing charlie horse, or any other leg/foot cramps from running/walking, chances are you're dehydrated. I had a friend who would get crazy foot cramps, she started drinking a gatorade every day, never had any problem again. Water is great, but it doesn't replace everything you lose through sweat.
  • Several years ago, I moved to a big city where I walked everywhere, from the time I woke up till the time I went to home to sleep. Considering that my body wasn't yet used to this, I started to get "charlie horses" (I use that term too, lol) every night when I went to bed. This eventually stopped after a few months but it was really stressful. You're in a peaceful sleep, then BAM muscle contraction!
    I don't know how to stop them indefinitely, but I know how to curb them when they happen. Get a clean wash cloth and get it wet with the hottest water you can stand, and then put it on the area that's bothering you. If it's in your calves (which is where I always get them), point your toes up towards your face.

    I haven't gotten them in a long time. I started increasing my activity about 7 months ago, but I just got my first leg cramp for the first time in a long time last night. It was a really bad one too that was in my foot and my shin so the arching my foot trick didn't work this time. :(