Wanting to snack

Anyone have any tips for nighttime snacking. Carrots and celery method does not work for me. I find when I sit down to watch tv I immediately want to be snacking....old habits die hard! I'm find during the day but after the kids are in bed and I have downtime I find I want to eat and eat. Anyone else have the same problem?


  • tdesautel
    Hi, I have the same problem, I love popcorn with butter and chips, so far I have lost 9 pounds since I joined fitness pal about 2 weeks ago. I find that getting an endless supply of sugar free gum helps me, as soon as I start feeling like I need a snack I chew gum. The fruity ones are especially helpful because the crave the sweet tooth. I also drink a lot of crystal lite, It only has 5 calories per serving and a lot of new flavors. Much better than drinking water with no flavor. Also there is the Kellogg juice drink, Its like crystal lite but has fiber added into it so it helps you feel fuller and not wanting to eat. Hope this helps. Good luck
  • bkeeldo
    bkeeldo Posts: 28 Member
    What about popcorn? That usually works for me when I want to snack on something. I also will drink hot tea when I know I am not really hungry but just bored.
  • lkuhbander
    lkuhbander Posts: 3 Member
    Microwave popcorn is a good choice. You can eat A LOT of it, which is good if you are a bulk eater, for not a lot of calories. Just get the 94% fat free kind. You can always buy the popcorn seasoning to flavor it up. Watch the salt, but otherwise-enjoy! If it is sweets you are craving, try to go for a cup of skinny cow, ww, etc. ice cream. Put it in a coffee mug, cut a banana up and add some sugar free Cool Whip. It will feel like a sundae and seem like a lot because you have put it in a small container. I also tend to eat ice cream with one of my toddler's spoons so that my bites are smaller-makes it last longer. HTH!
  • girlpersons
    a cup of hot tea seems to be working for me. I am the same. I'm going from being a heavy snacker to an avid tea drinker. :)
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Me too!!!! I save some of my calories for this express purpose. I find salty 100 calorie packs of just about any kind of chips or crackers help. I also have yogurt and TRY to pretend it is ice cream, LOL.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I was also going to recommend 94% FF popcorn and chewing gum. They're both good options that work for me.
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    You can try this (I had this tonight, very tasty)

    1 small/medium apple cut up into small pieces
    1/2 cup FF/LF cottage cheese
    15 almonds slivered or chopped up
    1 teaspoon of Spenda's Brown sugar blend.

    Put cut up apple in the microwave and heat it for 30-40 secs, then put all remaining ingredients on top and mix.. Then enjoy!
  • jdramage
    I definitely allow myself to snack because if I don't and try to resist it will just be much worse when I finally give in. I just make sure they are low calorie snacks that are satisfying. My favs are air popped popcorn with some olive oil instead of butter, rice cakes with nutella if I'm craving chocolate, or some homemade snack mix (think pretzels, nuts like unsalted cashews or almonds, maybe some dried fruit and a few chocolate chips).
  • mhopkins
    Thanks so much everyone for your replies! It helps so much to have some support and know that others are in the same boat as I am!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Popcorn, Hot tea, mini bagel with fat free cream cheese, string cheese, a serving of Edy's 1/2 fat ice cream or sugar free popsicle, fruit.

    Drink you water and try not to think about it. Tell yourself if I still feel like I need something in 10 minutes then I will have blank. I think you just need to plan ahead and make sure you have that many calories left to have a snack after you get the children down.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I try to do light cardio during tv time ... I'll stand up and walk around, march in place, pretend like I'm jumping rope (though that doesn't last very long), I find that being up keeps me busy, and clearly it's not a bad thing to do a little extra cardio. It's not enough to get me sweaty (except during Biggest Loser, I'll be honest), but it makes me feel better about myself! But I do have to agree with popcorn - I air pop and use a little spray I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Good luck!
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    snacking, chew on an apple or piece of fruit, sugar free gelatin 5-10 calories but air popped popcorn always works for me. Or try a tall smoothy with a thin straw that goes along way.
  • mddomain
    mddomain Posts: 34 Member
    Cucumber slices with a couple of tablespoons of hummus or lightly misted with one of those salad spritzer sprays works for me. The sugarless gum is also a quick fix, as are clementines. One little clementine has about 40 calories and is sweet enough to take care of my sweet tooth.
  • pocostef
    I try carrots, apples, gum, grapes, doing squats by the TV, or even drinking orange flavor metamucil powder - it's 40 calories and makes me feel full.
  • cattiemac
    cattiemac Posts: 251 Member
    I'm a snacker too!! When I feel like I'm hungry I'll drink some water or have a cup of tea and wait 30 minutes and if I'm still hungry I'll have a snack. Sometimes when you feel hunger pains you're actually thirsty. Some snacks that I enjoy:

    If I'm craving salt -
    -100 cal. bag of popcorn
    - edamame with salt
    - yellow/red/orange peppers or rice cake with hummus
    - triscuit thin crackers with laughing cow cheese

    If I'm craving sweet -
    - an apple cut up and microwaved until warm and sprinkled with cinnamon
    - oatmeal
    - rice cake with almond butter
    - apple with peanut butter
    -graham crackers with peanut butter
    - a few Hershey kisses
    - frozen yogurt

    I also find if my hands are kept busy it keeps me from snacking so much so when I'm watching my favorite TV shows I find something to do with my hands like giving myself a manicure, etc. Or sometimes before settling in to watch some TV I'll brush my teeth because it makes my mind think it's done eating for the day and I find that helps me not think about snacking.