help! I did everything right and I gained!!!!



  • dawten
    dawten Posts: 61 Member
    When this happens, I put the scale away for a couple weeks. If it won't play nice it has to sit in the corner ;)

    Hehe, cute. :)
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Okay this is where people make the mistake. Sugar. Whatever you eat, look upon your sugar levels. Thus being. If to much consumed it makes itself a transition to fat. Your body needs it to burn, so if sitting there, its just not going to do anything. Dont just focus on the cals. Low carb high protein diets are best for weightloss. Everything you eat should be 5g of sugar or lower. If not thats your mistake. Keep it simple guys. Peace

    Understood, should I be eating even less sugar than Mfp allows me then?

    I'm over my sugar everyday and still have lost weight, so I don't know that this statement is true? You just started so give it time and the weight will come off:) Good luck!
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Don't believe the scale. Trust your diet and exercise. Several weeks ago my scale told me that I had gained 3 pounds. I knew that wasn't possible. I stuck to my diet. A week later the scale said I had lost nothing. My clothes were telling me a different story. Another week... nothing. Grrrr. I stuck to the diet. Another week later and the scale "caught" up with me and showed a loss of over 5 pounds.

    A scale weighs more than just fat. It also weighs water and muscle. If you are retaining some extra water it's going to show up on the scale. Drink more water to reduce water retention. Working out everyday is great but remember, muscle weighs more than fat. You could have easily lost 2 pounds of fat and gained 3 pounds of muscle.

    How your clothes fit is a better indicator of success.

    This happened to me! 2 weeks went by, no loss on the scale. All of a sudden on the 3rd week I dropped 3 pounds.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Lots of things could be going on to explain this. try not to get too caught up in the details. Bottom line...have you ever known anyone who regularly exercised and ate well that did not lose weight??? It will happen. Just keep at it!
  • Lots of things could be going on to explain this. try not to get too caught up in the details. Bottom line...have you ever known anyone who regularly exercised and ate well that did not lose weight??? It will happen. Just keep at it!

    I guess not when you put it that way! it's just frustrating because during my lentire life I have associated positive progress with a decrease in the scale! it's difficult to shift my frame of mind!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Okay this is where people make the mistake. Sugar. Whatever you eat, look upon your sugar levels. Thus being. If to much consumed it makes itself a transition to fat. Your body needs it to burn, so if sitting there, its just not going to do anything. Dont just focus on the cals. Low carb high protein diets are best for weightloss. Everything you eat should be 5g of sugar or lower. If not thats your mistake. Keep it simple guys. Peace
    Actually people make the mistake that they actually OVER CONSUME calories. It doesn't matter if it's protein, carbs or fat, excess energy gets stored as fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    Lots of things could be going on to explain this. try not to get too caught up in the details. Bottom line...have you ever known anyone who regularly exercised and ate well that did not lose weight??? It will happen. Just keep at it!

    I guess not when you put it that way! it's just frustrating because during my lentire life I have associated positive progress with a decrease in the scale! it's difficult to shift my frame of mind!

    I have struggled with the same thing! I'd get so frustrated! I remember once just sitting down and crying because I didn't see the point in denying myself the things I really wanted to eat (pizza and junk food) when I wasn't losing weight. I finally switched my mindset to becoming more healthy rather than seeing scale numbers go down. I still get caught up by it now and then, but it's getting easier.
  • Lots of things could be going on to explain this. try not to get too caught up in the details. Bottom line...have you ever known anyone who regularly exercised and ate well that did not lose weight??? It will happen. Just keep at it!

    I guess not when you put it that way! it's just frustrating because during my lentire life I have associated positive progress with a decrease in the scale! it's difficult to shift my frame of mind!

    I have struggled with the same thing! I'd get so frustrated! I remember once just sitting down and crying because I didn't see the point in denying myself the things I really wanted to eat (pizza and junk food) when I wasn't losing weight. I finally switched my mindset to becoming more healthy rather than seeing scale numbers go down. I still get caught up by it now and then, but it's getting easier.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I think I'm going to put the scale away for a while!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    It's best to weigh yourself at a consistent time, and not at any other time. Monday mornings upon waking up would be a good example.

    I would use other measurements besides simply scale weight, because scale weight has a lot of factors involved. Try weighing yourself every 2 hours for a couple of days, and you will learn that the scale number jumps around a lot based on meals, pooping, water consumption and retention, etc. Try measuring your arms/thighs/belly with a tape measure.

    A word about the sugar: It's best to cut out or limit refined sources of sugar, but don't think sugar is always the enemy. EAT ALL THE FRUIT YOU WANT!

    Don't get discouraged. If you stay on the path, and stay consistent, you will wind up where you want to be.
  • Thank you for the advice!