Average weight for a 5 foot 6 inches female



  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I think our definition of medium frames among the posters are somewhat different.

    I'm 5'6" and my heighest ever (excluding pregnancies) was 148lbs and lowest ever was 113lbs. I sit comfortably at around 120lbs or so. I know I'm medium frame because I was measured. I find it difficult to believe that the posters who have medium frames are aiming for 140 or more.

    Having said that, I'm more concerned with body fat percentage and aiming for a <18% BF for me.

    mmm somewhat rude... i think i have a medium frame and simply would not suit 120lbs... and yes have been there ideal weight 150lbs so bite me.

    Well said, Avenger!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am 5'6 and a half.......and I vary between 145 and 149 and I am still chunky......my goal is to get to 145 and see what I look like then......I think that I would never want to be less than 128 though.

    I meant to say 135......and see what I look like.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Your healthy weight range is 124 to 155 lbs.

    If you're above your healthy weight range, losing weight could decrease your risk for many serious health problems, and can also contribute to higher energy and other day-to-day benefits. Weight Watchers can help you reach a healthy weight — and stay there.

    However, if you’ve gained several pounds within this broad range as an adult, you may notice that you feel less energetic or could be experiencing other issues. If so, you may want to return to a previous healthy weight.

    As with having a low BMI (under 20), being underweight can pose several health risks. If you're below your healthy weight range, please see a health professional to rule out any problems

    This is from the Weight Watchers website. I am 5'6" myself. My goal is about 135. I am currently about 170 and am pear shaped. In other words I gots me a big ol' booty and hips. lol
  • clairebearmcgill
    clairebearmcgill Posts: 29 Member
    Brilliant, helpful postings wonderful ladies!
  • 8bitAlina
    8bitAlina Posts: 353 Member
    I'm 5'6", highest weight was 315lbs, currently sitting at 259lbs. I'm aiming for 200-220lbs for now, and then tweak my goal weight from there. I know I was pretty comfortable around the 180 mark. I think I have a large frame, and am apple shaped.
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm pretty damn hot @ 140 and super model at 135 lol

    ^^ this :) I'm happy at 140 but would be stupidly happy at 135, not sure if i could maintain 135 though.
  • I am 5foot 6 and get sick when I go below 125. I know the bmp charts tell you that you are good down to 118 but I would not try to go too far below 125 if I were you.
  • Jodo441
    Jodo441 Posts: 1
    I am 5 foot 6 and I weigh about 117. I'm very athletic though. I would say you should be at least 125 and at most 145 or so. But that is just my opinion.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    according to bmi chart 154 is a healthy weight
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    It all depends. I'm only 5'4", but I'm 144lbs.....and rockin' it pretty well. The more muscle you have the more you will probably weigh. =)

    bump... def depends ont he frame of ther person.. the shape of body and most def muscle..
    im 5'4" and started mfp at 234 and am now 193 but fit in a size 12 where a friend of mine who gave me the size 12 jeans wore then at 165 pounds! so in general weight is a number only.. especially when you workout and with weights!.. my goal is 175 because I'm me.. and my shape and muscle..and If i loose too much more my boyfriend will make me go find it! lol
    :laugh: true though..LOL
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'6 as well. My goal is to be a fit and curvalicious size 10 or 8. Not sure what weight that is but I'm aiming for 150 (currently 169 , size 12.)

    Everyone is different depending on their frame, desires etc. You look awesome right where you are! I read your profile and would think you are below average. From things ive read online, the range is from 120-160 or so.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi there

    I am plateauing with a good weight loss, but wish to know what the average weight for someone my height is so I don't fret too much....I am 37 years old and sit on my *kitten* in a desk job all day, but exercise about three times a week.

    What's the average weight for any other 5 foot 6 inch ladies out there?


    My cousins are both around 5'6'' and 145 lbs normally. They look hot.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi there my current weight is 169.8 and my goal weight is 165 because at that weight I am a size 8 and I do not wish to get smaller than that. I'm not sure if I have a lot of muscle weight or what because in looking at everyone else's posts who say that their average weight is 130-140 I would look HORRIBLE at that weight. When I did Weight Watchers in 2005 I got down to 143lbs which was a size 4 for me and I looked anorexic. When I got married in 2008 I was up to 160-165 and a size 8 and I looked great. All I know is for ME I wouldn't want to be any smaller than 165lbs.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    My cousin is a size 8 at 160-165. My dad calls her a "brick house" because she has such a strong pretty body.
  • I'm 165 right now. Im also 5'6'. I tend to cary most of my weight in my bottom half and my legs are sorta strong. I build muscle very easy. My measurement are 36-31-41. I feel most confident when I am around 145-150. 120 looks too slim on me. Im 30 btw. Hope this helps ;-)
  • heatherforever222
    heatherforever222 Posts: 26 Member
    I started at 160 and was kinda chunky, today I currently weight 143 and people think I am pretty skinny. I am trying to get down to about 130 and see what that looks like before losing anymore.
  • JoLo27
    JoLo27 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 138lbs, down from 146lbs, and I've got a small frame. Losing 8lbs has made a real difference, I actually feel a lot slimmer and much more comfortable as my weight tends to go onto my middle. My goal is around 130lbs (which tends to be consistent with a lot of others who've commented on this post). Anything less than this and my face would be too thin and that can be very aging at my age!!
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I have a small frame but good muscle tone and I currently weigh 149 :/ which gives me a nice pooch over my belly and a layer of fat everywhere else. I currently wear a size 6 jeans/8 dress (because of my chest I think). My goal is 125, but that said, I was at 114 for years without trying and ate a TON. I looked thin but not unhealthy. So I agree, a lot of it is your frame and body type.

    Also, if any of you 5ft 6in ladies want to add me as a friend, I need some support from people with similar goals! :)
  • YourLotusFlower11
    YourLotusFlower11 Posts: 90 Member
    Bump i wanna know this too
  • I'm curious and I made this account just to ask, I'm 13 and I'm 5 foot 6 but I'm 115 pounds. Is that healthy?
  • wing5
    wing5 Posts: 13 Member
    Im 138 now and wish to be 130- which is pretty small for me as I have a large frame, but hopefully I get close to there!