Weird Motivational Quirks!

Hey Ladies.. and gentleman, if there are any out there! I'm eighteen, and I'm trying to lose 40 lbs by my 19th birthday, May.28th
When I was 16 going on 17, I did weight watchers (in around the same time frame i am giving myself now) and lost 38 lbs. Unfortunately, I have gained it all back, lost 20 of it, and gained it all back. Sometimes I have a really hard time staying motivated to go to the gym or to not eat everything in site. I was wondering if you guys have some weird motivational quirks or techniques you use.. like putting pictures up or writing notes or whatever. I will try pretty much anything aha. Thanks!


  • onichikun
    onichikun Posts: 21 Member
    Sounds like what I am trying to do!

    Usually when I get hungry and I am tempted to eat something, I just log onto this website and look at how well I have been doing in the past, and look at how many calories I have left... and tell myself if I splurge, all this hard work is ruined...

    That usually does it for me!
  • mamtz26
    mamtz26 Posts: 22
    I have found the best motivation is FRIENDS & FAMILY... get them on board and cheer each other on as well as help each other out when you hit a tough spot and watch those pounds start to shed. Above all stay away from negative ppl that are just going to bring you down and just remind yourself how great you look every morning when you see yourself in the mirror. GOOD LUCK and keep smiling!!!
  • taylorfriedchicken
    taylorfriedchicken Posts: 47 Member
    Hey! BTW my birthday is may 28th as well (i'll be 20) and I'm trying to lose it around that time as well.

    A few motivational things I do is that I found a picture of a girl that I considered had the "perfect body." I chose a bikini pic of Julianne Hough. Anyway, I made that my wallpaper on my laptop as well as in my pantry I hung the picture of her. Also, there is a BCBG dress that I would like to get after I lose the weight so I have post - its that say "BCBG Dress" and hung one in my pantry and one in my refrigerator.

    These are just small reminders that maybe I don't need that extra cracker or what not.

    Unfortunately, you might get embarrassed by these things: in a lecture hall I always have to keep a window open on my screen so no one sees my background and looks at me weird.

    My biggest motivation is a bet that I made with my dad. He is dieting as well and we each have a goal and a "final weigh in day." whoever is closest to their goal gets $200 from the other person. If we both reach our goal, no one owes each other anything. Now, I'm not saying gamble but it's best to do it with a friend and make it like a competition (however, this doesn't mean starve yourself just to win).

    A final thing I can think of is when you begin to lose weight, treat yourself. You are probably thinking of food but treating yourself doesn't need to be all about food! If you get down to your first smaller goal... get a manicure! If you are 3/4 there... get a massage or facial! when you reach your goal you can get yourself a nice hang bag or what not.

    GOOD LUCK and just know you would not be the only one using these tools.... this IS my everyday lifestyle!
  • BamaRose0107
    I keep a picture of myself at my heaviest weight on the fridge and on the microwave. It really makes me think when I want a snack!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    definitely some awesome advice. it is definitely SO much easier to do with a friend or with a family member. when i lost weight for the first time, my mom, my best friend and my best friends mom all went to weight watchers. it was awesome to all work together and to constantly have a support system. my mom is having a harder time than i am getting back into it though and my best friend is a machine so i feel a little incompetent and im alot farther from my goal weight than she is.. like.. by 75lbs aha. but she's a great work out buddy. i think i might start writing myself notes. not just ones to make me feel bad but motivational ones to keep my spirits up. thanks for the tips. :) keep em comin.
  • tke1028
    tke1028 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey~I found my motivation at the weirdest place today... the gym.There was a weird crazy man doing leg stretches all over the top of the treadmill next to me.It got my butt moving so I could get out of there.Ha!!!Did my mile in 14 min.(almost 13 min,lol:)I ended up doing 3 miles and planning on going back tonight to do 3 more.Maybe I should find out his schedule,lol.Before I went to the gym I was barely moving...just comes when you least expect it sometimes,lol!!!Hang in CAN do it!!!
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for calling me a machine bailey.
    and you are going to be machine, youve done it before and you can deffenitly do it again
    you will kick that steppers *kitten* by your birthday and just be doing it like its no ones business
    ill make ya a deal...
    once you lose 10lbs we will go get our manicures done
    love u!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    For me it helped to have a goal other than hitting a target weight. Don't get me wrong that is great too but for me it isn't so much about a number but rather a lifestyle and being able to do all things I want to do.

    So last year I chose to run in a 1/2 marathon. That gave me the motivation to stick with my training. And I did it and it was awesome. Honestly I can say I am more proud of that the amount of lbs I have lost. I am not a runner by nature so for me it was a way to prove to myself that there are no limits to what I can do.

    This year I am going to do the 1/2 marathon again but I also wanted to try something new. So my goal is to take boxing lessons and compete in a match!

    I think it is great that you are using your birthday for motivation but keep in mind that 40lbs in 4 months is aggressive. I'm not saying it is impossible, it depends on how much you have to lose and how much time you can devote. What about instead of only focusing on a specific number you buy yourself a special b-day outfit in a size or two smaller than what you are wearing now?

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Tke : that made me laugh so hard! I might be able to find a few weirdos at my gym to motivate me to leave, you never know haha.
    Tam : i could get my manicure whenever I want ahah, but yes, sounds good. the thing is, jenna is having her babies soon lol. so it might be a while before we can get them done. oh well! how about if i look hot on my 19th you buy me a sexy dress so we can FINALLY legally go out together ;p
    KatWood: i definitely agree with having alternate goals besides a target weight. i was going to try to run a 10k this summer but i just don't think i can be ready for it that quick. but i could train, walk/run it, and maybe do it next summer i suppose! congratulations as well on all your achievements, you are inspiring! i know 40lbs is aggressive but im just reaching high so that even if i fall 5-10 lbs below it i have still lost 30-35 lbs. we will see what happens!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have a picture of me at my lowest weight hiking in Oregon tacked on the fridge and a picture of a sexy dress I want to into taped to the pantry door!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    do you find the pictures work? like pictures of nice bodies and nice clothes? i have thought about trying it.
  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    bails i have a picture of kate hudson, cuz shes flat like me. lol. i would rather look like a victoria secret model, but lets be realistic. lol
  • taylorfriedchicken
    taylorfriedchicken Posts: 47 Member
    do you find the pictures work? like pictures of nice bodies and nice clothes? i have thought about trying it.

    let's just say that from the pics (which helped with my healthy eating & exercise) I lost 5.2 lbs this week!

    It helps. It lets you rethink that extra snack and instead may even get you to drink another glass of water!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    im thinking about doing it. maybe not pictures of bodies but just things that inspire me or whatever.. we'll see what i can come up with aha. im trying to be creative lol
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    bails i have a picture of kate hudson, cuz shes flat like me. lol. i would rather look like a victoria secret model, but lets be realistic. lol

    lol victorias secret models dont even look like victorias secret models. i let that dream go a LONG time ago ahahah