weight loss breaking point...



  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    The breaking point for me was when I was waiting for a bus with my partner and an entire stop full of people when a car full of young lads went past and shouted 'You fat Bxxxh'
    I had never been so humiliated in all of my life. I have always been a bubbly and fun person but my heart died a little that second. I am only 5ft as it is so obviouolsy my weight has less area to spread to.
    All of my sisters are healthy weight and my cousin and friends so I just thought, why not join them... 5ft and 12 stone puts me in the Obese category so this alone made me embarrased.

    Oh my god! People are the worst. Seriously, this just made me angry.
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    A serious staff infection that was fed by my bad eating lifestyle. That was my Shawshank redemption moment, "Time to get busy living or busy dying." I chose the former and not the latter.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Got pissed off with taking the bus and started riding a bike to work the rest just fitted in after that
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    My mind just finally reminded myself that it will never get EASIER to lose weight, so I might as well start now. It only gets harder the older and more out of shape we get! Helped me get started and it's over 6 months later and I'm not looking back!
  • Nurturegirl
    Nurturegirl Posts: 82 Member
    My breaking point was struggling to bend over to put plastic covers on my shoes pool side, during my daughter's swimming lesson because my boobs and tummy were in the way.
  • When my cholesterol got so high that the doctor wanted to put me on medication. So I have lost 20 some pounds before I started here and now I am working on the next.

    I like my doctor but.....I sure like to tell her
    in your face
  • Cinny91
    Cinny91 Posts: 21 Member
    I started walking my dog because SHE was overweight. When my husband commented on how much slimmer SHE was becoming it dawned on me that a 1 mile walk was doing her good but not me. I was using the walk as a stress reliever at the time for myself. Woke up one morning and thought to myself, as long as I'm walking for the dog and stress, why not turn it into a work out for me. This might be the one exercise that I enjoy doing. Started with a mile, worked up to 2, then 3 and now I walk 4 miles in an hour. I saw how it was affecting my body, toning my legs, adding stamina so I added weight training to my agenda and bought a treadmill on the days when it's raining, snowing or too cold. Once all my workouts became a habit I turned to eating right and watching my calories. That's what brought me here. When I started walking 4 miles I had lost around 25 lbs. After starting on this site I've lost an additional 15. It truly is a life changing decision and I plan on sticking to it for the rest of my life.
  • I went to a park with my grandbabies......My granddaughter wanted me to slide down a slide with her, and it took so much effort to do so my kids took pictures because they thought they'd never see that again (and my granddaughter was just beaming she was so happy.) When I saw that picture I was surprised I had not gotten Bertha (my butt) stuck right there at the park.

    I got to thinking how much my grandmother had done with me when I was young, and how she went places and was so healthy, and lived to see several great grandchildren be born, and I knew I had to do something fast. #1 I can't let my grandbabies down, and #2 Bertha needs to get small enough again to lose her name (not big enough for her own zip code.)

    If I could quit smoking last year, I can give up eating things that are bad for me this year.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    For me, it was a combination of things... The past few years I haven't felt like myself. I would think back on how confident I was in college and how good I felt. I'm feeling more like my old self now. I also dance and it's hard to dance when you're carrying around an extra 20 pounds.
    Also, I've had asthma all my life and went to the doctor and got put on 3 different types of medication. Not a good feeling. I just took up running. Hopefully that helps. I'm only 25 - I want to be able to breathe on my own!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I went to the doctor and was on BP meds and was told I was to start on diabetes meds unless I lost weight in the next 3 months. What really clicked for me to be successful was the fact that I was doing a bible study at the time and it was the first time that I used my faith for strength and support.
  • My boyfriend is 6" tall and weighs 202 and I was 5'4" and weighed in at 220.6 when I first started. So my first goal is to weigh less than my boyfriend, three pounds away :)!
  • MrChristopho
    MrChristopho Posts: 10 Member
    When I found a picture of myself at my high school prom. I noticed how my face filled out a fair bit, then realized that since my last year of high school I had gained like 40lbs. The lifestyle change was tough at first, but it's sinking in. I find myself choosing to go out for a walk over TV or video games from time to time. I even joined several rec sport leagues to keep me going. I never miss a game.

    What's the toughest obstacle people have been noticing about the weight loss? After a hard day at work I find it REALLY hard to motivate myself to get out to the gym. Here and there I'm still finding it hard to portion my meals. I still get surprised by how some of my favourite foods are so bad for me.

    I'm hoping to lose another 15lbs ish by mid October because I'm doing the CN Tower climb in Toronto. I'm kind of using that date as a midway checkpoint for my weight loss goal, but I fell behind after some holidays and rough weeks at the office....on top of rib fest :S.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mine was returning home after an amazing vacation with friends and family in israel and realizing that i gained 10lbs. I wanted to get fit and eat healthy so that the next time i go, which will be in may when i move to israel, i will not be the best friend of the girl next door but the girl next door :D
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    The breaking point for me was when I was waiting for a bus with my partner and an entire stop full of people when a car full of young lads went past and shouted 'You fat Bxxxh'
    I had never been so humiliated in all of my life. I have always been a bubbly and fun person but my heart died a little that second. I am only 5ft as it is so obviouolsy my weight has less area to spread to.
    All of my sisters are healthy weight and my cousin and friends so I just thought, why not join them... 5ft and 12 stone puts me in the Obese category so this alone made me embarrased.

    Why is it that some people find it necessary to be hurtful jerks to people they don't even know? Good for you that you are motivated to do something healthy for yourself and I'm sorry that the stupidity of ignorant people affected your sunny disposition. I wish you lots of success on your journey.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    ...when I ran across a list of the heaviest NFL football players and I weighed more than the heaviest Offensive Linemen.
    "Offensive" indeed!

    Another eye opener was the first (and only) time I needed a seat belt extender on an airplane.

    My highest weight was 377, now I'm down to 283. Size 5x down to 2X, Size 28-30 down to 22-24.
    No more seat belt extenders.
    No more worrying about even fitting into the airplane seat.
    No more worrying about fitting into seats at events or movie theaters.
    No more worrying about car seat belts being big enough.
  • I knew my jean sizes were getting bigger and bigger, but then I saw a picture of myself at a wedding, next to my husband who is 6'4" and a solid dude. I looked bigger than him, with rounded shoulders and moon face. It was the realization for me, and it was time to say out loud, to my husband first "I weigh 265 pounds and it is NOT GOOD"!. I had been ignoring the feeling winded, blaming it on the heat. I had been making excuses for everything. I don't even have baby weight to blame it on, we have no kids. It was just time. I got scared. I've had only a 15 or so loss so far, but when I pick up a 5lb weight and see how much it is, I realize what I've been carrying around on my body. It was time for me, for ME.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member

    This picture. I maintained a weight of 180 lbs (not healthy either, but better than in this picture.) Then last winter, I went from my not-so-good 180 to 200. I had never been out of the 100-somethings before. Oh, and my weight in this picture? 220 lbs. Yep. I cried when I saw it.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    It wasnt really a breaking point with me... I knew I was getting big, avoided having my pic taken but I was ready to start exerciseing, I was bored with not doing anything, some relatives had started aqua aerobics so I decided to join them, they didnt attend regulary but would still complain about not losing their weight, I used to be very active and used to do mixed martial arts so when I saw a local kickboxing club fundraising I joined up... That was a month ago and for over a week ive been keeping a food diary so I can control what im eating

    I wouldnt call it a breaking point... More like a eureka moment
  • dshgna
    dshgna Posts: 54 Member
    When I plummeted from 55kgs to 60kgs in just one month.

    After months of yo-yo dieting, I finally decided to go for long time changes and started zumba!
  • cherrym03
    cherrym03 Posts: 26 Member
    Basically, I put on about 6.5 lbs during my 3 week stay at my grandparents' during this summer, because all I ate was crappy chocolate-filled biscuits, candy bars & stuff like that.
    I knew I had gained a bit of weight (I wasn't in the best shape before I went there either).
    I got back home and wanted to go out with my friends. I wanted to wear the jeans I usually wore in school just freaking 2 months before that. BARELY MANAGED TO ZIP THEM.
    Got angry & disgusted at myself, because reality had finally slapped me in the face. My mirror was basically screaming "Look at you. This is solid evidence that you have got to change. NOW."
    And then I started searching for healthier recipes and exercise programs. And I stumbled on this amazing community. And I told myself that no matter how slow it goes, if others can, so can I :)