eating the same thing



  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Me too. I eat the same thing every week day. I eat differently on the weekends. But on Sunday afternoons, I prepare 5 salads, 5 morning snacks, 5 afternoon that during the week, not only do I eat healthy, but I can just grab and go in the morning. I do switch up the types of foods/toppings from week to week, but Monday thru Friday of the week, evey day will be exactly the same. Dinner is the only thing that changes every day. Ive found what works for me.

    Breakfast: Protein shake
    Morning snack: greek yogurt/cottage cheese mixture with fruit and something crunchy (like granole or fiber cereal) to top it
    Lunch: Salad with different dressings and protein from week to week
    afternoon snack: almonds
    Dinner: varies

    BUT....on the weekends....dont you DARE give me a salad!! lol
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Monday through Friday, breakfast is almost always low-fat yogurt with 1/2 a cup of high fiber cereal mixed in. Every once in a while, I splurge on a bacon-egg-and-cheese English muffin. Lunch and dinner is different every day though.
  • AlexandraLynch
    I am an Aspie, so I like sameness. When I don't have dinner leftovers to eat up for breakfast, I eat a plain roast beef sandwich and a serving of baked chips, a can of Diet Coke, and a 32 ounce glass of water. Every day.

    It doesn't make my head hurt, it doesn't weigh me down, it doesn't bind me up or give me the runs, and it's within calorie guidelines. So it works for me. (Plus, I don't "feel like" I'm on a diet when I can have chips, and that is purely a psychological issue from a teenage diet I was put on.)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    yup, my breakfast is one of three things. egg white omlette, flax z hot cereal, or gluten free chex.
    lunch is veggie stir fry, salad and chicken, or low carb wrap with cucumber ham and cream cheese.
    supper is meat and veggies, sometimes rice or potato.

    I have snacks tho. a.m. low carb tea biscuit, pm, yogurt and arrowroots.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Yes i pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day and keep my snacks the same too. My evening meals aren't that varied either....I know what I like and what will fill me up and that's good enough for me. When I get bored I swap items around slightly but essentially stick to the same formula:

    Breakfast - cereal bar

    Morning snack - cereal bar

    Lunch - sandwich, snack bar & yogurt

    P.M snack - yoghurt and cereal bar

    Dinner: rice, pasta, potato or noodles with either tuna, prawns or quorn. I also have chicken as well every so often.

    If I'm at placement for uni I might have a ready meal at lunch instead and a kiddies variety pack of cereal in the morning but everything else stays the same.

    Works for me!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I joke and say I am somewhat of a repetitive eater, for the last 38 months I pretty much have the exact same thing for breakfast and most lunches everyday. It works for me and I don't get tired of it. My suppers are even somewhat of the same. I normally choose from 5 or 6 different combo's. I always say keep it simple stupid, so if it works than I am not going to mess with it... Best of Luck
  • juliedee6
    juliedee6 Posts: 46 Member
    I so the same thing too. It means you don't have to think about food. Thinking about food makes me crazy!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I have the same thing for breakfast and lunch on workdays. Partly because it's easy to track and partly because I have to so I use up the food before it goes off!

    I don't find it boring and I do mix it up for dinner and at weekends.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I don't eat the same exact thing every day, but have like 3-4 things I alternate between during the way. Makes it more simple to plan out, cheaper on the budget. I used to eat the same exact thing day after day, but it got old and I wanted variety. So I've been trying to add a new meal/idea 1-2 times a month.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Like the majority I also eat very similar things every day, at the moment lots of fruit, fresh veg & salads as they are all in season, but tend to swap them around a bit, so maybe fruit lunch one day, salad lunch the next

    I like the MFP calorie method as I can see what is OKish or not [just had grilled gammon steak which came in at over 350 calories] but the rest of the veg hardly counted, so still kept in limits
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Yeah, I do the same. I eat the same thing every weekday, at least until dinner. I happen to like it a lot, too...