
MariaPerfect Posts: 28
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I'm thinking of doing a Detox and was wondering if someone would be able to help me, give me info and tell me if you've done Detoxing?.

Any replys would be very welcome and also please feel welcome to add me as a friend.

Thanks Maria xXx


  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Are you doing a detox to lose weight? That is not generally the intention of it. There are mixed views of detoxs on this site with some people totally against it and others for it.

    A healthy detox is used to remove toxins from your body, it can reduce sugar cravings and get the body working more efficiently. While this can lead to weight loss, the goal of the detox is to detoxify the body only ( hence the name) There are several good products on the maket with my personal favourite called Thisilyn.

    If you are planning on doing this for weight loss there are all the celebrity fad ones that have you drinking a concoction of maple syrup, lemon and cayenne pepper. Although you will lose weight on this ( who wouldn't when that is all you can eat) you will gain the weight back as it is an unhealthy way to lose weight.

    I suggest you research it some and speak to somebody at a health store prior to making your decision
  • It is to move toxins from my body hunny not for weight loss.
  • I was having some digestion problems last year and decided to do a detox to help flush out toxins. I went to GNC and talked to one of the reps. I ended up doing their total body cleanse. It worked well and really helped my digestion issues.
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    When I decide to detox, I go a semi-natural route. If you google "Heckman Flush" you will find some forum posts that tell you exactly what you need to do. It's very effective and really cheap, especially when compared to what you buy at stores.

    The basic ingredients are: psyllium husk powder, charcoal capsules, and scenna seed capsules. I'd go into further detail, but it's easier just to search google and find Heckman's Flush. It works perfectly. I ended up spending about $30 for everything.
  • Thank you everyone for your replys, your info helps a lot.
  • the easiest detox to start with (if you haven't ever done one) is a fruits and veggies only detox. you can google it, but basically, you do 21 days of ONLY fruits and vegetables, all eaten raw, and lots of water and plain tea is good too! another good one after that is to do a juice detox, but you need a juicer to do it...also google-able!
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    I have started doing a shot of wheatgrass juice every morning. Wheatgreass juice is an excellent natural detox for your blood and liver. It's not very tastey...but I can tell it's doing it's job and I feel great now.
  • jdorais
    jdorais Posts: 27 Member
    I have started doing a shot of wheatgrass juice every morning. Wheatgreass juice is an excellent natural detox for your blood and liver. It's not very tastey...but I can tell it's doing it's job and I feel great now.
    Wheat grass kicks *kitten*! However it DOES taste like crap. I've done a liver flush (very interesting) a blood cleanse (oi vey) and a colon cleanse. They're all helpful, but you know what I like the best? Chlorella! I actually take about 10-15 grams per day. You can google it or go to : for the free book.
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