Counting Calories NOT working



  • Please help! I am getting so frustrated. I will spend all week following this calorie counter perfectly (I weigh my food, etc.) and I will be perfectly under 1379 all week. I will maybe lose 1 pound (which I understand is normal, so that's fine). Then I will have 1 week where I cheat maybe once or twice a week, and usually not that bad (maybe an extra 500-800 calories TOTAL a week). And yet my weight will jump about 3 pounds. And it's not a fluke because it will take another 3 weeks of being perfect to get down those 3 pounds. This makes no sense to me, and if I can't have the occasional cheat day without losing all my progress, I'm just going to give up. What am I doing wrong??

    I had nearly six months recently where I wasn't losing anything. A couple of things I did to help myself was really focus on how much water I was drinking. As a busy student, get a large water bottle and take it with you. Focus on more protien driven foods that are easy to carry — protien meal bars, hard boiled eggs — and if you have a smart phone, get the MFP app and log everything BEFORE you eat it...Since I've refocused on tracking things before I eat it and on how much water I drink I'm back to losing again.

    Good luck.
  • timpin
    timpin Posts: 1 Member
    I have managed to lose 50lbs by using myfitness pal, but it is not a miracle cure ! It won't work unless you do the excercise as well. Having worked with this thing now for a few months, i have learned how to play it and make it work for me. I eat more food now than I ever have done but it does come at a small price and that is that you have to excercise ! I got fed yp with going tot he gym four times a's boring but now i have a new passion and that'd walking. I do it every day and i just watched the pounds roll of me. Best thing I did was to get a fitbit which helps me to monitor everything I do and eat. I have now become a chocoholic and still dont put weight on ! Remember above all, it will work better for you if you do the excercise. Everything comes at a price ! Good luck.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yeah I'm starting to think I may try weight watchers instead if I'm not allowed to cheat a little. They at least allow you to eat as many fruits/veggies as you want. Thanks for your help guys!


    Have fun storming the castle!

    In all seriousness, if you aren't willing to listen to feedback, don't ask for it. I hope she does well wherever she goes.

    (I "cheat" all the time and I'm doing just fine. Balance FTW)
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I feel your pain, but I know exactly why I'm not losing weight and that is because I have cheat days. Because I work out regularly, I don;t gain weight, but I also don't lose it. I understand being busy. I worked full time (6-330) and was taking 19 engineering credits and still found time to work out. It sucks, but if you really want to lose weight working out and counting calories works. Having cheat days every week doesn't work for me. It does for some people. but if I want to consistently lose weight I have to stay committed all the time. Don't get frustrated, losing weight isn't easy. Just try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies. :) Good luck!
  • Lynn625
    Lynn625 Posts: 56 Member
    Account is deactivated...I guess she went to Weight Watchers:ohwell:
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yeah I'm starting to think I may try weight watchers instead if I'm not allowed to cheat a little. They at least allow you to eat as many fruits/veggies as you want. Thanks for your help guys!

    It's not about being "allowed" to cheat a little or not. MFP doesn't have rules about eating, it's just a way to track your calories, nutrition, and fitness. As long as you can make your indulgences fit into your goals MOST of the time, it's not even cheating.

    Regarding logging every single thing: I understand time constraints, but, if you can't look back at your log and see what you ate, not approximate, but exactly, it's going to be harder for you to identify what the problem is. I don't see how someone can track calories and fat and carbs and protein and sodium, etc, in their head. All those things matter.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I think what they really are meaning is, if you want us to help you we have to see the true picture and can't see the true picture if we can't see what you're eating/exercising.

    Clean up the food a bit, try to eat more "clean" foods such as the way God made them, less processed or limited process and get exercise in DAILY.

    Also, lack of sleep and too much stress will take it's toll on weight loss as well.
  • Good luck to her.. It is possible that WW may work better for her and her goals.

    I will say that I understand what she meant about keeping a notebook. I started counting calories back in the day using a notebook and I still use one to this day. Often times I've wrote my food in my notebook for an entire day but forgot to log it here. Nothing wrong with that..
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Account is deactivated...I guess she went to Weight Watchers:ohwell:

    ... Because a plan that allows you to eat an infinite amount of fruits and veggies will somehow magically have better results than where you keep track of everything... Well, good luck to her.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Yeah I'm starting to think I may try weight watchers instead if I'm not allowed to cheat a little. They at least allow you to eat as many fruits/veggies as you want. Thanks for your help guys!

    I realize she's left, but if she thinks that, she's seriously deluded. You can't eat as many coconuts or pineapples or ears of corn as you like. You have to be aware of the calories and carbs in those foods.

    Sooner or later, she'll realize that Weight Watchers is just a less direct form of calorie counting. But whatever works for her.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Oh...and I actually wasn't being sarcastic either....i'm sure I could of rustled up some better sarcastic replies if she hadn't run off. God no one wants to play anymore these days lol

    But seriously, why the hell ask a question then get narky because you don't like the answer's. A bit stupid for a educated girl me thinks. You can't expect it to work if you don't use the tools properly.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Good luck to her.. It is possible that WW may work better for her and her goals.

    I will say that I understand what she meant about keeping a notebook. I started counting calories back in the day using a notebook and I still use one to this day. Often times I've wrote my food in my notebook for an entire day but forgot to log it here. Nothing wrong with that..

    Yeah, but nobody knew that she did maintain a full record somewhere. I've seen posts here in which people have said things like "Do I have to count coffee creamer? Beers?" Of course. You have to count everything.
  • meangreen11
    meangreen11 Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah I'm starting to think I may try weight watchers instead if I'm not allowed to cheat a little. They at least allow you to eat as many fruits/veggies as you want. Thanks for your help guys!

    I realize she's left, but if she thinks that, she's seriously deluded. You can't eat as many coconuts or pineapples or ears of corn as you like. You have to be aware of the calories and carbs in those foods.

    Sooner or later, she'll realize that Weight Watchers is just a less direct form of calorie counting. But whatever works for her.

    I used WW to lose the same amount of weight last year, ended up skinny-fat and gained it all back. WW makes you count points (not calories) so you don't (or at least I didn't) pay attention to macros. With MFP, I have learned that to be successful for the long-haul I need to eat the right foods, in the right combination and build some muscle to ramp up my metabolism. I weigh what I did when I quit paying for WW (thinking I could do maintenance on my own -- FAIL), but I am smaller because of what I have eaten and the muscle I have gained. I wish her luck, but I don't think she is willing to do the work that it takes to do this the right way.

    ETA: I cannot spell today! :ohwell:
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Yeah I'm starting to think I may try weight watchers instead if I'm not allowed to cheat a little. They at least allow you to eat as many fruits/veggies as you want. Thanks for your help guys!


    Have fun storming the castle!

    In all seriousness, if you aren't willing to listen to feedback, don't ask for it. I hope she does well wherever she goes.

    (I "cheat" all the time and I'm doing just fine. Balance FTW)

    AGREED. I haven't been losing weight (actually gaining) yet I know it's my fault and I'm working on it. I believe "everything in moderation!"
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    You can't expect it to work if you don't use the tools properly.

    Perfectly said.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    i think it is a mental drain at times..calorie counting. I totally agree..that calories are the scientific truth and path to weightloss. It is just easier for most people to follow a "plan" that restricts calories in some way...but the dieter finds it easier to follow then having to think about every bite of food and count it. To top it is tricky to find out how many calories one should be eating to lose. It takes time and work..and can get old.

    So WW has points... or low carb diets have no sugar or startch... or low fat where you negate all fat. They are each diet plans where one loses..because really they're elminating calories in some fashion.

    So..I get the girl liking the thought that she can eat all the vegetables she wants..even though??? I don't think WW says you can eat all the fruit you want. Sounds like she is confused.
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    i cant speak for everyone but i know for a fact 1+1=2 and i add everything down to my soda which i dont drink but sometimes people will taste something or take a drink and not log it trust me that adds up if not with the calories then with the fat content so if you are trully committed try adding everything and not cheating. cheating to me is kind of stupid you make all this progress to then drop it down the toilet by overeating instead eat what you want just make sure to portion control. i have consistetly lost 33 lbs to date and i have 30 more to go and i know it will take a while to get there probably another 100 days but the end result is so much better than a cheat donut capish!
  • Yeah that 19 pound loss was not from my counting calories days. That was my original SW but I somehow lost 15 of those pounds by doing nothing at all. I only added it on here for motivation (bad I know). And yeah my days aren't perfect because I'm a very busy professional student and sometimes forget to finish my diary because I'm up till 2 in the morning studying, but I still keep track mentally in my head (I just forget to fill it in later). I never skip meals, I just sometimes get lazy when I eat the same thing for lunch and dinner, and I add it all together onto one meal. I probably do eat too much sugar. And I was on the 30 day shred, but now that school started, I feel like i don't have enough time (In class from 8 - 5, 1hour break to eat dinner and relax, study from 6 - I pass out)

    I know it's tough sometimes but it can be done. I am a full time doctoral student with a 4.0 as well as a graduate assistant. I teach and am involved in research. I log everything I eat every day and exercise at least 5 days a week. It is all about priorities. Until you are fully invested in your weight loss and health and making this a full lifestyle change, you will not see the amount of success that you want. I know how easy it can be to say you are too busy, have no time, forget, can only eat crap food, etc. because that all used to be me but I made the conscious choice not to make any more excuses or rationalize everything I was doing to sabotage myself. Don't be lazy, don't keep track of things mentally -log it like you are supposed to-, make time for exercise, vary your meals, have healthy snacks, and still get good sleep.
  • Sorry if this is a repeat as I did not read every reply. Not all calories are created equal. 100 calorie snack packs and 100 calories of fresh fruit and vegetables with have different effects on your body. Sometimes is is more about WHAT you are eating instead of how MUCH.

    Another factor is is not all about the calories. We need to pay attention to calories, as well as carbs, sugar and protein. If you are way over on carbs and sugar then you will not lose weight. Re-examine what you are eating, what it is made of, what's in it. If you are using carbs to reach your calories goal you will not have as good of results as if you are using lean protein to reach your goal.

    If you have a lot of weight to lose, you might want to cut out cheat days until you have reached your desired weight. Another thought is keeping up with your calories in your head is not a good idea. We g et busy and forget about those extra 50 calories, 100 calories, etc. They add up quick. Also, if you are logging in your head you do not know how much sugar or carbs are included. You can not out work a poor diet.

    Lastly, the weight was not gained overnight so it will take more than a week, month maybe a year to see results. there are 3,500 calories in a pound. so a deficit of 3,500 calories/week must be obtained to lose 1 pound a week.
  • Wow, she really deactivated? I guess she didn't like what she was hearing.