Having such a rubbish time of it.....

.....and I just want to eat!!! What do you do when you are feel a bit rubbish and need comfort?!


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I usually go for a brisk walk, or drink a big glass of water. Hang in there!
  • maydaydance
    Me, I go for marmalade on toast when there isn't cake in sight or low fat breakfast cereal. I've not done too well this last couple of days either so I sympathise, with me i'm guessing because its coming up to the time of the month, that might be your problem maybe? I know right now i'd kill for chocolate!

    Anyway, for a sweet low fat treat try dips with sweet chilli sauce if your a savoury person, I love them, otherwise those 'pink and white' wafer things are good, less than 5% fat and quite low in cals. No idea of the sugar content though, they are probably really bad for you :-)

    Keep smiling ;-) x Heidi
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    You could try cleaning your teeth - sometimes that helps me. Or do a minute of running on the spot as hard as you can or a minute of jumping jacks to help take your mind away from craving.
    Or damage limitation - try backed potatoes with beans - warm and comforting. Or some low cal soup.
    Hope I have helped a little.
    Good Luck
  • jamieseward
    I use Hungry Girl.com, I got the book, there are 200 recipes under 200 calories. You can take chocolate cake mix add a 15 oz can of pumpkin and thats it, bake as usual and its only 180 calories for a big piece. Tastes wonderful, my kids eat it up!
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    How I get my chocolate fix - sounds disgusting but kills the cravings for a fraction of the calories - get some low fat squirty cream and squirt into a bowl, add a small amount of chocolate syrup (I mean less than a teaspoon) then mix together and the result is a very low fat/low cal but still very sweet chocolate pudding!!!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I am looking at this as a lifestyle change. There are some times that you just want to have something comforting so you make room for it in your food. You either cut back the rest of the day or exercise more so you can eat what you want. lternately, you find a low calorie version of whatever it is you want and have that. My comfort food is berries and yogurt so I don't have a problem there
  • triggerasynapse
    Bad days are going to happen. You have to take care of yourself in a way that you are going to be OK with that. What I mean is, even if you have a bad day, or a few bad days, don't beat yourself up and don't give up!
    If you're having many bad days, figure out why. Did you set goals that are near impossible to achieve right now? Are there staples in your diet that are totally derailing you? Try just swapping out just one of those for something healthier.
    Hang in there!
  • Jammyc
    Jammyc Posts: 3
    Go for a brisk 45 minute walk then when you get back make yourself a nice bacon butty! You've burnt the calories off then you can eat !! Sorted :o) x