Im back again...

HEY! so my name is Florence I'm 23yr old mom of a 3 yr old boy and 4 yr old girl. I lost weight on Spark people a few yrs ago (60lbs) i have gained back 30. I emotionally eat.. i eat EVERY emotion happy, sad, angry stressed, tired.. bored. I'm getting depressed about my weight again. which means i want to sleep a lot and eat a lot and do minimal exercise. (i know how that 30lbs came back). I LOVE to go out for dinner... not lunch or breakfast dinner... Boston Pizza, Eastside Marios, Kelseys Montanas.. Its not that I don't like to cook, because I do my husband and i just really aren't good grocery shoppers... we buy snacks and fruits and veggies but we don't plan meals its whatever looks good that day... and we end up with random ingredients that don't work together to make a meal or we will be one ingredient short of a recipe . we don't eat much fast food though... though i have read recently that you may be better off going that route because of the smaller portion sizes.
i suck at being on a diet "a new lifestyle"(a slimmer healthier lifestyle) is overwhelming. why do i say i suck as being on a diet.. i cam justify just about anything but an entire chocolate cake if i put my mind to it.. oh i got them to pack half my sandwich away before it go to our table? sweet i can have chips while i watch T.V. when i get home. Salad for lunch = double portion at dinner etc etc.

my doc says he would like me between 180 and 190 but he wants me to stay there... I'm 5'4 my wrist is 7" around and i do have a fair amount of muscle. i quit smoking a little over a year ago.

I don't really set limits for myself "physically" i tried to do ufc personal trainer( ps3) a few months ago and i started off with the strength training and i went untill i couldnt anymore.. it took me 1 week for me to heal (as in 1 week for me to sit down without flinching) i over did it... way over did it.

i drink8-16 cups of water a day so i dont retain any.. a few months ago i started and lost 13lbs in 7 days water weight.

ANYWAYS! i tend to ramble jump from topic to topic

one more thing i have a nearly unhealthy infatuation with matthew gray gubler.. more specifically the character dr.spencer reid from criminal minds.


  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    Definitely start a weekly meal plan and base your grocery list off that. There is a bunch of meal planning websites out there. I like to use It has a check list of ingredients and then it shows recipes based on what you have in the house.
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome back!!!
  • rainlover711
    rainlover711 Posts: 74 Member
    Wow, so much of your post could have been written by me! I totally eat for every emotion also, and I really suck at planning.

    And I justify my food choices too! Kindred spirits!

    I am new to this site, and also previously used Spark.
    Right now, I am trying to track my food and I really have to learn how to plan and be prepared.
    I hate all of that, but I know it's what I need to do.

    I decided to do it small doses, like just shopping for a couple of days worth. I'm only on my 2nd day of this new program, so it's hard for me to determine how well i'm doing, but I think I will be okay. I know my weaknesses and I am trying to get past them.

    Sorry, I also tend to ramble! Anyway, good luck! You have lots of support here!
  • samlan414
    Thank you! that is an awesom website!