Breathing air is BAD for you...

juncture Posts: 129 Member
Air contains a number of very nasty chemicals (and we all know anything that is a chemical is bad right?).

Everyone who has ever breathed air has gone onto die, isn't it time you ceased this nasty habit?

Time to buy our supermagical vacuum tanks, now you too can live life without having to breathe that pesky, dangerous substance commonly known as air.


  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    You know, I think I read that on the internet too. What type of vacuum bag are you getting? I'm a big fan of the AirBreathe108
  • anacbridge
    anacbridge Posts: 5 Member
    love it
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I can't afford a vaccuum tank yet, need to save up for a really good one. In the mean time I will just wrap my entire head in saran wrap and hope that helps!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    BAHAHHAAH!!!!! Thank you for this!! The veggie one was just plain stupid! And wasn't there a milk one too?
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    BAHAHHAAH!!!!! Thank you for this!! The veggie one was just plain stupid! And wasn't there a milk one too?

    Indeed, I'm pretty sure there's been one for most things by now, and very few backed up by any proper science.
  • teacupowl
    Well, I guess it's time to start evolving into a fish...

    (I <3 you for making this thread. XD)
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    Remember to avoid Dihydrogen Monoxide too. It's a killer.
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    Remember to avoid Dihydrogen Monoxide too. It's a killer.

    Ah see dihydrogen monoxide, that's one of those nasty chemicals found in air. It's a sneaky thing though and assumes a different form to try and trick us.

    Also don't forget all food with chemicals and genes in is also bad for you, its all a conspiracy by aliens to kill us all!
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Remember to avoid Dihydrogen Monoxide too. It's a killer.

  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    Well, I guess it's time to start evolving into a fish...

    (I <3 you for making this thread. XD)
    I'm trying as fast as I can. ;)
  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    Remember to avoid Dihydrogen Monoxide too. It's a killer.

    There's definitely a website on this....

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    the way to make it healthier is to blend together ketones, carrots and vinegar, put the mixture in a humidifier and breath that in. dr oz says that creates negative calorie air
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I don't drink milk. I eat veggies. I breathe. Think I will live. lol. We do have ozone warnings where I live though and it is encouraged to stay indoors on certain days. Yet they don't tell you to stop breathing so I think I'm safe.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    For any piece of health advice out there, if you want to go looking for it, you can find SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE to tell you that following it spells certain doom, destruction and death of anything good for you....with a bunch of hearsay, pseudo-science and made up nonsense to back them up. Ha ha!! If I worried about everything I hear from every random source and gave it any credence without applying an ounce of common sense and discretion, then I might as well just start digging my grave cause that's what kind of life I would have locked in a "clean room" in a bubble suit with purified air and a sanitized tasteless diet of --well who knows what. I think I'll take my chances on living a relatively normal life knowing that I won't die before God says it is time and when He says so, not much I can do about it anyway! :o)