Barefoot running and ITBS

I've been afflicted with ITBS for about 16 months. I can run but once my mileage gets up to 5+miles I start to feel the beginning of an IT band flare. I had great success running barefoot on the beach recently so I've pulled out my Vibrams. My first time rehabbing with them did not go so well as I think I ramped up too quick. So I'm thinking I will give it a go again.

How have others fared with Vibrams/Barefoot running and ITBS problems?


  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I suffered from IT band issues for about 6 months. Ruined a lot of races. Then I came across the IT band strap. I wore it for about 3 months and bam, the IT band pain was gone and hasn't come back. I do not wear the band now.

    As for the barefoot running, I have thought about it for months now, but haven't tired it.

    Keep me posted Wendy!
  • zakadoodle
    I like my Vibrams. I don't have an issue with ITBS but I recently switched to running with my monkey shoes (Vibrams) and once I've gotten used to them they've been great. They force me to improve my stride so that I'm hitting mid-foot instead of heel which allows me to run faster farther with less aches and pains. From what I've read, most of the running injuries are from poor form.....and regular running shoes enable most of us to run that way. So, perhaps, trying the Vibrams will change your form thus helping the issue.

    If you're interested, a great book to read on the subject is Born to Run.

    Wishing you the best of luck!