Newbie struggling with cravings



  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Make sure to get a lot of protein.
    Drink a ton of water. Exercise helps push cravings out the door. :P

    Just mind over matter . Get some hobbies, distract yourself.

    Welcome to MFP!!!
  • gmoore351
    gmoore351 Posts: 17 Member
    Ugh those horrible cravings. What I have been doing is grabbing something to drink and waiting a few minutes. If I still am craving something I will make a healthy choice for something instead of the instant gratification choice I would have made otherwise. So far it has worked. Also make sure you are eating enough calories. Sometimes we fail because we are not eating enough and become to hungry to think straight....Good Luck
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    a few years ago, I lost 100 pounds in a year. One of the things I did with cravings was- I would PROMISE myself I could have whatever it was, first thing in the morning. As long as I ate it first thing in the morning, it would be better (this was in my head), because I could burn it off in the gym later..
    when I woke up the next day, I'd forget all about it.
  • suzmagana
    suzmagana Posts: 15 Member
    ignore it, it will go away but I do give in from time to time. Just log it and see how bad it is and you will change. mind over matter the results are worth it. I used to see commercials and think that looks good, not I think "how bad is that"

    That's pretty much what I do. I measure out what I want and log it before I eat it. Sometimes it gives the craving time to pass, or I see how horrible it really is and can talk myself out of it, or I decide it is worth it but figure out how much extra I'll need to run that night to make up for it. Logging it first helps me with making the decision and keeps me from going after a whole bag of Doritos.
  • ben98036
    ben98036 Posts: 4 Member
    I had my first evening last night where I didn't snack on anything after dinner. I followed the advice of one of Bill O'Reilley's "Tips of the Day" He says if you have a glass of water with lemon before dinner it will help with the hunger. I tried it last night when I went to bed and it worked for me.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I agree with Mind over Matter. Soon you won't have any cravings or at least not as often and not as strong. You just have to be on top of it right now. When I first started I ate a candy bar when the craving hit me and worked it into my calorie count, but now no cravings at all
  • jsk215
    I am almost three months in on MFP. Some days I just want to eat and eat and eat and eat. Those days I switch my weight loss goal to losing only one pound per week instead of two. This gives me a few hundred extra calories for the day and I don't feel like I'm "going off the wagon". The next day I just switch it back. High protein products help me with the cravings.... string cheese is my fave!
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Low carb and intermittent fasting broke all of my cravings and addictions. Now I just eat because I have to, rather than because I feel the need too. It's quite helpful in dieting to now have to deal with hormonal food cravings and unnecessary hunger pangs..
  • SHAL215
    SHAL215 Posts: 12 Member
    yeah! amazing, I've already started doing this and didn't realize - to replace ice cream I've been eating yoghurt!
    Big thanks for lots of ideas. I'm going to come back and read this thread often!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    don't deprive yourself! i have a huge sweet tooth and allow myself something everyday!
  • Radiskull
    Radiskull Posts: 70 Member
    This might sound ridiculous, but when I start craving something really bad I go and brush my teeth. I know it sounds silly, but nothing tastes good right after you brush. By the time the minty flavor goes away, I am over my craving.
  • okay82
    To kill my cravings I have changed the way I eat. Eat all through the day when I have a craving between meals I try to eat some fruit. Something high in fiber helps to make me feel fuller. Try an apple with some tea that seems to help me.
  • oceansablue
    I agree with everyone who says don't deprive yourself. Once you reach a certain level of hunger you are far more likely to just stuff your face with the nearest food item regardless of calories. Try to keep some health snacks like fruit, nuts, veggies, etc on hand with you. Personally, I like bananas, chobani and making little bags of different, unsalted nuts for those moments when I need something. Also, don't forget to reward yourself every once and a while.
  • vivianahm
    vivianahm Posts: 54 Member
    The way I deal with them (most of the time) is to decide I CAN have it...just not right now. So if it's french fries or a reese's cup or whatever, and I'm craving it today, I'll decide that I can have it on Tuesday, if I still want it. It's true that you can eat whatever as long as it 'fits' in your daily goals but I know myself and soon it becomes a daily thing or a twice daily thing. Delaying the gratification makes me more in control of it. And as for dealing with it at the moment, knowing I will have it (later) helps and then I can eat an apple or something to take the edge of my hunger, which helps the craving go away.

    This! i think you're a genius! I'm going to try it
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    I was struggling with cravings also. And sometimes still do.

    I found part of the problem was that I wasn't eating enough. Fixed that, then I realized I wasn't drinking enough. Still trying to fix that.
    If I am going to eat something that isn't healthy I limit it to as little as possible so as not to go over my calorie limit--unless it's my free day. But even then I try to work as much of those calories off. Once you start and you see the results you are going to think twice about what you are putting in your mouth. I am not a nutritionist and I am learning this as I go, but if it weren't for using mfp, I wouldn't have came this far. Granted I have lost 14.8 lbs thus far but I have been at it for 1.5 months and I feel much better than I did 1 month ago.

    I have been reading this book that is free on Amazon--Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)
    It says that if you have a craving, do something for 7 minutes. Anything BUT watch t.v. Go for a walk, knit, puzzle, something.
    If after 7 minutes you still want that piece of cake, eat it. But you have to eat it at the table, with a fork and you have to taste it.
    Eat it slowly and savor every bit of it. The book states that often times cravings are from habit or boredom.
    If you do something for 7 minutes you may forget about that craving. I have to say, it works for me.

    Good luck on this adventure!