Inroducing myself

Hi. I was told about this web site from some friends on a cruising website. I started changing my lifesyle April 1st 2012. I have lost 61 pounds to date. I wish I knew about this website from the beginning. It seems very helpful.

The last month or so I seem to be gaining and losing the same two pounds. I will lost 3 then gain back 2. I will lose the two and gain back one. Eventually, I am still losing for the month but it is frustrating.


  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I hope that you can make supportive friends here. 61 pounds lost is quite an impressive accomplishment. Good luck in finding people who can help you: there are lots of groups for people who want to lose a lot, or lose a little, or exercise a lot, etc. Maybe some of those will be good for you.
  • Kakalina2
    Kakalina2 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for your reply and support. Good luck with your goals.