Anyone have kids with ADHD or ODD?



  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    The Dr has told me that if I do not like how he is on his medication that we can always try something different, which was good. He also sees a social worker every week to talk and everything. I really appreciate everything everyone is saying. It is helping my thought process a bit more than it was 2 hours ago.
  • TT_luvs_fitness
    My so is going to be 12 and has been taking adderal since 4th grade and it works really well.
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    The Dr has told me that if I do not like how he is on his medication that we can always try something different, which was good. He also sees a social worker every week to talk and everything. I really appreciate everything everyone is saying. It is helping my thought process a bit more than it was 2 hours ago.

    My son also see's a therapist every month for cognitive behavioural's been working great!
  • DanaJ1983
    I am a teacher and have seen many children with ADD and ADHD. If you are concerned about the medications I would recommend trying to change your child's diet. There are sometimes food allergies that can trigger behaviors similar to those of a child with ADHD. I don't believe that the doctors usually ask what your child eats before making the official diagnosis. Check out all of the side effects short and long term if you do decide to medicate!!!!!!
    In my experience I've seen kids who have been medicated who probably could have learned coping mechanisms without it or even eliminated the problem behaviors with a change in diet, and I also see kids who have made a complete turnaround because their parents decided to medicate. Just know that you have options! Make sure you do your own research on any medicine prescribed especially for young children. You want to know possible side effects so that you can properly count the cost of what you're giving to your child.
  • irishchick874
    I have ADHD. I never went on meds till I was 25. My teachers always asked my mom to get me tested for ADHD and put me on something. She never did cuz she did not think kids should be on meds like that. I was very bad in school and never could pay attention long. Its just got worse as I got older and had more responsibility. Finally I talk to my Dr and he put me on Adderall. It has helped so much and I really wish I had it while I was in school. I really feel it would have helped.
  • HappilySingle
    HappilySingle Posts: 149 Member
    My 13 yr old son was on Concetra for a while for OCD. My son also has ADD and Austism and overall developmental delays.

    At one point he also took Celexa and another one (I can't remember the name) for his OCD. Honestly he has been on sooo many different meds that I can't remember which one worked the best. But every child is different. I was not and am still not in favor of meds but there is a point when it is necessary. We were at that point with him. Fortunately he has been off OCD meds for about 8 years now.

    The same thing for ADD meds. We have tried every single med with limited success. Some made him more explosive, others had no effect. Not only it is trial and error with meds but its trial and error with the right dosage.

    With that being said, will you notice how many people here have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, or have children that have been diagnosed. Sadly I really feel as if it is too easy to get a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD (although I remember that within the past few years they did away with one of the names and now it is collectively known as ADD or ADHD-can't remember-wait, look at the butterfly...) Yes, I probaly have ADD also lol.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    My son was just diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and they are wanting me to put him on Ritalin and Concerta. I am nervous and have my reservation about putting my son on drugs such as those. Anyone here have similar childrens issues?
    Don't do it!!! It can have lasting effects. I tried to join the US Marines when i was 19, and because i was on ritalin when i was 14, was one of the reasons they denied me.

    I personally think the symptoms ADHD are very similar to the symptoms of kids eating a typical American diet, with a lot of refined sugars. I think MOST of the kids being drugged up are being done so needlessly. Drugs are very, very rarely the answer!
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    I would recommend talking to his doctor about what other options there are besides medication. Medication may be the best option for your son, but it's good to consider all your options first. One of the treatments I find fascinating is nature therapy. Some studies have shown that it can be as or more effective than medication (check out "Last Child in the Woods" by Richard Louv if you're interested).
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    My brother has both and has been on both medications along with a few others. Both give him awful insomnia.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Yep. I do. Two words for it. Second Opinion. For sure you want one.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if changing your childs diet doesn't work (but really, try this first! no more junk food is hard, but it helps) to his teacher.
    if he or she says your child can't sit still in school, cant focus on work, can't stop touching kids (my son has barrier issues) then try the pills out.
    doctors start them on a really low dose. i've tried them myself. they do help me concentrate!
    ask your son how he feels on them. if he doesn't like them, try something else.

    my sons school was the one that suggested he get tested. when he doesn't take his pills he does not sit still in class. he's quite fidgety and touches everything. he also has a nervous tic of licking his face around his mouth.. and it turns into an open sore, pretty gross. but anyway the pills really help.
  • cindalinka
    I myself have ADD and wish as a child would have been had the chance to be medicated. My oldest son (15yr) has ADD and has been on Strattera since grade 1. It has been a life saver for him. He sleeps better, improved mood and is passing his grades. I agree with the statement if your child had diabetes you would not with hold insulin. I was worried about medicating my son at first but after seeing him on it I would not have it any other way. I had to learn to live with ADD and now use it to my advantage. It was a hard lesson. If you choose not to medicate teach him to work with it. That maybe harder with the ODD. Best of luck!!
  • stephmo86
    I'd suggest getting all the info about the prescriptions your doctor wants to give- short term effects, long term effects (if they've been proven yet), what happens to the child if there's a missed dosed as far as the effectiveness of the meds, what happens if you take some time off the meds, and how long is it going to take to find the right ones.

    I'd trust medical journals, and maybe some news sources. Pharmaceutical companies have to have almost all of this information (if I'm not mistaken), but it might be in small print.

    For the ODD, possibly a child therapist focused on behavioral therapy? Make sure they specialize in children though, because that's a tough age for someone to work with if they're focused on it. (I'm an MSW student)

    Just ask a lot of questions til you find the answers that suit your situation.
  • photokenzie
    photokenzie Posts: 18 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and my doctor put me on a low dose of Vyvanse, and it has worked out wonderfully so far. The crash period where the medication wears off isn't nearly as bad as it is on Adderall. Another option to look into would be non-stimulant meds, like Strattera, which has fewer side-effects overall. If you're looking for more personal testimonies about ADHD meds/issues, you might want to poke around the forums at I found a lot of good stuff there when I was researching my different options.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    My son is ADHD. Meds were a blessing for him. He started meds as soon as he was old enough. He has gone through several increases and med changes over the years including Concerta (which worked very well when he was little). His doctor and I have always been on the page (which is very important) and have kept him on the lowest dose that gets the results we are looking for. If you trust this doctor's opinion, I would follow his advice and see how it goes.

    The only problem we have had is getting him to gain weight at the rate the doctor is comfortable with but I think that has something to do with my husbands genes (he was 133lbs at 17yo). But with adding good fats and protein for breakfast and protein shakes before bedtime, he is a healthy growing 13yo.

    Good Luck to you and your son
  • newmanmb463
    newmanmb463 Posts: 44 Member
    My 8 y.o. son had ADD and has been on Concerta for a little over a year. We resisted putting him on meds for a while because we were scared of potential side effects. When his teachers kept telling us about issues at school, we decided to get him evaluated, and then put him on meds. Looking back, it was a great decision. He is now a pleasure at school, can concentrate at after school sports, and is fun to be around (while the medecine is in his system).

    I consider it to be a miracle drug, and couldn't be happier. Other than some suppression of his appetite during the day, we have seen no side effects.
  • tequillarose04
    tequillarose04 Posts: 30 Member
    My daughter is 2 and they're talking adhd and ocd? I never knew they could tell that early, but I REFUSE to put her on medication at this age. There is no way.

    Not sure if its the same where you are, but where I live they wont diagnois a child until theyre 7(kids are kids, how can they tell at 2? theyre barely little people) My daughter is definately ADHD but hasnt been diagnoised because shes only 5...I know it has not been proven(but they are still studying it) RED 40 & high fructose corn syrup can play a large role to a child with ADHD...I do not want to medicate my daughter when she is diagnoised so I researched alternatives....I have cut these 2 things almost completely from her diet & OMG shes like a different girl...she has her days(shes a kids, shes gonna be overly active sometimes & moody once in the while, we all have our days) but i cant believe how big of a difference it has made...I try to give her as much 'clean' food as I can, but do allow her treats like goldfish(only the ones with natural colors) once in a while....
    Im sure this doesnt work for all children but have found it to work for was a little bit of a challenge @ first because she was used to having the 'bad stuff' but once she got used to the things she could have, its been great...
    Hope this helps & again this is just my opinion from my own research...everyones free to do what they need to.....
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    My son was just diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and they are wanting me to put him on Ritalin and Concerta. I am nervous and have my reservation about putting my son on drugs such as those. Anyone here have similar childrens issues?
    My 13-year old has been on Concerta for several years. Made a big difference for him without altering his personality at all. No issues, except when he forgets to take it he gets tired very easily.
  • dkweathington
    dkweathington Posts: 69 Member
    My brother and I both have ADD!!! My brother took Concerta and it worked for him.
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    ADD / ADHD is pretty well know & talked about but i didn't see anyone address ODD. i think its been confused with OCD.

    if your son has ODD you really must have your hands full. when a young child has ODD, its an awefully hard disability to live with. (((hugs)))

    my nephew is 9 and has ADHD & ODD. just last month my nephew broke his mother's eye socket in one of his fits of defiance. He has a mobile therapist that comes to the house once a week and a TS (social worker) that also spends 10 hours a week with him. in addition to these services he too takes BOTH these meds you mentioned. without them we'd be helpless & he'd be in a children's hospital of some sort. he needs them. i have faith that you will find the best medication fit for your son too.

    What do other MFP members have to offer about ODD- Oppositional Defiant Disorder

    You are your child's best advocate. Ask tons of questions. Don't be afraid to research. Changes can be made. Continue the good fight. Good Luck! :flowerforyou: