Sick Of Not Getting Credit For The Positive Things

Why can't people see the positive things that I am working on rather then the things I still need to work on changing.

I know that my diet isn't the most healthy, but I'm trying to lose the weight, I've been more active lately and I've even been taking the stairs to the student union to study, I could take the elevator, but I don't. The weight didn't get there over night, and it won't come of over night either.

But I'm trying and I wish people would have me credit for what I am doing and not what I'm not doing. It takes time to change a habit that one has had for 30 years or more, I've been overweight since age 15. There are also some other issues that people need to remember about me that I have to work with, that hinder my progress.


  • goncountry
    goncountry Posts: 75 Member
    Who is being negative? MFP people? I hope not!
  • No, just some ppl in my real life. I just can't seem to do the right things and I'm just getting a little tired of being told about what I'm not doing, instead of having ppl tell me good job on the things I have accomplished towards trying to lose weight.
  • silverjezture
    silverjezture Posts: 46 Member
    PPL are always going to see the negatives- they suck lol YOU know what you are doing so when they start their drivel say thanks but I've got this, and just think in your head the list of wonderful for you things you are doing already.
  • It's a shame that there are people who always have to look at the negatives. Congrats to you for making the start that you have! I guess the hard part now is listening to what they have to say, but don't take it to heart. You know what you are doing, and you know the steps you need to take to get there. I guess in their own way they are trying to help, but everyone needs a little bit of encouragment instead of constant putting down. My suggestion would be to say "Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep that in mind" when they next offer you advice about what you should be doing. You don't neccessarily have to listen to them, but it might quieten them down and then they'll be able to see what you ARE doing and give you that encourangement and positive feedback that you deserve. If that doesn't work, maybe avoid them if you can, or avoid the topic of weight loss and healthy eating.

    Keep your chin up, keep doing what you're doing and know that you always have the support and encouragement of the MFP clan!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    It's like getting financial advice from a broke person. They'll tell you how to do without really knowing how to do it right. Don't sweat it. Do, get results, then let them find something else to be negative about.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Amplifiedx11
    Amplifiedx11 Posts: 15 Member
    People pretty much suck... at least those kinds of people (and we all have at least one person like that in our lives).

    Just keep grinding away. You can't control the way jerks act, but you can control the way you respond to them. Use their negativity as inspiration. It's hard, but once you dial that in, the whole world is in your hands.

    Good luck :)
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    No, just some ppl in my real life. I just can't seem to do the right things and I'm just getting a little tired of being told about what I'm not doing, instead of having ppl tell me good job on the things I have accomplished towards trying to lose weight.

    People in your REAL life? Are we imaginary? :wink: lol just kidding!

    I know how you feel, it's frustrating when people don't understand what you are going through.

    My dad is HUGE on fitness and healthy eating. He's the kind of guy who loses 10 lbs if he doesn't eat 24 hours a day. (Exaggeration, but you know the "type" I'm talking about! lol)

    He has no clue I'm even trying to lose weight, but he makes negative comments about how I SHOULD eat or how I SHOULD exercise. And in my head I reply "Shush old man you're distracting me from the damn Wendy's commercial that I can hear from two rooms away!"

    haha. Point is, let it roll off your back and take your feelings out on some weights or a treadmill. :happy:
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Some people honestly think they are being helpful by being critical of what they think are bad things you're doing, which I think is sad. Some other people tend to offer up ideas like the changes in your life you are trying to make are some sort of puzzle to solve, but none of them know what you're doing or what is going on inside you. It's possible those people might have some good ides at times, but it can be annoying to listen to them. This is a life style change journey, not an instant change or a puzzle or math problem to solve. It's also your life, only you can set you free. Part of that might be in helping the people who want to help you learn how to be helpful to you.

    Good on you for trying and making small, but great changes to improve you life!
  • Thank you all for the encouraging words, I'll try now to let it get me down.
  • I wish I could walk on a treadmill, my knees are so bad that the only treadmill I can walk on is an aquatic one. But I have been doing more walking around the building that my classes are in, I have also been taking stairs to go to the student union upper level to read and study.