Who gets anxious about the weekly weigh-in?



  • I worry more about when I pull out the tape measure. With weight it can change so much due to water, salt, diet, constapation, alcohol etc so I try not to stress too much instead its a long streak, but the tape measure doesn't lie, if I don't at least loose a tiny bit somewhere I do feel let down.

    I've been the same weight for the last couple of weeks, but when i look at the mirror, and measure myself, im getting thinner on the right places and bigger on the right places :)
    All except this low ab belly.... will this ever go away? lol

    so, dont stress about it. as long u keep looking good, and feeling good.
  • Substances
    Substances Posts: 120 Member
    I try not to be but every now and then I do get a bit nervous about it.
    For the most part, I like to track myself through progress photos and how my clothes feel.
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    I thought I was the only one that got anxious about weigh ins. I have my "official" weigh in every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. at Weight Watchers meeting - I only track my weight from this weigh in. I have a routine I do every Saturday morning - get up early have some herbal tea - go to gym get my hour work out in - come home take a shower and wear the exact same clothes every week to weigh in. This is the only weigh in I track on here.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Anymore I step on the scale every day just to see where I'm at. I don't care what everyone else says about it's not good for you, discourages you, I want to see where I am every day and what I'm working with, so I can see correlations between 'eat this and the scale goes up' regardless of if it's due to water retention or whatever. So do I get anxious? No. Not really. It's just information. Do I get discouraged? Yeah. Sometimes. But lately I've been seeing a lot of good things on the scale, so it hasn't been so bad.
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    I know what you mean but to tell you the truth, it's not so
    much me that worries about it but more my husband as
    I'll admit to being a really grumpy so and so all day if the
    scale doesn't more and kind of obsess. Trying to be
    better about it though :blushing:
  • You're definitely not alone! I'm always nervous to get on the scale. I'm scared that it will show no "progress" in weight loss which is so discouraging.
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. After going pee and before drinking anything. I feel more accountable when I do daily weigh-ins as opposed to weekly because then I can't tell myself that I have 4 more days to fix that big cheat I made today. :wink: When I weigh daily, it's like " Oh ****, that pizza better jump back into that box if it knows what good for itself!"
  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    I weigh in daily, or at least the days I'm at home.
    I never get down if it doesn't move or even shows a slight increase. I know that my weight fluctuates due to the already stated reasons in this thread.
    Therefore if it moves in the right direction, I'm happy, if it doesn't I'm not unhappy. So in that regard, not getting anxious.