Why does Weight Lifting TURN YOU on?

DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
I had this interesting conversation with a female friend and was surprised to find out that she loved to lift because of all the attention she got from men. I actually was taken aback cuz I actualy lift because it turns me on. I LOVE it. I love the power of it, the feeling of beating my last best whatever, the stress relief I get from it, the energy boost, the increased libido thing ... all of it. I just freaking feel so good afterwards.

Mostly though I love the process of changing my body from where it is to what I want to mold it into. There is something primal and sexy and liberating about the process for me.

Thinking about it I realized there is a small part of me that is motivated by Mr. Cute boy. But to be honest, most of it is about competing with myself and feeling good, powerful, fit, sexy, and ready to take on the world. Plus, to be honest, I find muscles sexy on women. I think those added curves just make a woman look even more amazing.

Now that's just me. But I was curious why you lifts weights (men or women). Is it for yourself or for others or for both?


  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I lift for me...

    I feel strong...

    I like the way I feel after... the burn... the sweat...

    I like being looked at and asked advice and asked to be a spotter... and the "wow! that looks heavy"

    I love being at work and being able to move patients around and not hurting myself... I love when the male nurses/cna's that I work with PREFER to have me help them move patients because I can help... and they only need to have one assistant and not two... I love that I can do the work of two people at work

    I could go on and on...

    I lift for me
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I lift for me...

    I feel strong...

    I like the way I feel after... the burn... the sweat...

    I like being looked at and asked advice and asked to be a spotter... and the "wow! that looks heavy"

    I love being at work and being able to move patients around and not hurting myself... I love when the male nurses/cna's that I work with PREFER to have me help them move patients because I can help... and they only need to have one assistant and not two... I love that I can do the work of two people at work

    I could go on and on...

    Thank you. Those are fantstic reasons. I too find it easier to move and lift! Great comment..

    I lift for me
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I lift for me BUT I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention it gets me from the opposite sex. I'm happily married and quite frankly, my hubby's never paid this much attention to my body before. I figured I would benefit from it but I never counted on what it would do for US, if that makes any sense.

    And ditto on the increased libido...I feel like a darn teenager again. :laugh:
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member

    Thank you. Those are fantstic reasons. I too find it easier to move and lift! Great comment..

    I lift for me

  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    Holy cow the libido part....A M A Z I N G!!!!! I thought it was good with the massive amounts of cardio that I did. Lifting is putting that in a whole nother realm.

    Reasons I lift: I want a toned sexy body. I am excited about the improvements I have already made.
    I want to pick stuff up, open jars, carry things...all cuz I know my body has the strength to do it.
    I want the respect in the gym. I don't wanna be one of those girls that comes in and plays with the Barbie weights. I want the other lifters to know I am serious. To know I am pushing myself. One day I hope one of them notices the improvements I make and finds the nerve to tell me. That will be an awesome NSV to have.

    I want to play with my kids. They do the monkey bars and crawl around and climb the trees and I want to do it with them.

    I want to be toned and sexy and I want jaws to drop when I tell people I have had 5 kids. Rocking hot mama body instead of soft and squishy mommy body. I want to eliminate the excuse that you can't get your body back. I quite frankly don't want that one back. I want the new and improved version that I am busting my *kitten* to get. And btw did you see my *kitten*...you can bounce quarters off it. Hahaha..someday.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i like to feel strong
  • 13nicholas
    13nicholas Posts: 154 Member
    I like the strong confident and Cut look - weight training with the right diet is the bomb!
  • tcpowell25

    Mostly though I love the process of changing my body from where it is to what I want to mold it into. There is something primal and sexy and liberating about the process for me.


    I feel the same way. Lifting gives me energy and self confidence. It also makes me feel sexy. :blushing:
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I love the challenge and that I can track improvements. I'm 45 and female and I love the looks I get when I lift.... not many women in the weights section and even less over 35. I've gotten the thumbs up from several guys while squatting or doing bench presses. I love the visible changes I see and I feel like I can take on the world after a good lifting session.
  • Coco_puff901
    Coco_puff901 Posts: 54 Member
    I love lifting for me.... I think it's addicting, I love feeling strong and it's so much fun ! I'm always flexing for my hubby though, seriously muscles are HOT !
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Weight lifting gives me a huge confidence boost. Not only do I look better, but more importantly, I feel stronger and more in control of my body and how it works.

    I like having someone tell me that I'm "impressive, as always" after completing a challenging routine *thank you unknown gym girl!*

    I'm busting my a*s to look as good as I can, so frankly, I LIKE being appreciated by the opposite sex or same, I'm really not picky. I work da*n hard to look how I do, feel how I do and get even better, so being admired (respectfully) is like a cherry on top of all that.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I never have liked my arms/shoulders/back. I do now. :heart:
    And I really love the attention my hubby gives them.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Lifting changed me from geek to chic. I still get lots of stares from the ladies when I do my own personal workouts (and I try to workout when the gym is the least full so that I can use equipment faster).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I have to say that that I love what lifting does for my body. I love having the toned shaped look and it trims inches off without having to lose pounds. I have to say that the quote "dieting makes you look good in your clothes but strength training makes you look good naked" motivates me. I want the best bikini bod on the beach next summer.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I love what lifting has done for me - I love how it makes me feel - I love how I am beginning to look toned and firm. Last week, several ladies at work, at different times, mentioned how toned my rear end is looking, unusual NSV but still a good one all the same! In the weight area I know the men are checking out my weights but nobody has approached me yet, probably because I have my tunes on and am so focussed I wouldn't notice anyway! Hardly any cardio for this girl!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Mostly though I love the process of changing my body from where it is to what I want to mold it into. There is something primal and sexy and liberating about the process for me.

    Well said.

    In a way, by lifting heavy, a person is playing the role of God in crafting a new person. He or she is molding a more perfect being out of the existing, less perfect "clay." It is the ultimate creation process.

    I'm also reminded of Plato's Theory of Forms and the search for what is truly universal. When we think of "man," we realize there are many versions - physical representations - of man: fat, skinny, short, tall, dark, light, whatever. But we all have a concept of what the "perfect" man should look like. When we look at ourselves, we always fall short in some way. But the process of lifting helps close the gap between existing reality and the perfect "universal" man. Of course, my idea of universal perfection may differ from yours, but my guess is that, for a variety of reasons, we share a similar view of what the perfect body type should be. The closer we approach that vision, the closer we come to the universal concepts of Truth, Beauty, and perhaps even to "God."

    Ergo, lifting is a God like exercise that touches primal needs and desires within everyone.
