Went over by....

Today, I went over my calorie intake goal by almost 900 calories. I have been in a serious funk. This pertains to personal relationships going haywire. I am an emotional eater, and that get's the best of me. I do not know how to curb that. When I get nervous I bite the HELL out of my nails. I am putting this up here, so that MAYBE I can defeat this bad habit, as well as this emotional eating I've become so familiar with.


I know horrible. I'm a 25 yr old woman and I bite my nails. 2 weeks ago you would look at me and say " Oh wow you have the most beautiful hands and nails, you should be a hand model." Well as life gets tough for me, I turn to EmoEating & nail biting. To the point I say to myself, wtf is going on, you know it's going to hurt when you bite your nails this bad, so why do you do it?

Does anyone have any advice on how they got over both or one of these things? I've bit my nails my WHOLE life. :(


  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    chewing gum works for me...

    plus distraction,....
  • Zobe91
    As a chronic nail biter myself, I know the feeling! I tried using the nail polish that tastes awful, but I became immune to it and would bite my nails anyway. I have now got lovely nails, and have had them for about 6 months now. I found that i had to distract myself during the day when I would be most likely to bite them without realising (chewing gum helped with that) The other thing i did was put a nude or skin colour nail polish on. It meant that because i had a colour on my nails, I didn't want to bite them, and because it's not an obvious colour, it didn't look silly on tiny short nails. I still find that when I take a chip out of them or break them that I want to bite them to tidy it up, so i always carry a nail file with me in my bag.

    As for the emotional eating, try drinking water instead, or get up and do something. I'm not really the best person to give advice on this as i have a tendancy to eat when i'm bored... Maybe try gum for that as well...

    I hope things start to settle down, just be strong :)
  • shrinkingkiwi
    shrinkingkiwi Posts: 17 Member
    The length of my nails is correlated with stress. If I reduce the stress they grow back. Might take a while but look after yourself.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Perhaps not your cup of tea, but for me being busy with some knitting helps a lot. Busy hands don't go well with either snacking or nail biting!
  • twinkle77toes
    Can I ask what it is that you ate that took you so far over your calorie intake? Is this food you had in the house, or food you went out to purchase especially?

    My advice is to change your habits when it comes to food shopping - so that you actually don't buy the stuff that's tempting when life goes belly up.

    I had a naughty drawer for ages but temptation gives way sometimes. I now got carrots!!!! It means if I really want to eat, I can eat carrot batons.... which is never that tempting so often I don't succumb to the 'I need to eat' voice in my head.

    Also, this may just work for me, but every time you want to eat something - do twenty sit ups instead. You'll soon be in the habit of doing something 'positive' with the emotion, rather than something that you view as negative.

    Good luck!
  • speedisoverrated
    I was like you with my nails until I was 26. I can't tell you how I stopped, I just decided that enough was enough and haven't touched them since. In my case, if I bit one I had to bite them all as they wouldn't be uniform.

    God that sounds weird when you write it. That doesn't help...sorry.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    Can I ask what it is that you ate that took you so far over your calorie intake? Is this food you had in the house, or food you went out to purchase especially?

    My advice is to change your habits when it comes to food shopping - so that you actually don't buy the stuff that's tempting when life goes belly up.

    I had a naughty drawer for ages but temptation gives way sometimes. I now got carrots!!!! It means if I really want to eat, I can eat carrot batons.... which is never that tempting so often I don't succumb to the 'I need to eat' voice in my head.

    Also, this may just work for me, but every time you want to eat something - do twenty sit ups instead. You'll soon be in the habit of doing something 'positive' with the emotion, rather than something that you view as negative.

    Good luck!

    I ate ALOT of stuff. I had a cheeseburger because our neighbors family came down. They had cupcakes and I had 2. It was just like a BBQ type setting so food was everywhere to be eaten. :( And I worked out yesterday morning, but couldn't properly calculate my calories burned so, yea.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    I used to bite nails until I stopped and thought about where my hands are or touch in a day.
    Cleaning toilet, touching door knobs, food other people have touched, handling money....and did I mention cleaning toilets....eww once I thought about these things I never put my fingers in my mouth again. Chew gum or find something else to do. Write down how you are feeling this works. Hope this helps
  • Brin2012
    Treat yourself to an acrylic tip french manicure! Your nails will look beautiful in an hour and it's impossible to bite them off. (You just have to keep going back every few weeks for a fill.) Then treat yourself to a roll of your favorite sushi. Eat with chopsticks and admire how lovely your nails look again.

    Actually, I should do this myself. I've been picking at my hangnails again :)
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    I'm an emotional eater too..... there must be something in the air, cause I can't even finish an entire day of logging cause it's too embarassing.

    Just keep trying. I am.
