I need some help re. weight loss per week?

Hey guys! I just have a query with regards how much I weight I should be losing per week....
My plan was to be sensible and only lose 1 lb per week as I felt this would be sustainable over a long period of time, and I am not in a rush to lose the weight but want to change my eating habits.
MFP worked out that I need to eat 1960 calories per day to lose 1lb per week..
I understand that you can only lose a maximum of 2lb a week fat and anything else is water/LBM.
When I started MFP I weighed 215lb.
The first week I ended up with a deficit of 2183 calories under my weekly target and lost 4lbs
This week I met my weekly goal of calories but still lost 4lbs.

I've heard if you lose weight too fast then you can end up with excess skin, or lose LBM rather than fat (which I don't want to do).
Basically should I stick with what I am doing at the moment or change something up, and is 4lb a week too much to lose for my starting weight, even though I am eating 1960 kcal per day and am not starving myself, I haven't been hungry once :)
I have an open diary if it helps...

Thanks guys! :smile:


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    What is your current height/weight please?
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    Weight loss tends to be more rapid at the start due to losing water weight and such like, it should start to slow down though :) That's all the advice I can really offer so someone else may have something to say that might be much more useful!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you're aiming to lose one pound a week, and eating close to your calorie goal plus most of your exercise calories, and *happen* to lose more in your first few weeks, that's probably mostly water weight that will taper off. That's not a problem.

    BUT... if you keep losing more than you're supposed to, perhaps you haven't set your activity level accurately and might need to make adjustments to avoid losing too fast.
  • loggymcwoggy
    loggymcwoggy Posts: 9 Member
    Sidesteel these are my stats -

    Height 5ft 10
    Start weight - 215 lbs
    After 1st week - 211lbs
    After 2nd week - 207.2lbs
  • loggymcwoggy
    loggymcwoggy Posts: 9 Member
    Ok thanks! What do you mean by water weight? I've been drinking 2 litres of water, everyday so surely I shouldn't be losing water? I'll carry on as I am and see what happens, thanks for the help.
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    Sidesteel these are my stats -

    Height 5ft 10
    Start weight - 215 lbs
    After 1st week - 211lbs
    After 2nd week - 207.2lbs

    Did you read this post when you were searching the forums?

    If not you might want to, it contains a lot of great info. Also talks about using this site, http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ , to find your BMR and TDEE so you can get the best numbers for your body.

    Enjoy the journey to better health!