Mother of 3...I need all of the support I can get!!! :o)

Hello! I am a mother of 3. Two boys (9 & 3) and a brand new beautiful baby girl who is now 7 weeks old. I work full time as a retail manager and can work 45+ hours a week. And with the holiday season quickly approaching that 45 hours will turn into 60 hours. I did a good job of not overly gaining weight during my pregnancy but needless to say...pregnancy #3 was not kind to my midsection. I have used MFP before and have had success. But I want MORE this time! Last time I lost around 20 pounds and I want to actually reach my goal this time and go beyond even. But I know to do that...I need a solid support system. People who are not afraid to get tough with me! Yell at me and say "Why the hell did you eat that?!" LOL! And I'm okay with that! I need a good kick in the butt! So if you are dedicated to reaching your goals then please add me as a friend! We can do this!!!!!!! :happy:


  • You've come to the right place. MFP will give you all the support that you need. :flowerforyou:
  • am here to help =D will add you x
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    You can do it!

    ESPECIALLY with working retail, you'll be burning calories up like nobody's business! I so wish I worked retail again, rather than the desk job that I have now. I worked at Nordstrom and would work extra hours during the holiday season and oh man, was my weight wonderful. lol. But the high heels? Oh no, those were SO NOT wonderful.