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Anyone successfully lose weight eating 1200 cal or less?



  • Everything I've ever read says don't go below 1200. I'm 5'6 and that's what I've been eating, I don't think it's hard and don't feel like I'm starving at all. If I do have a day where I feel hungrier than usual I eat more. I usually do an hour of cardio / 6x a week so normally I have exercise calories I can eat. My plan for when I get to my goal weight is to slowly up my calories until I get to the amount of calories I need to eat to maintain, instead of jumping from 1200 cals to 1800 cals. Maybe just eating 100-150 extra calories a day one week and up it every week until I get to 1800 or whatever.

    Also it probably depends on your weight/height/male or female/ how active you are. The taller/heavier/ more active and if you're a male than yeah it's probably going to be too low. Do the (recommended) goals on here based on what you're stats are. And if it's not working for you, adjust it.
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    1,200 calories is what I'm supposed to be on according to MFP to lose 2lb a week. Seems fine to me, particularly as I'm only small. Plus if I play squash I get about another 500 calories to play around with.

    Think your body will tell you if it's starving. Good luck.:happy:
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    Yup! It worked for me because I do not have emotional eating issue or eating disorders.

    This is why stomach staple works, you are just doing what they can't do on their own.

    There is no evidence of starvation mode for men over 6% BF or woman over 12% body fat.

    Since I am under 12% BF I can't eat that low or I risk starvation mode. Make sense? But when I was obese I could eat that low because I had BF reserves which prevented me from going into starvation mode. That's how it works.

    This is not recommended for people with eating disorders or emotional eating problems like binging because then you might yo-yo.

    I have kept it off a year so the nonsense that you will gain it back if you eat that low is, well, nonsense. emotional reaction to the starvation mode myth.

    Thank you for that explanation. Makes total sense
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    1200 calories is the only way I lose when I'm not able to exercise. I'm sick of it, though, for multiple reasons. First, the weight loss is slow as heck. Second, I feel like crap, and third, I really miss my Winter rambles through the neighborhood. Can't wait until it's cold so I can get back out there again. And yes, I will eat most of my exercise calories back. With some wiggle room for inaccurate HRM shenanigans, though. Turns out those things aren't nearly as accurate as they should be. And my cheapo one sure isn't.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    Yes it has worked for me. But I am weighed 130 at the beginning and I'm only 5'2'. I've been losing less than a lb a week.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    watch out for the database - some of those unconfirmed calorie value entries are way off
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    I've (for the most part!) stuck to a net of 1200 calories since I joined MFP at the start of August this year. I've lost around 6.5lb so far. My family have commented on the weight loss too, so it can't just be water weight. I hardly ever feel hungry or deprived, so I'd say it's a good amount for me. My BMI was in the healthy range when I started though, so that might affect how it's worked for me.
  • I just started tracking my calories for the first time ever and not making a single change to my diet I seem to only eat about 1100 cal a day anyway. But I am short too. I want to loose a little weight and I dont think cutting more food is the answer. But I still managed to gain weight on eating only 1100 cal so it seems it would depend on the person. good luck!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't know why people here believe that 1200 is "starving yourself." MFP gives plenty of people the 1200 target, and no, it's not just because they put their info in wrong. MFP gives me a max of 1330 calories on the highest activity setting to lose .5 lbs, and I'm far from a construction worker.I'm also in a healthy weight range (and not right at the bottom of it either.) If you really believe it's starvation, why use this site? After all, the site is the one recommending this.

    That said, 1200 is not necessary for a lot of people. Many people can get away with eating more and still lose weight just fine. Not all of us can. Luckily, I have fun doing it because I'm not starving and not hungry. Any day I am actually, physically hungry, I eat more. Whether I am at 1200 or 1600. I was steadily able to increase my endurance and weights. I didn't lose muscle until I had to stop exercising. That would have happened whether I ate 1200 or 2000.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    It all depends on your frame and size. I have a small frame and I'm 5'3", so 1200 a day does not make me hungry. The important thing is to eat nutrient dense food and make your calories count. I often eat about 200-350 more on days I exercise because I do get hungrier. Otherwise, 1200 is fine. I've been under the net for about 40 days, working out 5 times a week and have lost very little weight. If it was "extreme" I would be losing a lot of weight, but I'm not. Also, I know I'm gaining muscle. Taking measurements is your best bet to track your progress, don't obsess too much about the pounds.

    ^^This. I am also in the under 5'4" club. I am 5'1.5" with a small frame. I tried staying on 1200, but I just couldn't maintain it while staying active. I try to stay between 1350 and 1600. If have a very inactive day (desk job, then coming right home and plunking down on the sofa), I aim to go on the lower range of my calories. I'm down 9 lbs since I started logging consistently in late June/early July, and I'm getting closer to my goal.
  • I've been eating 1200 a day or slightly less for 2 months. I don't eat back exercise calories, and have little trouble feeling full most days. I've had a few hungry days, but i think it's more due to emotional stuff - stress & boredom - more than anything. I eat lots of protein and drink somewhere around 12 cups of water per day, exercise about 40 minutes 5 days a week. Have lost 18 pounds so far - not too bad considering My BMI has been in the "healthy" range for about 5 weeks now. I did this several years ago as well & kept the weight off for about 3 years. Gained it back only when I became a total couch potato who could easily drink 1/2 to a full bottle of wine each night. Yippee for out of control stress levels :frown: So, yeah, it can be done, but it all depends on you as an individual. We all need to find what works for us. Best to you!
  • Ladysummers
    Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
    Hi I have lost 35 lbs in 90 days on 1200 calories,I have exercised also,I eat healthy,am fitter,and have lost to dress sizes:Kim:)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Yes, and I am perfectly healthy. In fact, blood sugar now normal, blood pressure almost normal, lipids half what they were 9 months ago.

    Those who say you can't do it and be healthy need to get facts. A woman can safely lose at 1200 calories per day.
  • Yup! It worked for me because I do not have emotional eating issue or eating disorders.

    This is why stomach staple works, you are just doing what they can't do on their own.

    There is no evidence of starvation mode for men over 6% BF or woman over 12% body fat.

    Since I am under 12% BF I can't eat that low or I risk starvation mode. Make sense? But when I was obese I could eat that low because I had BF reserves which prevented me from going into starvation mode. That's how it works.

    This is not recommended for people with eating disorders or emotional eating problems like binging because then you might yo-yo.

    I have kept it off a year so the nonsense that you will gain it back if you eat that low is, well, nonsense. emotional reaction to the starvation mode myth.
  • jackiedunleavy
    jackiedunleavy Posts: 3 Member
    I've lost 41 pounds since February 2012, and although I try to stick to 1,200 cal/day, I usually end up having several days per week that are over, and one or two days that are under 1,200. I also exercise (about 3 x's per week). Although it's been successful so far, my weigh loss has really slowed in the past two or three months (a good month is where I lose 2 pounds). But I'm still losing...
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    I guess you got your answer. I have been on it for one month. Down from 1700 a day. I worked each month to come down to 1200 Cal a day and lost four pounds last month. I expect the same for the Month of September. I wish i can brag and say it went fast. But our bodies are very slow to react. Yet, it is a truism: eat less Calories, loose more weight. burn off more calories, loose even more weight. Prior to being on this site. I tried everything one can think of and finally humbled myself and learned, it is not what you eat but how many calories one consumes. Yeah, i was a portion size over eater. Finally i discovered the right combinations to lose minimum 4 lbs a month and that is solid.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    yes.... and you will likely gain it back once you start eating above that level.... hard to maintain!
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    Me. I eat about 1200, although it might be less on some days. I walk most days, racking up 10,000-15000 steps most days. I am ususally not hungry as long as I get in enough protein. It can be done but don't beat yourself up if you go over.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    yes.... and you will likely gain it back once you start eating above that level.... hard to maintain!

    She isn't any more likely to gain it back than anyone else if that is the correct calorie level for her. Everyone must find their maintenance level, not just those on 1200 calories. If someone is taller and heavier than me, why would we expect to lose weight and maintain at the same calories?
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Also it really depends mostly on your height. I'm short 5'1" so I need less calories than a taller girl. Taller girls would have a harder time with this unless they have a lot of fat reserves to draw from.

    Im 6' and frequently, but not entirely on purpose, Im netting less than1000 because of the bit of exercise I do and Ive lost 40 some pounds in 45 days. I have yet to feel hungry, or have cravings, or feel unexplainable tired. Actually I feel better than I have in years and I attribute that to a close eye on exactly what Im eating and doing some exercises.

    I think it can be done but it's a fine line. If you figure in any ED / binge it probably changes all the rules.

    Good Luck to everyone on the journey of a lifetime...........healthy lifestyle change and weight loss