Anyone feel like some days you are starving?

Some times I feel like I can't get enough to eat! I have been on MFP for 5 months and lost 20 pounds. Not sure if I am in a rut or what! I work out everyday and usually have a deficit at the end of each day. Anyone else feel like they are just plain STARVING! I feel like I am about to go over the edge and just eat and entire pizza all by myself!


  • kris10cass
    kris10cass Posts: 47 Member
    Yes!! I feel though though at times... am I really hungry or just thirsty??? SO I've been trying to drink more water before I grab a snack.. some days it works... some days it doesnt..

    Congrats on the weight loss though, that is awesome!
  • Yesterday I was starving, was feeling a little worn out and felt like binging. If you need it give yourself once a week, or every two as a free day. eat what you want, enjoy, satisfy the cravings, make sure to log and then get back on track the next day. if you are too restrictive then you will end up blowing it anyway, at least this way its a conscious choice.
  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    Hey girl! Don't you know it! I seem to be okay during the week, but come friday night I just feel like my body is gnawing at me!

    I'd like to say that I've controlled it (I haven't), but I'm thinking that I'm not adding in all the extra strain that I sometimes go throug in my week. Not like I'm going to add "Stressful two hours going from lawyers office to courthouse for divorce proceedings" under "Cardio Exercise," :tongue: I'm just saying some days we NEED more.

    I think what I'D like to start doing is allowing myself an extra meal on those days as long as it's healthy instead of doing what I HAVE been doing which is feel guilty about it, try to eat something that's not very good because I think I'm not gonna have too much, but end up eating more than I wanted.

    Just being honest in this sense I think would go a long way.
  • ugh... I know that feeling! Are you sure you're eating enough protein and fibre? I don't know what your food day looks like, but often folks will have a bagel, or cereal for breakfast, and try to kep meals small and simple. Unfortunately that can mean you're not getting enough of the fill-you-up foods and vitamins.

    Same for the type of carbs you may be eating?? You may need some more complex carbs, not simple carbs.. Also, if you are eating foods that are labelled as low-sugar or low-falt alternatives (processed I mean, not fresh whole food), it can lead to more cravings for the "real thing" and feelings of hunger. Plus these foods are often just a (tastey!) mix of chemicals with no real benefits to your system.

    And some days you just burn more energy, so you need more fuel. PMS increases appetite for some, the idea is to answer that hunger with something healthy.
    Apologies if you already have this info :)
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    As dumb as it may sound I thing my PMSing (sorry, TMI) Has ALOT to do with my food cravings! The week before I get my momthly, I can't seem to get enough to eat!

    I have been eating pretty clean, for the most part: steel cut oats with berries for breakfast, veggie burgers with veggies for lunch and snacks that are filling, but during this time, I just can't seem to kick my cravings! Working out makes me MORE hungry, but the I can't have as much food because I didn't work out! This is a bad cycle! Thanks for all your comments people! Nice to know I am not alone!
  • I agree. I started back on July 22 and have lost about 10 pounds plus inches. Somedays is easier then others. BUT listen to your body. Better to eat that whatever then giving up. In other words if you feel like you have or are starving eat something like you use to log it and then wait few days or fews before eating it again. Ive completely cut sodas and tea out. Just think you prob didn't gain weight over night and you won't loose overnight either.

    Just think about if you wouldn't have lost that 20 pounds.

    Other things to ask are you loosing inches? Does your clothes fill looser.

    I had a friend that constanstly walked and hiked all the time. She only lost 25 pounds in a year but lost 4 dress sizes. Some people just don't loose the pounds very fast.

    Loosing inches from what I read is trim fat off. Maybe your gaining muscle. Try changing up your exercising or eat some.
  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    As dumb as it may sound I thing my PMSing (sorry, TMI) Has ALOT to do with my food cravings! The week before I get my momthly, I can't seem to get enough to eat!

    You know it's the FULL MOON, right? :wink:
  • ldholcombe
    ldholcombe Posts: 97 Member
    Sometimes at night I feel like I want to eat. I try not to think about whats in the kitchen. I will go poor water in my water bottle and avoid the kitchen for the rest of the night. I poor it in the water bottle so I will not go to the kitchen in the middle of the night, because thats when I will break down and eat something bad because I am half asleep. Most of the time it works.

    Also I find that if I am eating my goal calories with healthy food and a well balanced diet I usually do not feel hungry.

    Good Luck I Hope You Figure It Out.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I had a day like that yesterday so, I cut up a watermelon its low calorie & plus full of water. I ate 5 cups lol ! I was so stuffed counldnt eat another thing.230 calories for 5 cups. yes, it was a whole small watermelon! It was better than my husbands bad of chips 1700 calories for the whole bag trust me I would of ate them all! Thats why I dont buy them.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Yep, there are days I feel like a bottomless pit. While I try not to eat all my exercise calories, If I'm really that hungry, I do. I just try to make sure I'm eating healthy calories.
    Having said that, I looked through a few days of your food journal. Looks like you are eating the bulk of your calories later in the day, and not much for breakfast. You might want to try eating more in the morning. Keep the same number of calories, but try to spread them out evenly throughout the day. Might help with the hunger.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    Yes, today!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I do every now and then. The trick is drink a cup of water still hungry then eat something. Doesn't matter if you go over or not you do more damage not eating.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    If I am hungry, I will eat. I try to find something healthy to eat, but I will eat one way or another.

    If it slows down my weight loss, so be it. The whole point of me losing weight is to be healthy and feel good. If having a meal makes me feel a little better, then that's what I will do.

    I recommend finding a giant pile of veggies or some protein. The pizza might not be the best choice. If you really want pizza, have a couple slices with a big salad so that way you don't eat the whole thing by yourself.
  • countrygal2004
    countrygal2004 Posts: 82 Member
    You may not be eating enough protein. I follow the Eat Clean principals which advocates for 5-6 small meals per day with a protein and carb (good carb) at each meal plus your fruits and veggies. I'm never hungry doing that. Perhaps you could try a little more protein in your daily routine. It may help. Good luck.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Sometimes I have hunger pangs, and if I'm determined to distract myself from them I can, usually by drinking water or tea or doing something.

    Much more often I have a desire to eat something, but I realize I'm not actually hungry. It's frustrating when I give in to this feeling because I'm undermining myself to satisfy a need I don't have.

    The verb "to starve" comes from an old English or German verb meaning to "to die." I may feel hungry, I may feel weak, occasionally, but I don't feel as if I'm dying.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    Yes, and then I eat and feel better. If you feel like your not getting enough then that's probably your body telling you it's not getting the right nutrients.
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    let's say it's better now but the 1st week of MFP , I was starving !
    I realized that I was used to eat too much even if it was healthy food... Now that I measure everything the scale is happy but not my growling stomach ! And don't tell me about drinking more if I do , I'll drown :sad:
    I hope it will get better because I don't want to have this unhealthy obsession with food ...
    If it doesn't go away , I 'll probably up my calories and My weight loss will be slower but I don't want to get cranky or distracted all the time because I just want to eat !

    I guess I am not helping :wink: but I am exactly in the same situation as you are
  • Feeling like that right now. My body wants lunch and I am distracting myself with the boards to last till noon. I eat dinner around 5 and I put off lunch as late as I can because I like to avoid snacking if I can. Also there are days when I go over my calories by 200-300 because I can't help myself I feel genuinely hungry so I just try to make wise choices.

    On the flip side there are days when I can eat 900 calories and feel stuffed!