MFP peeves and light weight RANT...Sounding OFF!!!



  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    "Hey, something's better than nothing"

    I agree, any loss is better than a gain IMO

    ** I agree TOO!!!
    Thanks for your response!:flowerforyou:
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    It's probably the cortisol holding them back from worrying so much.

    ***Exactly!!! I knew I could count on you to respond! Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    ***Your welcome! I'm happy to be able to give you a morning chuckle...:bigsmile:

    It's night time here, so it's a "going to bed" chuckle but that's good too!

    What part of this wonderful planet are you from?

    I'm in Australia - it's almost 10pm here, and time for me to stop reading MFP forums, put away my iPhone and go to sleep!
    Good night all, have a good morning/afternoon or night :smile:
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    ***Your welcome! I'm happy to be able to give you a morning chuckle...:bigsmile:

    It's night time here, so it's a "going to bed" chuckle but that's good too!

    What part of this wonderful planet are you from?

    I'm in Australia - it's almost 10pm here, and time for me to stop reading MFP forums, put away my iPhone and go to sleep!
    Good night all, have a good morning/afternoon or night :smile:

    *Thanks for your responses...Goodnight!:smooched:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I had a friend here who was like that. No matter what I or any of her other friends said to her she always put herself down and dogged her weight loss efforts. I thought she was pretty successful, she'd lost several pounds and looked great.

    I felt badly for her, and wished her the best, but after a while her constant posts (several a day) about how awful her life and weight loss efforts were got to be too much. She never saw a silver lining, and as much as I hated to think it, I began to wonder if her constant complaints were really just for attention. So I stopped reading her posts. Her posts would take up several spaces in my feed, so I deleted them. Eventually she left the site, and I hope wherever she is, she experiences success.

    On the other hand, I do understand how frustrating losing weight can be, which is why when I see folks complaining I don't typically take it to heart. Unless someone's complaints are like the person I mentioned above, I think it's pretty normal to complain about this because it's hard. Sometimes it's even embarrassing - like when you workout everyday, eat right, and lose .8 or .4 or .2.

    I'm an eternal optimist, and I understand that not everyone can look at those low numbers and think - "Hey, something's better than nothing" (like I do), so I don't get upset by their complaints. I think that it's all about the natural ebb and flow of the weight loss process. That same person who is a Debbie Downer today will be tomorrow's Judy Joyful.

    I had to delete a MFP for being a Debbie Downer and being pro-ana. it just wasn't healthy for me to see someone eating 800cal a day while talking about what a pig she was that day. The final straw was when she bragged about going to bed hungry because she had "binged" the day before and eaten a whole 1800 calories, so she was going to repent by fasting for 36 hours...then her diary was full of nothing but 0 calorie flavored seltzers. Seeing her talk about what a cow she was at 132lbs wasn't mentally healthy for me when I am rejoicing in every 0.2lb loss ( just hit 200lbs last week).
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

    ~ George Bernard Shaw ~
    We all make a choice to be positive or complain, hit are goals or not.. I choose the positive road, and OWN all my choices..
    I tend to avoid the complainers or people not on the forward train...I have come to far changing my body to ride in the caboose;-)
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

    ~ George Bernard Shaw ~
    We all make a choice to be positive or complain, hit are goals or not.. I choose the positive road, and OWN all my choices..
    I tend to avoid the complainers or people not on the forward train...I have come to far changing my body to ride in the caboose;-)

    ***I LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for responding!!! I'm the conductor of MY train...I am the reason I fail or win...i choose to be positive so even when i'm failing I can see the positive in the loss! And in that aspect I'm always A WINNER!!! I've come to far!:smooched:
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    I had a friend here who was like that. No matter what I or any of her other friends said to her she always put herself down and dogged her weight loss efforts. I thought she was pretty successful, she'd lost several pounds and looked great.

    I felt badly for her, and wished her the best, but after a while her constant posts (several a day) about how awful her life and weight loss efforts were got to be too much. She never saw a silver lining, and as much as I hated to think it, I began to wonder if her constant complaints were really just for attention. So I stopped reading her posts. Her posts would take up several spaces in my feed, so I deleted them. Eventually she left the site, and I hope wherever she is, she experiences success.

    On the other hand, I do understand how frustrating losing weight can be, which is why when I see folks complaining I don't typically take it to heart. Unless someone's complaints are like the person I mentioned above, I think it's pretty normal to complain about this because it's hard. Sometimes it's even embarrassing - like when you workout everyday, eat right, and lose .8 or .4 or .2.

    I'm an eternal optimist, and I understand that not everyone can look at those low numbers and think - "Hey, something's better than nothing" (like I do), so I don't get upset by their complaints. I think that it's all about the natural ebb and flow of the weight loss process. That same person who is a Debbie Downer today will be tomorrow's Judy Joyful.

    I had to delete a MFP for being a Debbie Downer and being pro-ana. it just wasn't healthy for me to see someone eating 800cal a day while talking about what a pig she was that day. The final straw was when she bragged about going to bed hungry because she had "binged" the day before and eaten a whole 1800 calories, so she was going to repent by fasting for 36 hours...then her diary was full of nothing but 0 calorie flavored seltzers. Seeing her talk about what a cow she was at 132lbs wasn't mentally healthy for me when I am rejoicing in every 0.2lb loss ( just hit 200lbs last week).

    **Sarah I appreciate your response!!! Thanks and I totally sometimes have to go through your friends list and get rid of the negative folks cause it will wear on your own efforts!:heart:
  • desilu69
    Make this site "your site" If I have someone who constantly complains and brings me down and they are to the point to where my encouragement has not helped, then I delete them. I had a friend kind of like Sarah and all through the day she was making posts about how fat she was and was just full of negativity. She would also go on binges. No matter how much encouragement me or her other MFP friends gave her, she continued on this path. My wall was full of these postings making it hard for me to be there for my other friends. She was being a downer to me and making me worry over her all the time. I finally realized that I was here for me and she was not listening to any advice given anyway so I deleted her.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I'm with you. We're as happy as we want to be! Praying for your success!
  • Jbbaby111
    Jbbaby111 Posts: 55 Member
    I get excited and positive over losing .2!!! Guess I'm a positive patty LOL!!!
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I understand the irony of complaining about complainers... but I completely agree too.

    If someone's not seeing progress, they're not looking hard enough. The scale might not always do what you want it to do, but there's so many other methods of tracking progress. Fitness goals like lifting heavier or running further/faster, how clothes fit, measurements, the changes in progress photos, little lifestyle changes like choosing to eat an orange over a candy bar, not huffing and puffing after carrying a load of laundry upstairs, bringing in all the groceries in one trip, etc.

    Motivation has to come from within. It's not going to jump out and grab you. You have to find it.
    Well said!!!
    I admit that if I have been exercising regularly and dieting (daily struggle) and my scale shows no loss or even a gain, I do get discouraged. I went three weeks and I gained or stayed the same :( I had some very encouraging people to lift me up and I decided to measure myself once a month because I gotta be losing it somewhere lol
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm starting to be really ruthless with my MFP friend deletions. i understand that not everyone is at the same place or have the same goals, but if i see that someone consistently does unhealthy things (ie eating VLC) , consistently posts stupid stuff like these are the foods we need to stay away fromif we want to lose weight, or consistently whine and complain then i delete them.

    and some might ask who am i to judge them? the answer to that is i'm the boss of my friend's list and news feed. some *kitten* i just dont want to see on a consistent basis.

    but i'm also the same IRL, i really have a low tolerance for negative nelly's and their need for attention.
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    I'm sort of torn on this, myself. I get where the folks that are always negative or complaining can get old. So if you mean folks who post multiple negative messages and never embrace the help others try to give, I get it.

    But if you mean a collection of negative messages by many different happens. I'm not saying I enjoy reading several topics with the same downer messages, I don't, but I can understand them.

    I know I get down at times, so I get it. Sometimes posting a message that expresses your negative feelings helps to get it out of your system. And if you get supportive replies and positive wishes, it can help to kick out the negativity, if the person is ready and able to embrace it. I agree those posts are often attention seeking...but I'm okay if with it if the attetion being sought is support and kind words. If the person who posted it gains strength from the support that is offered and it helps keept them on track, is it really so bad? Sometimes just having something validate your feelings...Yeah, I feel that way passes....or...when I feel that way, here's what I do....helps you deal with them.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Options want to be the pot today or the kettle?

    How about you.... I don't know.,,, NOT READ THEM?
  • texjenn
    texjenn Posts: 146 Member
    :smile: I've learned thru my ups & downs that the best way to lose weight is slowly! So to me, a .5 or 1 lb loss is awesome! I worry about the people that loss 4 or more pounds constantly. Every so often is going to happen but shouldn't happen all the time. You have a good pt. while every one is going to have a bad day & will need encouragement, if u see it happen every single time then they r probably not serious about what they r doing.
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm specifically speaking of the drama queens & kings...the folks that don't seem to embrace the positive messages or encouragement. These same folks constantly complain and complain...they're never happy! I get that we all have the need to post something that helps us get it off our chest (as this post is MY rant for the moment) I just don't get it....are you on here for attention, because your not getting it in RL...or are you a person that is just such a negative person that no matter what a person says to lift your spirits...YOU just can't seem to smile & just be happy and accepting of all of your accomplishments!???

    I'm a person that has her ups & downs...smiles and frowns...and everyday I wake up isn't a cake walk....this weight didn't jump on me over night...I didn't just wake up over weight or the medical terminology slowly became ME...I cared a lot less about my appearance...I exercised a lot less, and i was eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted....I OWN up to my responsibilities in getting unhealthy. I don't intend on being like this forever...if sharing something positive with my MFP family everyday puts a smile on someone's not only helps them but it helps me as well! I enjoy making folks smile...if i can accommodate you I will try! You an't please all of the people all of the time...but I may be able to make most of the people smile most of the time....

    I know that i can't win every battle everyday...but I'll never give up on my 2012 motto "GO HARD or GO HOME"..when I see someone post something negative on a consistent makes me post something more positive...but sometimes you can't hide your true feelings behind a keyboard...sometimes you do need to release...I just wish folks came with signs that say "Drama Queen or Drama King" then I'd know to stand clear...I don't have the energy for these characters...I try to give everyone a chance...but some folks mentally drain you and hurt you more than help! I appreciate everyone responses on this topic...I got a chance to get something about some folks on here off my chest...I can truly say this site as a whole has some GOOD people that really are trying to change on here...but there's always a bad apple in every bunch ! Goodnight all...:bigsmile: