


  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    haha i love this post <3 because i am the same way...when my kids are at their dads for the weekend i tend to drink heavily...i do think that if u go to a bar tho and dance the night away while drinking it helps burns off alot of the alky calories :wink: the first few weeks of the break up i thought I was gonna gain alot because i was drinking so much but infact i lost 3 lbs!...soooo if you have a dilema of drinking lady gaga would say "Just dance" :laugh:
  • So I'm a college student and I know alcohol has a LOT of calories but I drink every weekend (some thursdays too). I'm nervous that this will ruin my weight loss plan but at school with friends who party and drink or a boyfriend who likes to go to the bar every weekend it's not really that easy to not drink (or to only have like 1 drink while everyone else is drunk). Plus I enjoy drinking. Beer is never a problem for me because I can't stand it. I usually drink vodka, southern comfort, or light rum. Is there any ideas for a way to make what I drink not as bad? Should I just consume less calories throughout the day to cover what I'll drink?
  • Here is what my doctor told me...lay off beer and wine. I love good beers especially Belgium's. I like to come home from a hard day teaching high school kids and have 2-3 drinks. Scotch and water is ok, or 1 shot of vodka mixed with 1 6.75 oz. of Topo Chico Mineral Water (per drink) and a twist of fresh lime.

    Did your doctor give you a reason to lay off the beer and the wine. Why is scotch or vodka better? Just curious!

    He told me to lay off beer and wine due to the kcals and carbs. Scotch and vodka are less in calories and carbs/sugars. I usually drink lager's and ales which start at 168 kcals with 14.8g of carbs. I usually have 3-4 on weeknights and 6 if i go out on the weekend which ranges from 504-1008 kcals. So, I know drink 1 oz Vodka with 6.75 oz of topo chico mineral water with a twist of fresh lime. This comes out to 56kcals per drink with no carbs. My diet has always been healthy except the beer which caused about 25lbs of weight gain in the course of a year.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am not sure what is standard where you are from but in Aus a standard shot is 25ml thats .84 oz if your drinking 1.5 oz thats actually what we would refer to as a double shot.

    so 56 calories in a single shot or 104 in a double :)

    Well, like the vast majority of people using MFP I'm in the US. So, it's actually important for most of these folks to be informed that "a (US) shot" of vodka isn't 56 calories, but really closer to twice that. :wink:
  • So I'm a college student and I know alcohol has a LOT of calories but I drink every weekend (some thursdays too). I'm nervous that this will ruin my weight loss plan but at school with friends who party and drink or a boyfriend who likes to go to the bar every weekend it's not really that easy to not drink (or to only have like 1 drink while everyone else is drunk). Plus I enjoy drinking. Beer is never a problem for me because I can't stand it. I usually drink vodka, southern comfort, or light rum. Is there any ideas for a way to make what I drink not as bad? Should I just consume less calories throughout the day to cover what I'll drink?

    Oh, I looove soco, but it's so sugary sweet, I don't even WANT to know how many calories are in it.

    Sometimes what I do is fill a glass with ice, add in 1-2oz of whatever I'm drinking, and sip it, sometime chew hte ice cubes. It stretches things out a little more I find. At the bar, you can ask for your mixed drinks in a tall glass, perhaps? Also, switching from sugary/sweet mixers keeps the cals to jsut whats in the licks. My old roomie would have pint glasses of vodka-waters and swear by them.

    Fitting in the drinks is where I have trouble, too. I think that it's silly to skip out on gosh knows how many --important-- calories throughout the day where my nutrition is coming from jsut to have a few drinkypoos in the evening, but I hate going into the reds by adding drinks on TOP of what i've eaten. I've also had periods in my life where I don't actually EAT much of anything, but consume ungodly amounts of liquor on a daily basis, I felt so crummy and after a few months of life like that I spent about 6 weeks with unbelieveable stomach pain (I was convinced for the longest time that I'd given myself an ulcer. Yuck!) I don't want to wind up falling into that again cause it just plain suuuuuucked.

    I think the first step would be to make sure you at least LOG all the drinks you have (that's what I'm starting to do, since I usually just pretend like my drinks "dont count") and then look back at how much you're having to try and figure out a happy medium.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I like beer more so than a lot of people. I get that alcohol is a good way to relax after work, or when you're going to a sporting event, party, out with freinds....etc.

    However, For me it comes down to priorities. Right now my priorities are to get into the best shape I can be in.

    This doesn't mean i don't partake anymore. I most certainly do. However, I know that when I do I'm setting myself back a few days from reaching my fitness goals. Most of the time it's a trade off I'm not willing to make.

    So, what's more important? Drinking, or reaching your fitness goals. Only you can answer that question.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    As my picture might imply - I have a thing for red wine.:blushing:

    I've been losing weight since I started dieting in Oct and mostly since i came back to this site in December. I just make choices. I would rather have a couple glasses of red wine than any other beverage like a soda or juice. I would rather have my wine than dessert, or mashed potatoes...

    When I'm eating at work people will ask if I'm on a low carb diet because I'll be eating a small chicken breast and lots and lots of dark green veggies! I eat a small apple or a hard boiled egg for a snack, maybe low-fat cottage cheese with some fruit for breakfast - or low sugar yogurt... I just joke that I'm on a LIQUID CARB diet :tongue:

    The point is (I believe) to limit the amount of empty calories. If alcohol is important to you, make sure you don't also think Ben & Jerry's is important!

    Moderation really is the answer!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,009 Member
    So I'm a college student and I know alcohol has a LOT of calories but I drink every weekend (some thursdays too). I'm nervous that this will ruin my weight loss plan but at school with friends who party and drink or a boyfriend who likes to go to the bar every weekend it's not really that easy to not drink (or to only have like 1 drink while everyone else is drunk). Plus I enjoy drinking. Beer is never a problem for me because I can't stand it. I usually drink vodka, southern comfort, or light rum. Is there any ideas for a way to make what I drink not as bad? Should I just consume less calories throughout the day to cover what I'll drink?
    I would not recommend cutting out healthy food so you can drink more. If you get into the habit, it really IS easy not to drink or to have only one or two. Sure, it's easier to drink more, so you have to decide ahead of time what your plan is and then stick to it, which will be much easier if you've eaten all your GOOD calories to feed your body and your brain.

    I'd suggest ordering a drink mixed with a low- or no-calorie mixer, and drink it slowly. Then drink water after that for a couple of hours. Then order another drink if you want to, followed by more water, etc. You'll learn to appreciate not feeling impaired, and you'll feel tons better the next day than you would if you indulged.

    Good luck breaking old habits and making new ones!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I would be at my goal weight if it wasnt for alcohol :(
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So, here's the thing.

    Nobody needs to explain to me that they like partying, or like alcohol, or they're in college.

    Trust me, I was in a fraternity for 5 years (part of the reason I was in college for 6 years was because of the drinking), AND I was captain of my rugby team in college.

    and so I imagine both the US people and many of the Europeans (and some of the other countries) will understand the level of drinking involved with these two activities. And OH YES I was full bore in both. 3 to 4 nights a week drinking for about 4 years or so, it's a miracle I made it past college. I was always the anchor man in boat races, always the guy they called on when doing keg races...etc. I could handle my liquor.

    So nobody can come to me and say "You just don't understand." Oh I do, I really do.

    It comes down to this, you can either choose to believe that drinking "a couple of drinks a few times a week" is going to hurt your weight loss and health, or you can choose to live in denial of that fact.

    It won't change the fact, I'm not going to yell at you, or preach to you or whatever defense mechanism you will use to tell yourself that the facts of drinking don't apply.

    Alcohol is a drug, it's poison to your body. Just like cigarettes, just like cocaine, just like many other bad things, you can either choose to accept that, and work out a reasonable plan or you can choose to live in a quasi-denial state.

    I am, BY NO MEANS, saying you need to give up alcohol. I drink sometimes, and I accept that, but I drink realizing the consequences of it. You can't "build drinking in" to your diet, that's just silliness, you CAN however, give yourself a break every couple of weeks and use alcohol moderately as a social mechanism (or what ever you want to do with it). Ease up on yourself, don't get angry if you have a night of drinking, just limit yourself.

    It worries me more when people say "I can give up sweets, but not my <put your drink of choice here>". Analyze what that means, really dig in and think about it. What is the definition of the inability to stop doing a specific activity?

    that's all I'll say.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I used to drink red wine, or single malts every night with dinner and as a night cap. I recently switched it to herbal tea. Now I'll have tea during the week, and my treat on weekends is a bottle of wine. Working for me so far.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Alcohol is not just bad for empty calories. When you get intoxicated, you choose wrong decisions. You tend to slack off and eat bad foods. The day after you usually do the same and you do not workout due to hangover.
  • cashmandue
    cashmandue Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 38 pounds in 3 months when I quit drinking completely. I did NOT change my eating habits during that time (as I was already eating pretty healthy except days when I was "hungover"), nor did I work out anymore than usual (3 times a week).

    Just by not drinking, I lost that much weight.

    I'm just sayin'....
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I also drink Mojitos again the clearer the drink the better.
    The alcohol might be clear and not as high in calories as some, but this drink is high in sugar so beware.
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    I have a glass of red wine about 3 times a week, but ALWAYS include it in my daily calorie allowance. I just make sure i keep a careful eye o n my food for the rest of the day.
    As from next week, i will only be having the glass of wine on a friday night , as i weigh myself on friday morning.
  • My problem is slightly different. It is not that I have a favorite drink that I can't give up. For me it doesn't matter what I drink as soon as it makes me drunk. And I believe I am not one of a kind...I think that we drink not for the taste but for the effects. And if it doesn't make me drunk I see no point in drinking...Therefore, advices like have a single vodka and a pint of diet coke, won't help...Yes, you can criticise me and say I am an alcoholic. Yes, I can deny it in response...but I'm still a 20 years old student who is enjoying her life!
    I've been dieting for the past 5 years and I am sick of it. I can't believe that I have to restrict my drinking as well. Why can't they invent sugar-free and low calories alcohol like they did with fizzy drinks?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It comes down to this, you can either choose to believe that drinking "a couple of drinks a few times a week" is going to hurt your weight loss and health, or you can choose to live in denial of that fact.

    Your explanations are so spot on and so patient it's admirable.
    I sit here reading and where I end up is just wanting to shake someone. :laugh:

    Yes, justvopoloswife, lots of people drink because of the way it makes them feel. I would think that's *part* of the reason we all partake from time to time. I believe the alcoholic factor comes in with dependency -- do you *need* to drink to relax? to socialize? to feel like yourself? That's when there's a real problem.
    I know I certainly didn't have those 3 PBR's yesterday because it's such a wonderful brew. :tongue: I also know 36 ounces of beer didn't do anything to facilitate my health and weight loss. It's a trade off, same as most (all?) other decisions and choices you make. Yesterday, the beer, and the buzz, and the socializing (and the pizza) were worth it to me and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The difference is that I'm not going to sit here today and pretend what I did yesterday fits in with a day-to-day "healthy lifestyle." It'll be okay occasionally, but it's not healthy, even if I did only end up at 1643 calories (which is easily still weight loss mode for me).

    I had a friend in high school who lost a TON of weight in just a few months. I swear I don't think she ever ate anything -- just a 6 pack of beer every night. She went from maybe 160 to probably 110 pounds at most.
    Yeah, she's 5'1" and weighs about 250 pounds now (and is maybe the craziest and most unhappy person I've ever known).
    Point of story: If losing weight is your goal, you can absolutely do it and still drink a whole lot of alcohol. If being HEALTHY is your goal, you're going to have to cut way back on your alchol intake. Period. It's as simple as that.
  • As the original post states, she doesn't want someone to preach to her about not drinking. I believe that she, myself and other casual drinkers on this site have a good understanding of the pros/cons on weight, health etc from drinking. But it is a choice we have made. I don't want to make my whole eating/drinking about depriving myself of things I like and a vodka water or beer now and again isn't going to kill me. I say if you want a drink now and again, go for it. Being overly meticulous and obsessed with your diet and weight loss can be a dangerous thing as well.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    As the original post states, she doesn't want someone to preach to her about not drinking. I believe that she, myself and other casual drinkers on this site have a good understanding of the pros/cons on weight, health etc from drinking. But it is a choice we have made. I don't want to make my whole eating/drinking about depriving myself of things I like and a vodka water or beer now and again isn't going to kill me. I say if you want a drink now and again, go for it.

    I don't think anyone here is insinuating that an *occasional* drink will "kill" you.
    The bottom line is, as Banks so patiently wrote, you're in denial if you think drinking alcohol won't hinder your health (and healthy weight loss) goals. Does that mean you should *never ever ever* do it? Not necessarily, but you do need to understand you're not doing your body any favors when you drink. It's fact -- it's nothing to be defensive about, it's just the truth. That's the point I was trying to make. It's 100% your choice.
    Again, I made the choice to drink just yesterday. And, again, I'm not going to allow myself to believe that it didn't hinder my health goals. It's not a huge deal, but it is what it is. That's all.

    Of course, I can't speak for everyone else who responded.

    Edit: I'll also confidently state I think there is nothing wrong with being focused on developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Focus is very different from obsession.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I am, BY NO MEANS, saying you need to give up alcohol. I drink sometimes, and I accept that, but I drink realizing the consequences of it. You can't "build drinking in" to your diet, that's just silliness, you CAN however, give yourself a break every couple of weeks and use alcohol moderately as a social mechanism (or what ever you want to do with it). Ease up on yourself, don't get angry if you have a night of drinking, just limit yourself.

    It worries me more when people say "I can give up sweets, but not my <put your drink of choice here>". Analyze what that means, really dig in and think about it. What is the definition of the inability to stop doing a specific activity?
    Banks - I think I agree with what you're trying to communicate - but I would argue with your choice of words. A diet is like a budget - simply a statement of either a plan or of the actual. I can build Twinkies, fruit-loops and ice cream into a diet - that wouldn't be HEALTHY or well advised of course!
    If you (as I assume) mean a diet in the more casual sense to mean "weight loss program" I would still argue that it's better to build into your diet/weight-loss program the calories you believe you will really eat. I have an irrational need for starlight mints. I eat six every day and it's about 100 calories of nothing (sugar free so god only knows what I'm eating). Eating these is an evil I've accepted. Likewise I understand that my love for a good wine is like my love of horses - financially foolish! The wine is also calorie foolish. I'll let you debate the "toxicity" with the scientists there are plenty of studies to throw at each other on that end of the debate.

    But I strongly believe that putting a glass of quality red wine into my body is no worse than many other empty calorie foods people build into their own diets. Foods like mashed potatoes, or fruit juices or health foods like watermelon add very little value to our bodies but aren't something that would draw this kind of "poison" lable. A glass of good wine is the same. It adds value (how much is open for debate) it is a LOT of calories, but it has been part of healthy diets for centuries!

    Just sayin!
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