65 pounds lost-303 to 237 with pictures



  • cdlancermom2
    Good for you! You should be proud of yourself:-)
  • caligalvee09
    Thanks for sharing the pics! You truly look amazing! WTG and keep up the good work! I personally don't know any tips on the stored area improvements, I have 60-70 lbs to lose myself and have my mind set on getting the surgery for any hanging skin etc which I hope I won't have. We will see.
  • GreeneyedMom4
    GreeneyedMom4 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! You look amazing! Whatever you are doing, keep it up. Your pics are very motivational :smile:
  • EthelF1
    You have done such a wonderful job! I would do weights in fact I'm going to start to include them in my excerise program they really do work but I really have to stay focus to do them or for your arms the shake weights works.But what ever you decide just keep doing what you are doing amazing job!I'm so happy for you:happy:
  • swissmiss74
    You look so great, you are an inspiration to us all. I highly recommend the book Wheat Belly. I got mine on my Nook for less than ten dollars, and it was so worth it. It is written by a doctor, and tells you how wheat products are making us fat. It also tells you the scores of foods wheat is in. I have seen a huge difference since cutting out wheat and sticking to reasonable amounts of dairy. Best of luck to you in the future!
  • TexasBridgett
    TexasBridgett Posts: 84 Member
    You have had amazing success! Way to go! To answer your "tips" question...I'd hire a personal trainer. I work out at the YMCA and hired a trainer there. Much more affordable. And really, after 3 or 4 sessions you get a very good routine going for your workouts. I still see my trainer once a week because she makes me do things that I am either too embarrassed to do by myself, or just didn't think I could do at all! I personally think you could cut out the protein shakes. I lift weights 5x a week most weeks, for at least an hour, plus about 45 mins of cardio on those days and I've never had to do those shakes. Chocolate milk is way better. Keep up the great work! :)
  • LCgymnast
    Oh my goodness. You should feel so proud of yourself. I agree, people would tell me you've lost weight, but I didn't believe them until I say before and after pictures recently. I feel amazing and so should you. Keep moving forward towards your ideal weight. I'm so happy for you.

    Tackling the arms...Get light weights and do lots of arm exercises with the weights. Make sure it's light though so you can tone them up than just build lots of muscle.

    Tackling the back...Lay on your belly and do superman holds or do flutter kicks for about 30 to 45 sec. You should feel it the burn in those areas.

    Hope this helps out a bunch!
  • Sapphiredroplet
    Sapphiredroplet Posts: 24 Member
    Great Job!! :)* I am at 299lbs now but I was up to 320lbs before I started I have been doing Zumba and that has helped me continue to want to exercise. I have lost most of my weight in my belly and arms that I can tell and I've only lost 20lbs. I'm going to start P90X soon I have it but finding time to work it in to my schedule is tough. I hope you get the answers you're looking for keep it up I have around 100lbs to still lose so. We will get there though.

  • kristiontheinside
    You are really close, you will be there in no time!
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    You have done an excellent job so far! I wish you much continued success.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Congratulations, you look absolutely great, my goodness what a differnce. Keep up your good work, am looking forward to the next pics.
  • rmarley05
    rmarley05 Posts: 29 Member
    Great job!! Keep up the good work!!
  • plisha729
    plisha729 Posts: 50 Member
    Looking good!! Thanks for sharing!
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    Great job, that is fantastic! You sound so motivated and you are on a roll!
  • Beverleyjaneo
    Amazing....congratulations you're doing great !!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Amazing!! I hope i have your results!!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    You've done great! I don't have tips for targeting the loss but I just wanted to add in that I have found I have been losing weight in certain areas first and not quite in the areas I am most self conscious. I too have a belly area I'm self conscious about and though I have lost weight in the front, I seem to be losing on the sides of my belly first (when you stand up and run your hands over your ribs, that part not the part that is over your belly button..does that make any sense, lol?!?). I wish it would be the belly fat front and center, but I'm happy with what is happening over all.
  • Sweetpea64
    Sweetpea64 Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations! You are doing awesome!
    I am inspired! :0)
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Amazing! Great job! Keep it up girl!
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    Wow I see a huge difference! Keep up the good work!
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