Please... I really need someone's help...



  • If she is already on their insurance she doesn't need their permission to use it. They could get mad and discontinue it, but once they have her listed as a dependant she only needs her insurance card. If under 18, in which case she would need parental consent, a school counselor might be another option, to find a healthy and peaceful way to solve things
  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    If you are truly 18 go to the doctor and have a chat, your family can not stop you. Even if you go to a free clinic. If you are not in truth 18 then you will have to obey the wishes of your mother.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I think the best bet would be to see a doctor. Rule out any medical issues, and work from there.

    At your young age and amount of exercise, you should be able to eat more than 1500 to maintain. But if you're eating at 1500 to maintain, what were you eating to lose? If you'd been eating much less than that, you might have done a little damage to your metabolism. It's not irreversible, though.

    Great advice. Hang in there and good luck. Feel free to add me to you friend list.
    Take care,
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Go to a doctor.
    I can't! I already suggested it. She said no, and my step dad is backing her on this ;'(
    You are 18 years old, right? You don't need their permission.

    Yep, go find a low-cost/free clinic or something. Could be anything - you could have a cyst on your ovary messing with your cycle, doesn't sound like you are too thin for your height - so even if your parents say NO, you NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR ANYWAY.

    Unfortunately, no one here is going to be able to help you. :(
  • Perhaps I will go to the doctor, but... Well, I really don't want to ruin the relationship between my mother and I. Are here other things I can do before hand, just to see? I mean, I feel perfectly fine.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Why do you need their permission to see a doctor? Make an appointment and go. You don't have to be 18 to go to the doctor by yourself in Canada.

    How old are you?
  • It is not uncommon for women who have intense workout regimens to develop irregularities in their menstrual cycles. As long as you have been manintaining a healthy diet it isn't likely that nutrition is the issue. I would concur that you should consult your primary care provider. Your hormones are most likely in imbalance. You made no mention if you were on birth control.
  • I agree with everyone else you should go to the dr. I know it's hard to disobey your parents but at 18 if you don't start sticking up for yourself, especially when it come to matters of your body and your health well then.... Call your dr office and ask to speak with a nurse. Tell the nurse whats going on with your parents and their objections and see if she can set u up something low profile. Also I don't know if you're a student, but many schools, both high school and colleges have a least a school nurse and sometimes a school nutricionist you can speak too. All in all it's your body so you should be the one to take care of if. I also agree with others that you may not be eating enough. No one is saying jump from 1500 to 2000 a day just add a little here and a little there.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Perhaps I will go to the doctor, but... Well, I really don't want to ruin the relationship between my mother and I. Are here other things I can do before hand, just to see? I mean, I feel perfectly fine.

    If you aren't menstruating, something is wrong.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I played sports competitively. High levels of exercise can totally muck up the monthly visit. LOL
    Fixing it takes some combo of three things - exercise, nutrition, and hormones. (Hello birth control pill.) Your mom is only half right - she understands you probably need more cals and a little less exercise, but she missed it on the no doctor thing. You need to see a doctor.

    And, you aren't letting the team down if you take it down a notch. If you let this go, it could cause brittle bones, hair loss, and a bunch of other not so happy things like infertility. You are a girl. Got to do the girl thing each month. x shrugs shoulders x It is what it is. Got to find your balance - Don't put it off.
  • Perhaps I will go to the doctor, but... Well, I really don't want to ruin the relationship between my mother and I. Are here other things I can do before hand, just to see? I mean, I feel perfectly fine.

    Better to be safe than sorry. Just to the doctor, no harm in that. Good luck!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    A bit of an obvious question, but is there any chance you could be pregnant?
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Losing your period may not be weight related at all, it could be all sorts of other things, including just a random blip - I didn't have regular periods till I was in my early 20s! But you need to get checked out to rule out possible medical problems. I think you have to be grown up - I KNOW it's hard - and say calmly that you appreciate their concerns and because of them you are going to get proper medical advice as soon as you can. Meanwhile you believe you are doing the right things to take care of yourself and you're going to carry on doing it until you've got a medical opinion. Try not engage in high emotion arguments, stay strong - if necessary says that you don't want to be nagged about this, it stresses you and will only make things worse. There's an assertiveness technique called broken record, which consists of politely restating your position - most people back off when faced with it. Good luck
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yeah I would call a doctor if you're not getting your period, that's not good.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Perhaps I will go to the doctor, but... Well, I really don't want to ruin the relationship between my mother and I. Are here other things I can do before hand, just to see? I mean, I feel perfectly fine.
    So, the doctor may tell you exactly what your mother is saying - you aren't eating enough and working out too much - in which case, you should really think about how you are abusing your body to the point of disrupting your menstrual cycle. It will help your relationship if you then agree with your mother.

    If there is something else that is truly wrong, I'm sure your mother will be more concerned about your health than that you went to a doctor behind her back.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I'm just in shock that you clearly have a medical problem and your mother is trying to stop you seeking medical help! Even if you are under 18, most medical professionals should see you without a parent

    "No, a doctor or health care provider can’t talk with the parents or guardian about a capable child’s medical care, unless the child agrees" From the Canadian Bar Association.
  • The health department will likely see you for minimal cost-sliding scale. Or a faith based clinic in your community. One of our hospitals has a low cost clinic too. Call 211 for United Way to find locations near you that might see you for this.
  • Like everyone else suggested go seek a DR. I'd be really concerned about that. There could be something unhealthy going on in your body and it's probably something that may be taken care of right away. Like everyone else said if you 18, you're an adult, you don't need permission from parents. If you go on your own, and they do find something out, then tell your mom maybe she'll have a better understanding, hopefully. But seriously, go to the dr right away and get checked out.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Okay, so, I used to be overweight, at least by 20 pounds. I began working out and eating healthier, so now I'm at a good weight and am on maintenance. I work out 35 minutes every day at morning, and eat at around 1500 calories- I do not limit myself, that's just what satisfies me. On the weekend I allow myself to snack on chocolates and stuff.

    When I had been losing weight, my period had stopped, and I have yet to get it back. It's been 5-6 monthes now. Before you say it, I'm not under weight. 114 for 5'2". People say I look in really good shape. Except my mom, but we'll get to that,

    My mom some how found out about my period. She was supportive of my diet until I actually succeeded in it, and of course she blames my lack of period on my diet. She looked it up, and now she wants me to limit my exercise to 3 days a week! That, and increase the amount I eat! I'm terrified. This will make my gain weight, I know it, just when I had finally succeeded and lost the right amount.

    I look bad with extra weight- I still look bad now if I were to wear a bikini, but fully clothed I am comfortable. I had a large stomach, tiny hips, and tiny breasts(in comparison to stomach, at least). I don't want to go back to that. I still have belly fat, and I really want to see my abs one day. I am in no way naturally curvy, and I'd much rather be a stick (I don't mean skinny, I just mean no noticeable hips and boobs), than a circle with legs.

    Please, what do I do? I suggested working out 5/7 days a week instead or 7/7 or 3/7, but she seems hell bent on this. I'd be fine with eating more if I worked out 5/7 days a week.

    Please, I'm scared.


    It's not uncommon for periods not to settle after weight loss. Mine have been all over the place and then I got the rod and well- they're not seen that often (yay!).

    Seriously, see your doctor and get a tracking system for them (most phones now support a great app called 'My Days') so that you can work out that maybe instead of the typical 28 day cycle (which on a small population of women have) you may have a longer cycle (along the lines of 35-40 days which i used to have before I started loosing weight).
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    You could be a tad malnourished, but we can't tell with a closed diary. Start taking a multivitamin with iron. Exercising 5 days a week out of 7 is recommended for good health, and 35 minutes is fine. Can you open your diary? Are you doing only cardio, or are you doing weight lighting with free weights or something for tone? Increase your calories by 100-200 a day.

    Try this link to find out how many calories to eat to maintain your weight.