Please... I really need someone's help...



  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Perhaps I will go to the doctor, but... Well, I really don't want to ruin the relationship between my mother and I.

    Isn't your mother already ruining it, by trying to prevent her daughter getting medical help? That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Yeah, I'd see my doc...hopefully they'll actually help. Another thing that is possible is that you have hit your plateau. Where your body is fighting you to drop more pounds...I would begin other forms of exercise. Perhaps something new...perhaps a step class, some kickboxing or whatever you can think of that's new and you haven't relied on in the past. And something new might be more interesting and even fun for you. Just do something your body isn't used to doing......
  • According to your profile, you live in Canada and you're 18. Go to your doctor and/or a nutritionist. It should not cost you anything and regardless of whether you are 18 or not you can go to the doctor on your own. That aside, it is best to get medical advice from a professional. If you feel you don't want to exclude your mom, make an appointment and let your mom know that you have made an appointment and she is free to come with you if she wants and you want her to come. I agree with the other posters who feel your 1500 maintenance calories are too low especially on work out days but I am not the professional so go see your doctor :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Please contact planned parenthood ASAP! It's free and they can help you. Parents are not needed nor will they be told anything about it. Let them know it's an emergency.
  • you should look up poly cystic ovary syndrome it is what runs in my family and one of the things that can happen is that you stop having a period around your age you would have to have a few test done to rule it and they would give you medicine or a certain type of birth control pills to have your period come back on look it up first then if you think this is something you may have talk to your mother about it and then go to the both my daughters have it and they are both virgins and are at their correct weight for their height
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    If you do have a medical problem hampering your cycle, you could be making it worse by waiting. If your mom wants to know if you're not eating enough, it seems logical to me to get you checked out by a doctor. You started taking responsibility for your health by losing extra weight. Now it's time to take responsibility again and get some tests done. The doctor will probably recent you to an ob/gyn to figure this out. Are you sexually active or take birth control pills? If you aren't pregnant but are in pills, you may just be experiencing some side effects from them. Rule out both at the doctor's.

    You can make an appointment, find a walk in clinic, or if you are that intimidated by your parents, go to an emergency room and ask for help there.
  • ladybug71399
    ladybug71399 Posts: 5 Member
    1500 hundred calories is really quite low and I have seen where everyone is suggesting you see a doctor which is probably the absolute best way to go. My cycle is regulating because I am excercising and my doctor said that as I lose weight this could happen. However I have also read that malnutrition can also be a cause of not getting your cycle (I am not saying that you are not eating however it may be WHAT you are eating). Even if your mom is set against you going to the doctor it is always recommended that you consult one before changing or adding an exercise routine. I have a medical condition which causes me to be irregular but with diet and exercise it is reversible. You cannot go without a cycle or you put yourself at risk for cancer and other problems. I just learned this from my GYN a couple of months ago. If your mom won't take you find another relative or even a friend who will go with you. If you are over 18 you are allowed. However you should find out what is wrong now before it becomes something more serious.
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    Perhaps I will go to the doctor, but... Well, I really don't want to ruin the relationship between my mother and I. Are here other things I can do before hand, just to see? I mean, I feel perfectly fine.

    Sorry, but not menstruating is not "fine." Go to a low cost women's clinic if your parents won't take you. Also, just to throw this out there but low bodyfat percentages can put the brakes on your menstrual cycle. Your mom might be correct about you if you're exercising a lot and not eating enough to cover the amount of cals you burn. Only part I disagree is the bit about not letting you see a doctor. Go get that problem checked out. Lastly, a healthy relationship between people can withstand a difference of opinion--not doing everything possible to please the other party at the cost of one's health and well being. Learn to respectfully stand up for yourself and your mom really has to let you "grow up." Good luck!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    First, see a doctor. Second, get a body composition test. Either hydrostatic (around $30) or DXA (I found a place for $85). The DXA is a medical procedure that might be covered under health care.

    The body composition will tell you what your body fat is. You feel you are fat (most girls do even when they are not) and this will tell you if you are or not. There are other reasons for your cycle to change that have nothing to do with body fat --> This is the reason to see a doctor. It could be something far more serious.

    Just to get an idea and I am much older than you (I'm 51), I'm 5'1" and my LBM is 104.5 lbs. That means my BMR is only 1396. Even on my long workout days if I ate 1500 calories every day I would gain fat.

    Only you and your doctor can determine the amount of calories you need, but for the most part people will tell you to eat more than you actually need. Always listen to your own body and learn to hear what it needs regardless of all the advice you will get. I had to ignore everyone in order to lose my 60 lbs, I built muscle and felt great while everyone told me I eat too little. The proof is in the pudding.

    You are young and it takes years to build muscle, but I think more weight training would help your shape, make you healthier, and you would gain lean body mass and make your muscles stronger.

    I have been a weight lifter and runner for over 30 years. I still love running and its an important part of my routine but I put weight training first.

    My honest and true opinion is that the Venus Index Workout is the best weight training program I have ever done. It's put me in the best shape of my life as well as many other women.

    If you want to see what it has done for other women check this out -->

    I get no benefit if you purchase the workout on that website, but I am further down in the examples if you scroll down. I'm the 50 year old in the bright pink bikini.

    Because of my years of weight training my recent DXA scan shows my bones to be that of a super athletic 30 year old. That is proof that you can ward off osteoporosis and improve your health later down the line by starting NOW. If you START when you are older it will be kind of too late.
  • First, see a doctor. Second, get a body composition test. Either hydrostatic (around $30) or DXA (I found a place for $85). The DXA is a medical procedure that might be covered under health care.

    The body composition will tell you what your body fat is. You feel you are fat (most girls do even when they are not) and this will tell you if you are or not. There are other reasons for your cycle to change that have nothing to do with body fat --> This is the reason to see a doctor. It could be something far more serious.

    Just to get an idea and I am much older than you (I'm 51), I'm 5'1" and my LBM is 104.5 lbs. That means my BMR is only 1396. Even on my long workout days if I ate 1500 calories every day I would gain fat.

    Only you and your doctor can determine the amount of calories you need, but for the most part people will tell you to eat more than you actually need. Always listen to your own body and learn to hear what it needs regardless of all the advice you will get. I had to ignore everyone in order to lose my 60 lbs, I built muscle and felt great while everyone told me I eat too little. The proof is in the pudding.

    You are young and it takes years to build muscle, but I think more weight training would help your shape, make you healthier, and you would gain lean body mass and make your muscles stronger.

    I have been a weight lifter and runner for over 30 years. I still love running and its an important part of my routine but I put weight training first.

    My honest and true opinion is that the Venus Index Workout is the best weight training program I have ever done. It's put me in the best shape of my life as well as many other women.

    If you want to see what it has done for other women check this out -->

    I get no benefit if you purchase the workout on that website, but I am further down in the examples if you scroll down. I'm the 50 year old in the bright pink bikini.

    Because of my years of weight training my recent DXA scan shows my bones to be that of a super athletic 30 year old. That is proof that you can ward off osteoporosis and improve your health later down the line by starting NOW. If you START when you are older it will be kind of too late.
    Question, just how much time do you spend in the gym?