Long term motivators needed

Hi everyone!

I'm 31 years old with over 80 pounds to lose. I'm looking for friends who use their food and exercise diary. Also ones that have to time comment, motivate, and push me. I will reciprocate. My general issues are that I overeat and eat when I'm bored. I don't have a solid weight loss plan yet and am open to all suggestions and success stories!

Thanks :smile:


  • Hi there!

    I only have about 35 more to lose, but I do log everything and am on multiple times a day.
    You can add me if you like.

  • mommyslilmen
    mommyslilmen Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm 30 years old and have 45 lbs left to lose. I joined the end of June and have lost 14 lbs so far. I was being good with my food diary the first month and a half, but my hubby's been off work for a couple of weeks and tracking food has kind of gone out the window. I gained a couple of pounds, but have been able to get it back off by yesterday. I walk every other day, about 4 miles and have a couple of 5k's I'm signed up to walk towards the end of the month. I am ALWAYS online so I can send encouragement any time you need it. Add me as a friend if you want. Good luck on your weight loss goal. This is an awesome site and I highly recommend it. Take care. =)
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    i would love to help, im in the same boat as well.
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Hi...My goal is to at least lose 100 pounds (I've lost 60 in 135 days so far).....I would love to become friends with anyone who would love support as well as give support :)

    We Can Do This!!! :smile:
  • I would love to help, I am also in a place where I need someone to kick my butt sometimes.! I am on almost everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. I will send you a friend request or feel free to add me.
  • mzmeka
    mzmeka Posts: 16 Member
    Hi...My goal is to at least lose 100 pounds (I've lost 60 in 135 days so far).....I would love to become friends with anyone who would love support as well as give support :)

    We Can Do This!!! :smile:

    Wow. Great job! How did you lose your last 60 pounds?
  • mzmeka
    mzmeka Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm 30 years old and have 45 lbs left to lose. I joined the end of June and have lost 14 lbs so far. I was being good with my food diary the first month and a half, but my hubby's been off work for a couple of weeks and tracking food has kind of gone out the window. I gained a couple of pounds, but have been able to get it back off by yesterday. I walk every other day, about 4 miles and have a couple of 5k's I'm signed up to walk towards the end of the month. I am ALWAYS online so I can send encouragement any time you need it. Add me as a friend if you want. Good luck on your weight loss goal. This is an awesome site and I highly recommend it. Take care. =)

    I need to get into walking. Did you start at 4 miles every other day or build up to that?
  • Hi i am looking for people to add to help and help me stay motivated. Add me if you would like
  • mommyslilmen
    mommyslilmen Posts: 9 Member
    I started walking a couple of miles first, then found a new path and it was a little over 3 and then I decided to add enough to make it 4 and try to complete it within 1 hour. My goal is to do the 5k's in under 45 minutes. I just joined a local gym on Saturday and am going to meet with a trainer this Saturday and am hoping she will help me plan the best way to prepare for the 5k's and start some strength training for my upper body as well. When I got on the elliptical machine on Saturday, it said that for a fat burn workout, I should go slower and stay in my target heart rate. I need to find out whether that would be better or if I"m okay going faster and doing more of a cardio workout. I've really enjoyed walking outside, but I joined the gym because it is starting to get colder and I don't want any excuses (weather) to keep me from continuing my progress.
  • mzmeka
    mzmeka Posts: 16 Member
    I started walking a couple of miles first, then found a new path and it was a little over 3 and then I decided to add enough to make it 4 and try to complete it within 1 hour. My goal is to do the 5k's in under 45 minutes. I just joined a local gym on Saturday and am going to meet with a trainer this Saturday and am hoping she will help me plan the best way to prepare for the 5k's and start some strength training for my upper body as well. When I got on the elliptical machine on Saturday, it said that for a fat burn workout, I should go slower and stay in my target heart rate. I need to find out whether that would be better or if I"m okay going faster and doing more of a cardio workout. I've really enjoyed walking outside, but I joined the gym because it is starting to get colder and I don't want any excuses (weather) to keep me from continuing my progress.

    You are very smart to get into the gym to avoid having the excuse to use. The trainer should definitely be able to advise if staying within your target heart rate is better for burning fat. I was thinking of trying the couch 2 5k running plan. I will begin with trying to walk for 30 minutes every other day. I know my lil pup with appreciate that!
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Hi...My goal is to at least lose 100 pounds (I've lost 60 in 135 days so far).....I would love to become friends with anyone who would love support as well as give support :)

    We Can Do This!!! :smile:

    Wow. Great job! How did you lose your last 60 pounds?

    I owe a lot to MFP (this is a program that I've actually stuck with...having friends that motivate and support are so extremely important). I keep my calories normally between 1200-1400 and exercise daily (started out walking, then power walking...and now I'm running)...feeling better than I ever did before.

    Wishing you much success.....remember this, We Can Do This!!!!!